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Bring Back the choices


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The title might not be on topic of what my suggestion is but here I go.


We have two factions right now for SWTOR, with 4 types for each faction (Sith Warrior, Sith Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Imp Agent, etc).


Now lets think about them, you have a bounty hunter, and a smuggler - That will work for any one that is giving them the credits.....Why not allow them to choice what faction they want to be on....


City of Heroes had the Rouge part, to allow the user to switch their character from being a hero to villain, and back again......


I Think this would be a good expansion and would bring back a few to come play the game.


So I am a Jedi Knight, I turn and join the Sith, give a story line that does that, new missions to become a sith, and maybe even give the user the option to leave the dark side and join back up with the jedi... (Add missions to do this, they have to complete the missions before becoming what they want)


Make a 3rd faction, so bounty hunters, smugglers can switch to allowing them to work for both sides. Even add a new type - the mercenary, pirates, Mandarins etc...


Add some more races, like Yoda's (Lannik I think), some people want to make a Hutt, even a Wookie.... Making a Wookie Mercenary = hell yes!

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The title might not be on topic of what my suggestion is but here I go.


We have two factions right now for SWTOR, with 4 types for each faction (Sith Warrior, Sith Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Imp Agent, etc).


Now lets think about them, you have a bounty hunter, and a smuggler - That will work for any one that is giving them the credits.....Why not allow them to choice what faction they want to be on....


City of Heroes had the Rouge part, to allow the user to switch their character from being a hero to villain, and back again......


I Think this would be a good expansion and would bring back a few to come play the game.


So I am a Jedi Knight, I turn and join the Sith, give a story line that does that, new missions to become a sith, and maybe even give the user the option to leave the dark side and join back up with the jedi... (Add missions to do this, they have to complete the missions before becoming what they want)


Make a 3rd faction, so bounty hunters, smugglers can switch to allowing them to work for both sides. Even add a new type - the mercenary, pirates, Mandarins etc...


Add some more races, like Yoda's (Lannik I think), some people want to make a Hutt, even a Wookie.... Making a Wookie Mercenary = hell yes!


Yoda's race is NOT a Lannik. Besides, Lucas put a clause in his contract that prevents ANY company from revealing what Yoda's race is. Also it is too late in the game to make a third faction as they would have to make a 1-50 story which they have said they will NOT do.


Also currently their are no plans for any faction switch and to be honest I am glad it is that way.

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Well, if they'd make a 1-50 story arc with wookies, at least the voice acting would easy to do - just ask your developers social questions before their first coffee. :p


I know you're making a joke, but the wookiee "voices" in SWTOR are TERRIBLE. I wanted to kill Bowdaar after listening to his convos. Not sure why they didn't use the sounds similar to wookiees in Clone Wars, but they didn't.

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I know you're making a joke, but the wookiee "voices" in SWTOR are TERRIBLE. I wanted to kill Bowdaar after listening to his convos. Not sure why they didn't use the sounds similar to wookiees in Clone Wars, but they didn't.


This to infinity. Actually, all of the "Alien conversations" are terrible. After just one charcter running through Nar Shaddaa I noticed that they have like 3 phrases in huttese that they just reorder for every "alien" conversation. There was one where a yellow male twilek said the same exact sentance -twice- I am not one for spacebarring conversations but if its huttese I'll sprain my finger. If I never hear "Wopi topi" ever again it would be wonderful...

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