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More efficient to play ranked for the comms?


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Efficient in what sense?


If you need regular comms then you aren't getting those any faster in ranked arenas when compared to regular warzones. Factoring in the added queuetime almost all servers have for solo/group ranked.


If you don't need regular comms for any upgrades then you should be geared appropriately enough for ranked and there's no reason you shouldn't be queueing as such. Of course you'll get ranked comms faster in ranked.


Not that I'd condone the following actions but if you think you're just going to lose every single game then from a comms/hour point of view it's probably still worth it as long as you area DPS with access to either taunts or viable offheals. You'll still likely get you your 8 medals or close to even in a losing match.


As a tank/healer I wouldn't say it'd be worth it. In a losing match(2-0) you'll likely walk off with 2/3 medals due to spending half the game CC'd or dead being a primary target for such things.


However if the previous two paragraphs are relevant I'd say you're missing the point entirely. If you don't actually want to play ranked then don't. The gear is not ahuge upgrade, getting it slower will not affect your quality of life in the warzones in the slightest.

Edited by CaptainApop
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Thats what I was asking. Would I get ranked comms faster by playing ranked. I wasnt sure if it was just about the same or faster playing ranked. I could care less about rating. I'm fully geared/augmented in obroan with a few brutalizer pieces, but it takes me forever to play regs to gear up.
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Thats what I was asking. Would I get ranked comms faster by playing ranked. I wasnt sure if it was just about the same or faster playing ranked. I could care less about rating. I'm fully geared/augmented in obroan with a few brutalizer pieces, but it takes me forever to play regs to gear up.


For getting brutalizer ranked is faster if they are popping.

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Thats what I was asking. Would I get ranked comms faster by playing ranked. I wasnt sure if it was just about the same or faster playing ranked. I could care less about rating. I'm fully geared/augmented in obroan with a few brutalizer pieces, but it takes me forever to play regs to gear up.


The answers yes then, I'd imagine this is true at primetime on most serves. if ranked is totally dead on your server then obviously this point is moot.


A win in ranked will net you as many ranked comms as three wins in regs would. The average arena game is around half the length of the average warzone, if that. Even with the added time spent queueing it's much faster.


The most ranked comms with the least effort I would imagine involves doing the daily warzone quests (thus completing the weekly over a few days) and filling the remainder of your time with ranked queues thus completing the ranked quests once they are added.

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I should also mention I play concealment .. lol


Its my only character that I've played since launch.


Well that's something I guess. Might not be worth the pain and suffering on average but I guess it depends how the pvp'ers on your server are. Concealment is among if not the worst spec in ranked arenas, especially in solo.


Long as you win the odd the game it'll still be fastest but conc won't see too many medals in losses since you're pretty much going to be the squishiest thing on your team every game (first target). Up to you if it's worth the hassle over just regstarring your way to brutalizer.


Silver lining is this is pre-season so it's not like anyone with any sense gives a **** about their rating.

Edited by CaptainApop
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Yes its worth doing ranked right now it preseason

You get no rating and only comms now is the time to gear and practice in either solo or group

If solo isn't popping form groups to queue against

I made over 3000 ranked comms in just 1day doing only ranked


It's preseason get in there And get geared or you will be unprepared for season 2


Btw concealment isn't that bad you got the burst just play smart above all go for medals

As you can get upto 65comms for a loss 30 if you get no medals

Even 30 is equal to a win in normals with comm conversion

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Short answer: Ranked is more efficient if:

a) ranked queues are popping at a decent rate

b) you win decently often


You have to consider that you can complete an arena in less than 3 minutes, while most reg warzones will take around 12-13 minutes unless you blow out a Huttball or 3-cap.


If arenas are slow to pop or you are losing more often than winning, it can be slower. Keep in mind that sometimes arenas can take a lot longer to pop then regs, so you may or not be able to get more comms in arenas in the same amount of time you spend on warzones. Even for a loss in regs, you can get 130 comms I think if you get a lot of medals, but you rarely get more than 60-70 comms for a loss in arena, and it can be as little as 30.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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