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The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Vancouver, British Columbia!


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The talk about strongholds approach really really confuses me.


One one hand it's

and on the other hand it's



First one makes me expect something a bit above lotro level an nothing near say wildstar. Second one - which is basically a "we're one upping everyone else tbh", coupled with the trailer talk of balconies and stairs as "features" ( I mean who would mention *stairs* just for the sake of it if they were just a part of a pre-made floor-plan) makes me dream big. As in I can design my own stronghold layout big. :confused:


Thank you for the write up.


Sadly, I couldn't go. It would have been about 2k (Travel there and back, food, hotel ((If I go to Vancouver, I am spending a few nights :p)). Couldn't spare the money :(

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Hey guys it was I who wrote the article! Richard from mcsluethgaming. Just wanted to clarify because there may be some confusion, everything stated in my article is pure paraphrasing based on a few notes and my own recollection of what was said so please don't take any of it as a direct quote!!! Just the general gist of what I recall take some of it with bit of a grain of salt. :)
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