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Devs: Do new "command" system AOE buffs stack?


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Do the accuracy/regen/speed/turning/evasion/healing effects of Combat Command, Tensor Field, and Repair Probes stack from multiple sources?


I have a dream ... of a team of Bloodmarks all using Tensor Field at the beginning of a match ... and then ripping open a hole in spacetime.


More pragmatically, right now a single Imperium built for durability, and running Repair Probes, is a great counter to a single Bomber. The Imperium can put out enough healing so that it and its allies can survive volleys of seismic/interdiction mines--at least long enough for the Bomber to be destroyed.


However, what if there are two such Bombers, both putting out seismic/interdiction mines? The AOE damage from their mines obviously "stacks" on opponents. Would two Imperiums with Repair Probes be able to stack their AOE healing to counter?


If not, then it's just another example of why stacking Bombers need to be addressed in some way. If you can stack AOE DPS, you need to be able to stack AOE healing/mitigation. Otherwise the best counter to a Bomber is always going to be another Bomber.

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From what limited testing I've done, neither stack with their same-named buff. Probes do not stack with other Probes, and Tensor does not stack with another Tensor. Repair Probes and Repair Drone do stack, though.


Damage from multiple seismic mines should not stack either then :p Same for multiple slows from multiple Interdiction Mines (this may already be the case).

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Damage from multiple seismic mines should not stack either then :p Same for multiple slows from multiple Interdiction Mines (this may already be the case).


Seismics are secondary weapons, though. That component slot is designed, on all ships, to do damage. Seismics might do too much damage individually, but I don't think the stacking is any worse than railgun stacking. That said, if you compare it to two people trying to get proton locks on you...


You could make an argument against the damage from interdiction and concussion mines, and the energy drain from ion mines, but remember that you get a lot of damage output from, say, Targeting Telemetry. The difference comes in the level of area denial, ease of use, and ease of avoidance.

Edited by Armonddd
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Seismics are secondary weapons, though. That component slot is designed, on all ships, to do damage. Seismics might do too much damage individually, but I don't think the stacking is any worse than railgun stacking. That said, if you compare it to two people trying to get proton locks on you...


You could make an argument against the damage from interdiction and concussion mines, and the energy drain from ion mines, but remember that you get a lot of damage output from, say, Targeting Telemetry. The difference comes in the level of area denial, ease of use, and ease of avoidance.


Look at ground PvP. Let's say three smugglers on the other team all cast XS Flyby on my location. All of the damage from those three stacks.


If there are three operative healers on my PvP team, all three can be healing me at once in order to keep me alive as I stand there.


In GSF, we now have three "heal other" abilities, and it seems none of them can stack. If there are three Imperiums on a team, all with Repair Probes, there's a high probability that their heals are going to be wasted because of non-stacking rules.


Yet if three Bombers roll in, they don't ever have to worry about their DPS being wasted.


We're standing on a precipice here. At some point, people are going to all start flying Seismic/Interdiction Minelayers in wings. Send 2-4 to each node and Scouts and Strikes simply cannot exist there. A large number of Gunships could harass the Bombers, but I'm not sure they could dislodge them long enough to wrest the satellite away.


I had hoped that the Imperium would prove to be at least a partial counter--and it does quite well against a single S/I Minelayer, but if heals don't stack then 2+ Imperiums against 2+ S/I Minelayers have no chance.


At any moment, Domination could become a duel of elephants with almost no skill required or a determining factor. Two S/I Minelayers dueling against each other often comes down to lucky timing when placing mines (since your mines can destroy their mines, and vice versa).


If GSF didn't have AOE damage, then there'd be no need for stacking healing. You could simply say, "If an ally is being focused by more than one foe, no amount of healing should keep him up." But Mines and Drones do not require "focus" at all. They just cause AOE death in an area, and in Domination, you HAVE to be in certain areas to win.

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Damage from multiple seismic mines should not stack either then :p Same for multiple slows from multiple Interdiction Mines (this may already be the case).

I'm fairly certain (though not completely because this doesn't happen often) that the slows from multiple Interdiction Mines do not stack. Many slows do, though. Most buffs/debuffs that are not from the same component do stack (Repair Probes and Repair Drone stack, for example).


In GSF, we now have three "heal other" abilities, and it seems none of them can stack. If there are three Imperiums on a team, all with Repair Probes, there's a high probability that their heals are going to be wasted because of non-stacking rules.

True, but not everyone should be running the same cookie-cutter build. Further, if you're choosing a ship that gives clear advantages to group play why select it if you know it'll be ineffective? (I see your point though, and I don't necessarily disagree with it, but imagine how quickly it could get out of hand.)


We're standing on a precipice here. At some point, people are going to all start flying Seismic/Interdiction Minelayers in wings.

And then they all start running massive damage reduction through Charged Plating and other components, so they also don't kill each other. Every satellite will be a ball of unkillable bombers dropping frequent AoE nukes. *shudder*

Edited by TrinityLyre
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