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Crafting/Selling Optimized Dread Forged Enhancements and Mainhands


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To those of you out there who are eagerly trying to seize craftable Dread Forged Mainhands and Optimized Enhancements, I am wiling to in exchange for Materials and a 400-500k Crafters Fee!


the Enhancements I currently can make are:

[Advanced Adept Enhancement 34] ---Power/Surge

[Advanced Battle Enhancement 34]---Crit/Surge

[Advanced Initiative Enhancement 34] ---Power/Accuracy

[Advanced Insight Enhancement 34] ----Crit/Alacrity

[Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 34]----Power/Alacrity


The Mainhands I can Currently Craft are:

[Advanced Might Hilt 34]

[Advanced Resolve Hilt 34]

[Advanced Skill Barrel 34]


Prices and Fees are negotiable within reason. I do not have any qualms about people seeking to learn the schematics for themselves. however I would appreciate blunt honestly and I am pretty observant about these kind of things. i will post on this thread once i learn more recipes and i am a very trustworthy individual with a history in Selling and crafting Via trust-trades with numerous people in the past and present!


for any questions, comments, concerns, or interests in me crafting or selling you a Piece of gear, you can contact me on Imperial Side. my character names are Níght ( alt code 0237 for the i character) or my primary crafter: Preia.

have a wonderful day and i look forward to gear peoples up! :D

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