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JJTEAMA suggestions for the game


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I'm having trouble keeping track of all my posts and all different topics so for now on I will be posting in this one topic for all games gestions I hope the developers please monitor this thread has all my input will be going into here for the suggestion box. Disclaimer.


disclaimer: originally I planned on just putting all my topics and you want to read but it was getting complained on so I started putting it in individual topic: flag because of that I cannot keep track of all the suggestions I have made so I'm going to go back to putting everything back into this one topic my apologies if some of the ideas are duplicates suggestions this is only because I cannot keep track of all the topics rides and I cannot remember all that I have suggested over the time of my time here my apologies and some of these are duplicates it is not intended



Added: controller.



This is not meant to replace the keyboard just make it easier to operate the game by putting in a key PC controller plugin you can map the functions of what you want on the controller and then for the stuff that doesn't fit stays on the keyboard




Add magnification magnifier glasses for every game menu that is in the swtor you have this for the map when you go look on your big map for your quest please add this feature for other things as well also he would have the ability to zoom in and out so you can go just how big you want what is displayed in the magnifier to be






Legacy server transfers. Just transfer the whole lot of characters instead of just one to a to a desired server


In case you accidentally put on get on the wrong server and you don't realize it till much later




User interface improvement. Because I am visually impaired I have to max out the size of everything just to read things as in normal player one the difficulty in this right now is as I mean game my quick bars on the right side of my screen are covering up my mini map. Is there a way to add a feature to change the size of individual icons trap in the face whether you're looking at an in game ticket journal entries for quest or preferences or change the size of the quick bars believe other item icons alone or change them to where they are much smaller As I am only looking for certain things to be increased in size when I am NOT using the interface. All menu screens. All icons no matter what they are aware they are what they do in this game need to have individual size adjustment the players able to customize things to their liking. / right now my quick bar to the right side of my screen for covering up my mini map this is an example of having the global interface I just everything and it not working out well that is why individual icon and screen increases for every item in the interface weather will be preferences or the user interface its different thing like quick bar and. And mini map and all other things need to have their own individual size adjustment

Edited by JJTEAMA
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Being a physically challenged player on my profile on my profile for this message board I have a very difficult time trying to play the game but I am still trying my best I told the person I was speaki I told the person I was speaking to you about this with the certain matter with the certain matter I was calling them out and she actually gave me c and she actually gave me credit for trying my hardest I'm playing this game I'm not gonna give up on this game but because it takes me so long to try to do anything in it


Quadruple XP days. These are special events that can be put in the game also when I told this to a customer representative they agreed wi on the computer

I don't know how many people are actually members of active guillds. For all my characters most of them are in guild but playlist when you looking to see who's online is dark that means you're not on the game so it's basically a dead guild. for players that are not sitting dow on the

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Part 2 of the statement.



because it helps players it helps players that don't want to have to be stuck playing the game for 15 hours stuck on the computer trying to level up by themselves with no support from any other players you're not supposed to be suffering on yo you're not supposed to be suffering on your computer trying to level up.


Please consider this suggestion seriously developers it would help so many players

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to buy medical by using Republic credits. There are already options for players to buy certain in game items with credits or use cartel coins if they want to spend them


Maybe you can add this suggestion as one of the features with with credits


And put it in the cartel coins market


Of course you can set the price. What I mean by that is the Gamemakers the people that make this game will be setting the price for the item itself

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Test drive a speeder give players the ability to test drive any speed her before they permanently buy it you would be like test driving a car just set up a little area for it to be done Edited by JJTEAMA
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please no one else post anything in this topic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


You're not special, you don't get to spew a bunch of ideas, bad or not, and not expect criticism, that's not how life works.


Added: controller.



This is not meant to replace the keyboard just make it easier to operate the game by putting in a key PC controller plugin you can map the functions of what you want on the controller and then for the stuff that doesn't fit stays on the keyboard

You can already use a controller. Download a program and map your keybindings. Altering the game inherently to allow a controller would require dumbing it down to a point that it would be awful.


Quadruple XP days. These are special events that can be put in the game also when I told this to a customer representative they agreed wi on the computer

I don't know how many people are actually members of active guillds. For all my characters most of them are in guild but playlist when you looking to see who's online is dark that means you're not on the game so it's basically a dead guild. for players that are not sitting dow on the

Double XP is already pretty darn quick, and anything more than that just defeats the whole purpose of leveling. Why not just give people max level characters at that point?

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The reason for all my posts to here is. To keep track of all my ides also to help developers find one place for all my suggestions



But seeing as how I'm having difficulty doing that you may want to look me up on another site


http://www.reddit.com/user/JJTEAMA. This is for the developers in case they want you look me up some other way in case my subscription dies off and I am unable to renew it. I am only trying to help my voice heard in the same amount as http://oryan-star.deviantart.com/ else is also on behalf of other disabled gamers

Edited by JJTEAMA
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Like the double lightsaber but both beams would be coming out of one side


Almost like a capital y shape for this weapon. And you could have two different color crysta



The next version is like the same thing but you can have on both sides of the lightsabers I capital shape. Y on one end and the capital Y shape on the other


Or instead of two beams you can have 4 beems on each side.


Call it a quad saber

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To clarify my suggestion about the controller the reason I am requesting this for the game is because third party software can wreak havoc on work together sometimes w work together sometimes we don't and it reeks terrible havoc on and it reeks terrible havoc on a computer leaving leaving it to crash so if there is a Star Wars controller functionality designed for the game directly by developers this would solve the problem also voice interface ability for chat for faster abilities in communicating with your teammates in game
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The drunk trooper. This idea came to me because of the trooper storyline that does not seem to be any reason for motivation for him to go to the dark side so I thought maybe make him addicted to something and he needs to get his text so that's why he's on the starting. Planet. Attacking everything in sight. As the characters features change as they go down the dark side because of dark side corruption. This could be a result of his addiction use. Because of beer or drugs



Also the idea came to me because does stimulant sticks you have in game do kinda resemble drug paraphernalia


I mean people are fighting in a war zone getting stressed out having to do with post traumatic stress syndrome. / so maybe they're hanging out at the bar when you're not on duty or maybe when they're are. on duty

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Turning traitor. Just like how the original members of havoc squad turned traitor and joined the Empire side in the trooper storyline please give this option to all players in all classes for a new and interesting story and option to where they can be recruited by the other side
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to change th to change the color schemati schematic of everything in the interface like the inventory boxes and the maps because having everything just one color but different shades of it is difficult to see and if to distinguish from other things



I'm making the suggestion on behalf of anybody who had this problem



Give me the ability to increase the text size of the in game chat window also any menulis mi mission to do list

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Please give players the ability to adjust their individual icons in the user interface and the global adjuster in game settings. Have the ability to adjust the size of each individual icon for everything in the display for all icons that are displayed in game Edited by JJTEAMA
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Please add in a man you pop up I've been appo I've been appointed Player to see what level they are before you accept a door from them this is to help protect lower level players against a higher level players that are hunting them



the Relianc the Reliance faction their lev their level and their name

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Mailbox profile sender and receiver popup level and they're and they're faction to prevent mail getting sent to the wrong player by accident i to prevent mail getting sent to the wrong player by accident in case players are using similar names

Also this is an add on to my drukk trooper. Post.



Topic: also known as traders benefits



Where in the story get the option of the train your faction what are the Republic or Empire for a new and interesting storyline I do not remember if I've added this suggestion already so I'm putting a reminder right here

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What makes you better than any one else that makes a suggestion, that would be enough to get the eye of the Developers? Seriously, they won't look at this thread, because all your doing is spamming comments about poorly made and thought out suggestions, that benefit you, and probably a very small percentage of people. I stopped reading your posts, very early into this thread. Please stop.


Seriously, you aren't special, beyond your "Visual disabilities".

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To the guy who wrote in capital letter formats on able to read it thank you very much for doing that it very much help me to read your post I really appreciate


I am NOT stopping anybody else from making suggestions just because I put up one topic friends with my own suggestions in them this is only for the sole purpose of either packs as for myself I am NOT stopping anybody else for making suggestions for my stopping anybody else for making any other friends. I only asked that nobody else would post anything because I would not be able to answer it because everybody else writes in the text that I am unable to read and I did not want them wasting our time so I was trying to be considerate of others. That is all


As well as being accused of putting up spam everywhere I do not see the point of making multiple topics for one suggestion and losing track of said topic in developer community or whatever place you would posit sent a pic so I thought it would keep things much for compact and clean on this website for others if I posted things to a single topic space.



Also with the fact of having to pay a fee I would've imagined the people that have to pay to use this to post things too the website would be able to get along in peace and not be harassed by others



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