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Chronological Story Order?


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The thing is, you can't assume that just because every class' story takes place over a long period that the timespans that get skipped over all happen simultaneously. If there's several months over the course of a story, there's a lot of room for events to not happen concurrently. Which was my point.


No, some do happen after other. I don't think there is anyone who can deny BH story happening first(or second). But what I was on about was that the difference in time between class stories isn't particularly large. Which, when you think about it, is actually true.

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The agent story seems to be at the tail end of the empire campaign.



When the agent arrives we find that Garza is on Corellia and the Consular's forces are on the way. So the trooper's interlude between Voss and Corellia has taken place, although the trooper may not have arrived yet.


By the time the agent reaches the Star Cabal, Corellia has been won by the republic and the main antagonist for the Knight on Corellia is dead. So the agent story more coincides with the Republic timeline and (the last part) occurs at least right after the Knight is done on Corellia, but maybe before the attack on Drumund Kaas. The republic wins while he is in transit to the Cabal.


I'm told the Warrior comes before the Inquisitor because Thanaton is there when you kill Baras.


Question: Does the two sith stories end with the empire still having won or do they end with the knowledge that the republic took Corellia back? Is Baras still mentioned as alive and running things when the agent is done?



I was told that the ending order was BH, IA, SW and SI. But kind of thinking it'll be BH, SW, SI, IA.


Generally speaking the Empire story is before the Republic. That being said, what order do the Republic stories end and what brought you to that conclusion? Seems like the smuggler's Corellia story can fit anywhere, including the imperial timeline so far, but I'm not thru with it yet.

Edited by Dayshadow
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The Smuggler's story is before the Consular (and possibly before the Knight, also). While what the Smuggler is doing on Corellia doesn't have a whole lot to do with the battle (after you find Darmus Polloran, anyway), the Republic seems to be pretty badly on the defensive while you're on-world ("YO THIS ONE TUNNEL BEING OPEN MAKES US LOSE. HALP!").


Another point of evidence for the early nature of the Smuggler story:



The Smuggler, upon killing the Voidwolf essentially breaks the Imperial blockade on Corellia by grinding the pirate fleet into the Imperial one - allowing the Knight to land and rally the troops, and the Consular to arrive with reinforcements.



EDIT: The Smuggler is also on Alderaan before the Bounty Hunter. The item you deliver as a Smuggler is already on display in the Alde Royal Museum when you go there as a BH.

Edited by Diviciacus
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The Smuggler's story is before the Consular (and possibly before the Knight, also). While what the Smuggler is doing on Corellia doesn't have a whole lot to do with the battle (after you find Darmus Polloran, anyway), the Republic seems to be pretty badly on the defensive while you're on-world ("YO THIS ONE TUNNEL BEING OPEN MAKES US LOSE. HALP!").


Another point of evidence for the early nature of the Smuggler story:



The Smuggler, upon killing the Voidwolf essentially breaks the Imperial blockade on Corellia by grinding the pirate fleet into the Imperial one - allowing the Knight to land and rally the troops, and the Consular to arrive with reinforcements.



EDIT: The Smuggler is also on Alderaan before the Bounty Hunter. The item you deliver as a Smuggler is already on display in the Alde Royal Museum when you go there as a BH.


I just finished the Smuggler story.



It never says that your actions broke any blockade. The only reference to a blockade I've seen is in the trooper story, but Garza's privateers are able to get forces thru it. I'm told that I shifted the balance, but there was nothing to lead me to believe that what occurred facilitated any other class story. Neither the Knight, Smuggler or Consular stories mention any recent blockade breaking. You could interpret it that way, but it's not really a fact.


You are given 3 options.

1. Attack the Empire

2. Let's go pillage

3. I just want creds


Are you saying all three lead to the pirate fleet attacking the imperial fleet? Otherwise, the smuggler story would remain separate from the others. I found it odd that Saresh was introduced as if I already knew see was Supreme Chancellor? Does the World arc cover that because I'm doing that with the Consular now.


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