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Leveling Marauder with 30% PVP time, Rage or Annihilation?


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Leveling Marauder with 30% PVP time, Rage or Annihilation?


I have been reading through the threads, and there are alot of people talking about the pros of both of these specs for PVP, thouogh only a little bit of discussion regarding PVE in conern with going Rage Spec.


I am also looking for a spec that I don't have to wait till 30 or 40 to start really getting good use out of it.


I am not particularly looking to solo Heroic 2s ( I do that on my Sorc enough and to be honest is a waste of time overall ).


I do want to be able to take on 2 Silvers, or a Elite and a Silver, or some mob setup like that.


How would Annihilation or Rage deal with the Mob setup I just mentioned, and conversely how would Annihilation or Rage work in PVP while leveling ( 11-39, as I concider 40+ to have most of the tools that one would really need, at least that is how it is on my Sorcerer )


I am not considering Carnage as I have heard too many issues regarding the spec, in concern with PVP at least.


My leaning is to go Rage, but as I have seen almost no comments on Rage in PVE, it leaves me wanting to know more before I commit.


For PVE I plan on using either Quinn or Jaesa as my primary companion, though I am open to suggestions.


I am also a Biochem with the supporting mission and gather, so I will have perma versions of my heals/stims/adrenals which should help out reasonably well.

Edited by frostbytex
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Annihilation is our best spec at least until level 39. I'll do more testing post 40. I burn through Silvers with a single roation.


Charge >> Deadly Saber >> Rupture >> Ravage >> Saveage Kick = Dead silver.


Taking out a gold is maybe three or four more GCD.


I've never left a fight with less than 50% health in my leveling from 25-39. And I use a DPS companion.

Edited by Nmaharg
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But how is Annihilation in PVP, the few people I have talked to online seem to either avoid pvp completely, or say they weren't liking it.


Personally I love it. You completely tear through people. Learn the rotation, and you'll be a real handful, cause you'll completely slaughter anyone in front of you.


A quick vid I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9A4UnEe65s

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annihaltion = survivability (is the best out the three in regards to this) - 1 on 1 = no1 stands a chance , 2 on 1 = highly likely to come out on top or at least take one down


lacks burst, as damage has to be built up, but once all our bleeds are up target is pretty much dead


rage = very good burst, very mobile spec - BUT not very good compared to Anni in regards to survivability - it's less forgiving and you have to be very clever on the way u approach opponents



Again playstyle here, with Anni you can expect to beat anyone if it's a 1 on 1 - (For ex taking a node in alderaan protected by 1 (or 2 people depending on situation) ) or Rage which is the best if your running with a friend or you have back up and just want to take targets down quickly


I prefer Anni - but up 2 u here

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Are there certain atks ( skills ) that I shouldn't be using anymore, being level 11, I have 10 keybinds just for combat. This compared to having that many at level 40 for Sorcerer, I am wondering if there are some that I am able to dump now.


I was assuming that there would be maybe 9 to 11 all the time skills, and the rest are either retired ( there are plenty retired on my Sorcerer ) or that wouldn't be used often at all.


At level 11 to 19 what would my rotation look like?

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well rotation at that low level is just priority - but always keep Crippling slash up dats all -


Run in battering Assault/Force Leap - Crippling Slash - Rupture - then jus do whateva till either crippling slash has run out on target or rupture is off cd


If your going Anni then you obtain deadly saber in 20's, daz when you activate deadly saber as soon as you enter combat and apply rupture, but with the other specs just do what I had described before

(Rupture is really powerful even if your not Anni specced due to the damage being elemental - ignores all armor)


This is pvp btw in pve ignore crippling slash

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