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Trooper heals: Full Aim augments?


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I've getting into pvp more, so naturally I've been experimenting with augments. I've spent a lot of time scouring the net, but many sources are outdated due to patches, so I've been getting conflicting results.


Since I feel that trooper heals are a slightly gimped (feel free to disagree), I've been trying to get the most bang for my buck, so in theory, crit would be the way to go with that. At the moment, I'm running with few diff augs in the areas of: Aim, Power, and Crit. About 2 or 3 of each.


Also, I've been thinking about some defense augs, since as a healer in pvp, I'm always getting dog-piled and the extra health seems to help a bit, but some argue to not worry about health and instead, stack the stats you need. What are people's thoughts on this?

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If you want more bang for you buck you go full aims augs. You have a talent that adds an additional 9% of aim for every aim aug you equip. That will give you additional bonus heal and crit.


As for def augs... def works for like only 30% attacks you'll receive, so not really worth it .

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