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Gear sucks, where do i start?


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Feel like i kind of rushed things.. Been playing just over 2 weeks and i hit 55 a few days ago and because my gear is so poor i dont know where to start. I am still using gear with 50 mods and enchants and 2 crafted sabers and 2 implants in the low 40's same with earpeice. I have looked at the guide on dulfy and looked at posts on the forums but because my gear is so poor i aint sure where to start or what to replace first. I only do PvE and i mostly solo doing dailys on Belsavis, Ildum, Section X and im in the middle of Makeb. Any advice on where to start or what to work towards? should i just save basic comms and just get the black market gear?.
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ok since you are undergeared: do sm flashpoints, then hard 50 fp, then lvl 50 ops, then 55hm fps then 55 ops


oricon storyline provides a full 156 armor pieces set, czerka storyline provides a primary weapon rating 156, can buy a hilt form the gtn..plenty of ways!

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Since you stated you did dailies, if you have moddable gear (in your armor slots) just buy the armorings/mods/hilts/enhancements (appropiate to your class) off of the gtn. That is the easiet route to go if you have the money to do so. Just look for the ones with "28" in the name (with the recent change to actual gear ratings i don't remember the exact number).


And at the very least get the level 53 earpiece/implants (gtn also) as they are relatively cheap.

Edited by DisturbedMalak
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The other option is pvp if you are willing. Bolster will put your gear at a decent enough level, and Obroan gear (unranked comms) is good enough for all SM ops. It also comes with a set bonus, and is easy to min-max due to 400 unranked comms (2-3 games) for a mod and 800 unranked comms for an enhancement (4-6 games), with access to every single enhancement.


If you go the PvP route, get this gear (including the names, optimised for maximum progress):



After picking up whats listed its 8 mods to optimised. This also assumes combat spec. Other specs need more accuracy via using the other vindicator implants and swapping one adept 29x enhancement for an initiative 29x (800 comms). Dotsmash also needs a 7th accuracy piece -_-


Once you get that, you augment with might ones when you feel like augmenting it, and feel free to use ops gear to replace everything that isn't a relic.


Oh and save your basic comms for isotope-5s for money or crafting 34s (I used to call em 78s but that naming system is now outdated). Anything else is significantly inferior

Edited by TACeMossie
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Ah thanks and yea i heard about the Oricon gear but i aint been there yet. I started on Makeb but not sure if Oricon is harder or not. I normally log in do Ildum > Belsavis > Section X and when bord i do Kuat for the 10 basic comms and rep apart from Kuat i aint tried any other flashpoints etc. Which weapons and relics are best to get could do with replacing those first.
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If you're 55, you should stop doing Ilum/Belsavis MaxSec and really focus on CZ-198 and Oricon, and maybe SecX; Czerka and Oricon will both be giving you more basic comms than SecX (especially if you do Oricon's bonus dailies). Try and find someone to help you start out on Oricon, as the starter line gives you gear. It's not great gear, but it's better than the stuff you can get from Makeb's comm vendor at 50. Should also do the Czerka tacticals for gear and comms to prep you for 55 HMs and, eventually should you choose, operations. As already mentioned, PvP is another option - if you can stomach it.


When you're spending comms, off-hand is typically always best to get first; as a Sentinel, your off-hand is important to all but one of your primary attacks (Dispatch). From there, you'd want to focus on getting pieces with accuracy to get as close to 100% melee as possible without wasting a lot of rating.

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The Black Market gear isn't bad for starting out. If you're doing those three planets' worth of dailies, you should be getting plenty Basics to make getting that Black Market gear quick and easy. With the Arkanian relics from the vendor, you probably want Serendipitous Assault and Boundless Ages. For implants, anything with power, accuracy, and/or surge. Edited by Bejarid
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The Black Market gear isn't bad for starting out. If you're doing those three planets' worth of dailies, you should be getting plenty Basics to make getting that Black Market gear quick and easy. With the Arkanian relics from the vendor, you probably want Serendipitous Assault and Boundless Ages. For implants, anything with power, accuracy, and/or surge.


I would actually skip the Arkanian vendor relics, and go straight to Oboron relics from PvP, they are much more useful and help more. If your willing to slog through PvP as a Sentnel, then you should go straight to Berserker Relics, which are on par with Dread Forged (I think? [if it isnt Dread Forged it's Underworld]) and are a HUGE upgrade for new players. Sentnel PvP though can be a bit rough...

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I would actually skip the Arkanian vendor relics, and go straight to Oboron relics from PvP, they are much more useful and help more.


True, but that's only if one is willing to play the masochist and attempt to PvP. Since the OP has really only mentioned PvE-oriented dailies, I assumed PvP wouldn't be his first choice for gear. Obroans are really solid relics, though, and relatively easy to obtain, now, and have better procs than the Underworld relics - the new Berserkers are still slightly weaker, I think, than Dread Forged, but not by much (~20 points less on the procs for the Zerkers, I think).


EDIT: The Brutalizer relics are in fact more like ~65 less proc points than Dread Forged; the UW relics also appear much weaker than Obroans (550 power from a UW SA, compared to 625 from an Obroan).

Edited by Bejarid
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