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Hey guys.


Interested in rolling consular and shadow for tanking (and keeping my Jedi Knight as a Sentinel.. not that I have any choice! :p), just want to know how they stack up against the other tanking classes really and if it's worth it. Jedi Guardian seems the most obvious tank (and from previous MMO experience, the most classic probably) so I just want to know if they can compete against the 'purer' tanking classes?



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Yes, they can. While they use light armor (and therefore have lower base armor), they get a 150% armor buff, as opposed to the other tanks getting a 60% armor buff, as well as a 5% higher base dodge chance. From a survivability standpoint, they are just as tough as the other tanks, and, to top it off, they get more self heals than any other tank.


There are 2 issues with Kinetic tanks, however.


The first is that it takes commitment to level up as Kinetic. The first 30 levels are utterly terrible thanks to a lack of tanking gear, especially shields, and a complete lack of useful abilities (for the first 20, you're best off just spamming Double Strike and ignoring everything else you've got except for some Force Breach). You only start using abilities other than DS and FB when you get talents to augment them, though this isn't a problem exclusive to Kinetic Shadows; it applies to all of 'em, it just hurts Kinetics more because our talents like that are substantially later.


The second is that, compared to the other tanks, we've got pretty bad AoE threat generation. Slow Time, Force Breach, and Whirling Blow are incredibly light hitters and cost absurd amounts of Force for their effects (though ST and FB are more applied for their debuff than their damage). You'll still be able to AoE tank but not as well as the other tanks. Of course, you rule the school where ST threat is concerned, so you can be happy about that.


Something else to keep in mind is that Kinetic Shadows are very skill intensive. Unlike Guardians and Vanguards, Shadows have a *lot* of power interaction and CDs that you have to pay attention to. Player skill matters a lot in how well a Kinetic is going to perform, so, if you want to tank standing around and slamming buttons, Shadow is not going to work well for you. You gotta pay attention and use your resources intelligently.

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Player skill matters a lot in how well a Kinetic is going to perform, so, if you want to tank standing around and slamming buttons, Shadow is not going to work well for you. You gotta pay attention and use your resources intelligently.


Challenge accepted! ;D

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