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Lets have a look at this hybrid post 2.7.


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Greetings, since we are always looking into new and better ways to kill enemies the Sentinels of the german Guild Enclave on Jarkai Sword have developped a new Hybrid for PvP. The most work goes to the Main Tank and the Top DPS of our first Raidgroup. Alternative Build postet in this thread has been included^^


Watchman/Combathybrid: The Original Way of Smash and Burn

Build used for Demonstration: 17/21/8


Alternative Build: (Slash falls out of the Rotation here, will need to be testet)




1. Precisionslash

2. Masterstrike


3. Saberoverload

4. Slash

5. Blade Storm

6. Kauterize

(6. Crippling Trow)


8. Zealous Strike

9. Forceleap

10. Strike


Things to know when using it:

You play with the Juyo Form active.

Rebuke is very important for you when encountering annoying enemies, use it when you eat damage since it does more damage to the enemy and gives you Focus back.

You have a ramp up time, use your Crippling Throw and other abilities like TwinSaberThrow or Leg Slash to keep classes with more CC Abilities in your Hit Range.

Use Zen wisely, you have the Juyo-Form active so push Zen when you got 2-3 Stacks on a target and not when you only got Kauterize on them.

Don´t Precisionslash if you haven´t made sure your enemy won´t run out of your hitrange in the worst case just put him in a Stasis if you forgot to crippling throw or stunjump him.

Go for healers, if you keep krippling throw up you won´t find a healer easily who will be able to do anythin else than try to heal him against your damage. Sages comming about this their LOLBubble ability tend to be a bit more bothersome, if you forget to kick their heals, you got 3 abilities to do so one of CD you know;-)

Go for tanks, you are more effective against tank as you may believe. First of all your DoTs are Elemental Damage and ignore Armour there for, second you got that precision slash and cripling throw. Believe me when I tell you tanks are more attractive for you to kill then the random DPS.

Go for Turrets, you have a longer range on pacify so you may just avoid that Gunslingers Cast after he has rolled away. Even after the recent bufs you will encounter little problems with the random Ranged DPS except you tend to like to stand with your back against deep falls or firepits.

Go for Stealthers, nowadays many random Bobs tend to go for Stealth DPS Classes without knowing how to play, take advantage of them but be careful if you encounter a good one they tend to be a little bit deadly if you don´t got anything to stop them.

Don´t go for Sents, as of the recent further population reduction less Bobs tend to run around with ther Smashmonkey twinks, if you encounter a Sentinel it goes after the old game: who has more Def CDs and whose got the better understanding of the Class.



I postet this spec here so you may test it in an enviroment where the enemies are stronger/weaker or more/less numerous. It will be helpful to have some constructive Critic. Play around with the Idea and see if we have another spec that is viable in PvP. For PUG 8Man it definetly is quit fun:D

Edited by Atlanis
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The problem with this build, is the problem with watchman in general, cleansable DOTs. Until they make watchman DoTs uncleansable, it will always be the least used build in rated pvp. The rotation lacks real burst, since you dont have Blade Rush and all the perks that come with it (combat tree) and dont have merc slash, to help with burst from Watchman. So you have nothing but sustained dps, with cleansable dots, and no real burst. Forget about lack of utility with roots from combat too. It might do ok in unranked pvp, but will be a detriment to rated.
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The problem with this build, is the problem with watchman in general, cleansable DOTs. Until they make watchman DoTs uncleansable, it will always be the least used build in rated pvp. The rotation lacks real burst, since you dont have Blade Rush and all the perks that come with it (combat tree) and dont have merc slash, to help with burst from Watchman. So you have nothing but sustained dps, with cleansable dots, and no real burst. Forget about lack of utility with roots from combat too. It might do ok in unranked pvp, but will be a detriment to rated.


I'm using Burn2Root which allows for Combat's roots and utility.

Edited by Ramtar
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The problem with this build, is the problem with watchman in general, cleansable DOTs. Until they make watchman DoTs uncleansable, it will always be the least used build in rated pvp. The rotation lacks real burst, since you dont have Blade Rush and all the perks that come with it (combat tree) and dont have merc slash, to help with burst from Watchman. So you have nothing but sustained dps, with cleansable dots, and no real burst. Forget about lack of utility with roots from combat too. It might do ok in unranked pvp, but will be a detriment to rated.


How often do you see your DoT's get cleansed in PvP? I swap to watchman for a few days every month, and the only time I see my DoT's cleansed are when an op roles away from me. I can't remember the last time I saw a healer cleanse my DoT's. As for your assessment of this build, I think you are pretty much correct. Damage from the combat tree is pretty mediocre unless you are running ataru form to get the associated procs.

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I might try this setup which allows for Combat's roots and utility.


Hmm, interesting haven´t thought of this spec. I will try it for sure. A Rootbreaker on Camouflage, better Bladestorm and a root on masterstrike, in return you loose the stronger rebuke and the slash crit, would mean bladestorm moves up in the priority list a bit. I will edit into the first post as an alternative build.


After one week:

It would also help with the biggest problem I have in the original tree, people running away;) DoTs only got despelled by chance: Sage LolBubble, Sniper Self cleanse, but don´t really matter much as the DoTs tick away really fast. Over the last week I tend to dominate in 1 v 1 situations that don´t involve other Sentinels or good Scrappers/Shadows. Especially healers are soloable easily. Overall DPS tends do be higher for me than in focus spec, but I don´t like focus Spec. If I look at the bette Focus and Combat Sents on the Server we tend to be overall on par for overall DPS in 8man and in Arena. Most of the times you are ahead of all other classes, you proove quite effective killing tanks even when they are healed and have guarded the healer.


As for pressure damage, well your DoTs make up for about 1/2 of your Damage, they tick quit fast and the combination of DoTs + Masterstrike tends to be quite hard to heal away even if you don´t have precision slash active. At least our ranchor owning healer had quite a problem when we tested the best "Cookiecutter" in some duells. Having a downtime after precision went on CD isn´t much of a issue here as your dots already have a 100% penetration due to there damage type and if both are up do more damage than Healing trance may heal (except if you got very bad critluck). It gets harder when the heal despells in the correct moment, (3rd stack of saberoverload) or if he is an able kiter. Still they will fall, why sages tend to proove a lot harder than the other two due to there ridiculess overpowered lolbubble that got a shorter cd than or Saber Ward btw. Remember to keep that crippling throw up and your DoTs, they are your key to hunting targets..


Negatives: You die quite fast in focus fire so try not to get too much attention:-P


Anyone else used it in the last week or so, any other oppinions based on live action? As people here a mostly theorycrafting, actually play it before you say its not worth it;)

Edited by Atlanis
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