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How Are Warzones/GSF Here?


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Regarding Warzones, land PvP, it seems that Imperials are winning much more frequent. However when a pub premade decides to drop by there's a chance the imps might lose. However there are only 3-4 pub premades an imp should worry about.


Regarding GSF, from what I've seen, heard and played. It's rather balanced here. Imps win one, pubs win one. It kind of goes like that.


Prime time for both type of PvP are between 11:00 AM until around 11:00 PM. So you'll have a 12 hour gap to queue for both.


Hope to see you on the server soon! If you're pub, feel free to add Cavy and we can chat. If you're imp, feel free to add Dorathexplorer and once again, we can chat.



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Hope to see you on the server soon! If you're pub, feel free to add Cavy and we can chat. If you're imp, feel free to add Dorathexplorer and once again, we can chat.




You're on my friends but never on to chat!?!?! vvot is this

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GSF I think pubs have a few more aces than imps, though I don't see them flying around as often. Or maybe it's because I rarely fly late at night anymore. But whether imps have their aces or not, they seem to be a little more coordinated than us pubs sometimes.
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