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Cosmetic Paint Job Customizations


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Something we already have is the option to invert the colors of our paint jobs on our ships. Something else I think would be nice would be to just disable one of those colors altogether.


For example one of my favorite dyes on my pub fighters is the blue and turquoise combo, but really I'd much rather just turn off the turquoise and just show the blue parts sometimes.

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Something we already have is the option to invert the colors of our paint jobs on our ships. Something else I think would be nice would be to just disable one of those colors altogether.


For example one of my favorite dyes on my pub fighters is the blue and turquoise combo, but really I'd much rather just turn off the turquoise and just show the blue parts sometimes.


so basically something like a blue/blue combo or the primary/secondary slot coloring like we have with dyes? That sounds good to me.

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so basically something like a blue/blue combo or the primary/secondary slot coloring like we have with dyes? That sounds good to me.


Yes and no. Yes in that you sort of hit what I mean, but no because it just adds more stuff to the cartel market in terms of what we buy directly, or obtain through packs.


I'm simply saying have an option on the dyes as they are set now, another button adjacent to the "Invert Colors" button, to disable one color or the other so that only one will show. Not necessarily make all the areas covered that one color. Just simply don't show the one we don't want to see.


Think of it more like the options to hide helm or dark side corruption.

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I think what you're suggesting sounds more like a Primary Color dye, where you slap it in and just get the one color, either Primary or Secondary.


It's possible they could approach it that way, and if they give us more color options in the future (and the ones that they have been giving us have been very nice, thank you very much, guys, I've got almost all of them so far!), I expect it will probably look more like Primary and Secondary slot items rather than having to code a whole 'nother button into the interface.

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