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Level cap increase , sooner rather than later ? Isn't it later now ?


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I'd be surprised if 3.0 released this year. Expect a 2015 launch.

Which is unfortunate because ROTHC launched on time iirc.


RotHC came out early 2013, so an early 2015 launch of 3.0 would be just about 2 years.


Which is 1 year too long.


I think EA/Bioware's mistake is in not understanding that there really are three tiers of players.


1. Those who are F2P and will always be more or less F2P.


2. Those who are sub, ok to spend a bit of money, but nothing major, I'd drop the price to $10 a month for them.


3. The whales, those who buy 10 hypercrates on the GTN and have a hundred million credits. These people want more, and will pay for it.


Frankly, why not let the players put their money where their mouth is, offer a Kickstarter to fund Chapter 5-6-7 of the class stories (Chap 4 was Makeb so we have to skip that number), raise $20 million and they'll do another 50 levels of class stories from 60 to 110. I'd chip in a hundred bucks for that, and I imagine many others would as well.

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People like to complain a lot either the content isn't coming fast enough or they are not giving out info about upcoming content to suit your schedules. Sorry to say this but they don't work on your schedule they work on their own


You are 100% correct...


The players are also free to go play something else... EA isn't entitled to a customer base either. :)

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You are 100% correct...


The players are also free to go play something else... EA isn't entitled to a customer base either. :)


This is true but the company understands that they are not entitled to their player base and that those players can and sometimes do leave. However, The player base on the other hand don't seem to get that their perceived entitlement to things be it content or info is fictitious. :(

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I dunno, I really love this game but with the tech that's out there I find myself looking forward to the new Battlefront and "Open World Star Wars Game" they're working on. I don't care if the latter is on next gen consoles either, I'll play any Star Wars game I can get my hands on.

I would just like to say F U to Wildstar, quit taking my friends away from SWTOR!!

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RotHC came out early 2013, so an early 2015 launch of 3.0 would be just about 2 years.


Which is 1 year too long.


I think EA/Bioware's mistake is in not understanding that there really are three tiers of players.


1. Those who are F2P and will always be more or less F2P.


2. Those who are sub, ok to spend a bit of money, but nothing major, I'd drop the price to $10 a month for them.


3. The whales, those who buy 10 hypercrates on the GTN and have a hundred million credits. These people want more, and will pay for it.


Frankly, why not let the players put their money where their mouth is, offer a Kickstarter to fund Chapter 5-6-7 of the class stories (Chap 4 was Makeb so we have to skip that number), raise $20 million and they'll do another 50 levels of class stories from 60 to 110. I'd chip in a hundred bucks for that, and I imagine many others would as well.


ROTHC launched on time. "On time" in terms of it launched on the date they announced and to which they committed. Not in terms of time lapsed between one expac or another or relative lifespans of expacs.

The latest producer roadmap said 3.0 is going to be a 2014 release. My point was- we'll see if that actually happens because 1) given the common practice of delaying releases in the game industry and 2) BW's practice of extending release cadences this year plus the GSH delay, 3.0 in 2014 would be a pleasant surprise and not the norm. ROTHC coming in on time was a pleasant surprise.


Since they want to ride the buzz that GSH will create and let that sink in a bit with the community for a few months, I'd be surprised if 3.0 came in 2014. GSH is slated for October (unless you're early access). 3.0 PTS would have to come online around that time to make a December release. I don't think they want to overlap buzz or have 3.0 steal any of GSH's thunder by having one follow hot on the heels of the other- it gives gaming sites/word of mouth less time to percolate and get folks back in the groove. Plus it wastes valuable marketing 'capital'. So to milk the GSH hype as much as possible the only sensible thing is to delay 3.0 into 2015 by 2-3 months. Hopefully I'm wrong but we'll see.

Edited by Projawa
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I tend to agree with you, it would be around mid December at this point for 3.0, and releasing a major patch a week before Christmas is probably not smart.
Actually, releasing what is probably going to be paid expansion (like Makeb was) before Christmas makes a good deal of sense...


For that matter, Forged Allances is taking too long, I've already lost interest, it has been more than a month since I've run those FP. They talk a big game about a "new story arc", but when you release bits of the story 6 months apart, who cares?
With this, I agree, it should have come in 2.8


What we really need is appearance tabs. I have 15 alts and haven't changed any of their clothes since any of them hit 55, it simply costs too much. Moving the mods is bad enough, but to install a full set of augment slots? No thanks...
It serves as a credit sink. However, finding some way to have credit sinks in Appearance tab would probably solve that.
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My concern over the pace of content has nothing to do with what I feel I'm entitled to receive or not. I, in fact, am still gradually working through all existing operations at various group compositions and difficulties for my core 8 characters and I'm someone that plays pretty much daily. I get it that I'm not on the bleeding edge of Ops clears, but what percentage of the game base is?


No, my concern has a broader basis, which is the very survival of the game itself. I like the game. I enjoy the game. I don't want to see it disappear anytime soon , such as maybe within the next 2 years or so. But IF the pace of releases has slowed or will slow to that point within that time frame and an overseeing VP or manager pulls the plug in spite of the best efforts of the Dev team, then I would be concerned. I have no evidence of such and am not speculating about that. I'm simply saying that IF content release pace does turn out to have a detrimental effect on the game at large, I would be very disappointed. It would simply be reassuring, and no doubt invigorating to the community, to see the pace pick up at least a little bit.


I'd say it could also bring back some old blood, but I think that ship has sailed. People who I know that got burned out on this game by mowing through it are unlikely to come back for features that do not really put a big twist on the status quo of the actual game play. All the QOL stuff is great, housing, ships, class tweaks, UI tweaks, etc....; but that's not bringing any of them back. The only two things that might entice them are totally new classes that do not borrow the existing class stories (and hence new chapter 1-3 stories), or extended class stories for the existing 8; neither of which is presently likely.

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