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A day in the life of a GSF pilot


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yeah, we (the "burger crew") are thinking of moving to the Harbinger as well, basically just for the faster Q's.


We do all have Imperial alts we play as well now when none of the Imperial regulars are around.


Pleased Statement: GOOD! :p


Humerus Retraction: Oh wait.


Statement: I actually enjoy this thread. I haven't read it in full, but I'm pleased with the way it has turned out. Imperial players on Pot5 have had it really rough. As a Republic player, it wasn't fun totally steamrolling the Imps after day 10 of 2.6. There was no real opposition because most Republic Players were upgraded, and most of the Imps weren't (at least when it came to the solo queue matches I was in until bombers came out). Then Bombers came out and it now feels like regular WZ pug matches. They can go either way, but in GSF the odds are more Imp 60%/ Pub 40% win rather than the usual Imp 85%/ Pub 15% win in a regular (ground) WZ.


Extrapolation: This is why we NEED cross server queuing. At this rate, it will be all Pub V Pub on some days, and Imp V Imp on other days.


Statement: I've gone against Whataburger and Warburger and other skilled players and the others they were with, and (despite the OP BLC of the FF (c'mon, you know it's still true *nudge*)) they had an easy time of face-rolling on their keyboard, A-move, roflstomp killing the poor pugs that I was stuck with. It got frustrating.


Contemplative: If I was in a pre-made group, things would have gone differently, but sadly I wasn't.


Observation: So far, I've seen most of the good Pub PvP players are in GSF, while all the good Imp PvP players are doing WZ. It's really odd and annoying.


Request: I think I read that the game engine or something like that can't do cross server queuing. If that's so then merge the servers again. PLEASE!!! And this time, merge the ones with bad Pub players and good Imp players (like Pot5) with those who have good Pub players and bad Imp players.


Correction: Err... I mean.... "less skilled players".


Statement: I've done the "Get gud" part. It's just frustrating for me to continue that when others are gudder and your own team is less gudder and don't work together/refuse to take direction.

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Statement: I've done the "Get gud" part. It's just frustrating for me to continue that when others are gudder and your own team is less gudder and don't work together/refuse to take direction.


People are trying to give directions on Pot5 ?


All I ever see is



Going C



These people are going up against groups that turn, target the same person and fire simultaneously.


It's as if Bioware is giving a big middle finger to anyone that wants to Q solo for GSF. I hate to say it but they are pushing me away from SWTOR with this attitude.

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People are trying to give directions on Pot5 ?


All I ever see is



Going C



These people are going up against groups that turn, target the same person and fire simultaneously.


It's as if Bioware is giving a big middle finger to anyone that wants to Q solo for GSF. I hate to say it but they are pushing me away from SWTOR with this attitude.


Yeah, the Burgers on PoT5 kinda ruin GSF when they log in (they queue in 4)...


If you play republic you either end up against them or with them, either way you have no fun since they coordinate attacks and you get massacred or get but a few scraps.


If you play imp it's worse, you face them until they stop playing, so you either try to farm the 4 others in a DTM or try to hold one point in Dominion (winning is not an option).


I know a few good pilots and new pilots alike that have made new characters in other servers to play GSF there... Pilots are leaving PoT5.

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