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Enhanced GSF Dalies / Weeklies

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So I decided to re-do this post in essence since after further thought my original idea was kind of moot:


The GSF pilot pool is generally only a small fraction of a servers player base. Why you ask? Because there is nothing to make people want to play (despite being a fan of space shooters) The only incentive to play the game is to level up your starfighters so you are better equipped for pvp.


I have wracked my brain trying to find ways to introduce incentives for playing GSF. So far the best idea seems to be introducing a factional fleet reputation and a vendor. First off, do you like this idea? Secondly what are some things you would like to see on this vendor:


Here are some things I would like to see:


1.) Factional GSF Vendor (Earn reputation / tokens from completing matches, can be used to buy items from factional vendor - could be tied in with current Kuat FP vendor{Gavin_Kelvar})


Factional ship mounts (we already have the flashfire - this could be tied to mastering or purely for req/rep)

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Materials

Special ship cosmetics (paint jobs especially)

Specialty Armor

Unique Ship Skins?



Another Issue I see is that GSF daily goes very quickly. While increasing the match count would be disliked, how about an additional GSF daily?


2.) Second GSF Daily - Quest automatically generates after initial daily is complete. (2 matches - similar rewards - maybe additional reputation)



3.) Fleet Requisition Token - This would allow players who complete x amount of dalies to get a ship requisition token that they can use to unlock any regular non-cartel ship. This would give new players a target to shoot for, and also allow for a little bit of experimentation so players can see what style they actually prefer.


So what are your thoughts on 1,2, and 3. Id love to see what people would like to see on the vendor as well.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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I kinda like the dailies being kept at 2 matches. If your team is getting steamrolled and this is your only time to be on you can complete the daily without having to suffer through more than 2 matches. Increasing to 6 would, I think, only make it more painful for newbies who might give up before getting their daily if their team is just getting repeatedly stomped. I wouldn't have a problem increasing the weekly match count though in exchange for more rewards.


I would like to see a 2nd daily added though. Maybe the 2nd could have a small fleet req reward?


I like the idea of the ship requisition token. Perhaps at the 25%, 50%, and 75% marks towards reaching the requirement for that token you could receive tokens that give you a 48 hour pass to use a fleet req ship of your choice (all stock components of course; perhaps flying this rather than earning ship req you'd earn fleet req at an increased rate from what you'd normally get). That way newbies wouldn't blow the ship requisition token on a ship "everyone" else uses only to find out that they don't like it at all. (I'm particularly thinking of the Type 3s that are incoming where a newbie might blow the ship requisition token on the Type 3, such as the Imp scout, because it looks super cool only to find out that they absolutely hate the mechanics of it).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Extending the current dailies isn't the same as introducing new content, and given the... exclusivity of GSF (due to the number of veteran players and the high skill curve), I'm not sure that making people feel like they "have to" play more -- which is what happens when you give people more dailies -- is an inherently good idea.


That said, I like the loaner ship idea and I do think requisition should be easier to get.

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revised it down a bit, I understand what your saying about people wanting to get the daily done quickly. As it stands now the 2 match one is very fast (at least on Bastion) - IMO part of the issue is people are not playing enough. They get 1-2 matches every couple days and it can take weeks / months at that rate to get anything geared up. At this rate I think many would rather give up than commit to that kind of time frame.


I think there is a sweet spot approach that still provides the quick reward while offering incentive for players to queue more matches. At its current level there is no incentive to queue more than 2 matches a day, aside from when you have the weekly.


As is stands right now there is a general lack of in game information (and people don't read the forums enough) so mistakes are made (think fully upgraded rapids as a first weapon choice) - These mistakes are very costly since there is so little daily/mission content available. Perhaps the trick is to use the optional extra dalies, keep the initial one small but give an outlet for players who want more?

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I think there is a sweet spot approach that still provides the quick reward while offering incentive for players to queue more matches. At its current level there is no incentive to queue more than 2 matches a day, aside from when you have the weekly.


Perhaps increasing the daily reward for using a ship would help. Right now I think you get 500 bonus requisition, maybe increasing it to 1000 would help encourage people to do more matches. An alternate would be to make the bonus tied to matches rather than a direct number requisition reward. (So for example instead of 500 bonus requisition it would be a "earn double the requisition for X matches." The devs could then tweak the number of X matches to be greater than 2 so people would be inclined to do more than the number of matches they do for the daily).


As is stands right now there is a general lack of in game information (and people don't read the forums enough) so mistakes are made (think fully upgraded rapids as a first weapon choice) - These mistakes are very costly since there is so little daily/mission content available. Perhaps the trick is to use the optional extra dalies, keep the initial one small but give an outlet for players who want more?


to some degree I think a solution to making mistakes would be to implement a refund time window. Basically you'd be able to buy an upgrade and you'd have a window in which you could get a refund (sort of like how you have a time limit on commendation items where you can refund them). This would allow people to make mistakes and not get set back considerably since gearing a ship is a lot less clear than gearing your toon for the ground.

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Dailies are fine at 1 win (or equivalent) because sometimes you lack time or your side is getting stomped and making people have to play more atthat time is just awful. I would do two other things:


1. Give multiple dailies/weeklies to reward players for playing more

2. Make a groundgame tie-in aside from credits. Maybe like awarding a few comms for winning, This will make people who would otherwise be grinding away for comms feel like they aren't wasting time playing GSF, and would encourage more GSF play from multiple characters.



- 2 Basic comm/win, and 1 Basic Comm for a loss. Repeatable.

- 12 Elite Comms for 10 wins or equivalent (1/2 win per loss). Repeatable.

- 1 Ultimate Comm for every 6 MVPs earned. Repeatable.

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I would do two other things:


While I think that's a good idea for the majority of people, I'd make a couple changes.


For one, if I have to remember to pick up a quest every time I earn an MVP, I'm going to miss out on a lot of quests because I can't be arsed going back to the fleet after the game. Perhaps it's obvious and you intended this, but I'd want those bonus quests to just pop up the rewards box when you complete them. (I don't want the rewards to just happen and be thrown into your inventory, though -- the rewards box is positive feedback that makes players feel good about completing the objectives.)


Secondly, I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't use comms for literally anything, and I know there's at least a few other people who have GSF-only characters (TEH, being an RP server, probably has more than its fair share of these guys). I'd rather you be able to choose between a PvE comm, a Warzone comm, and a req token.

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While I would support more missions, I think that req rewards are unneccessary. I mean, there already is too much req around. At the moment, most pilots are stockpiling tokens for the only time when req will become valuable - a new ship's arrival. Giving even more token req would be meaningless.

Of course, there are new players who want to catch up, but I don't think it's smart to boost everyone's gains for that.


Instead, for this purpose, I'd propose something more like, loyalty rewards. GSF fresh character? First day, you get extra 500 req for first, say, 3 games, win or lose. Second consecutive day, you get extra 600 req for first 3 games. That would go up to extra 1000 req for first 3 games in the fifth consecutive day. Once you finish these 5 days, you get a token for a good amount of req. Like, 1000 or 2000 fleet req, or 2000 or 3000 ship req (per ship). And the round would reset, begin once again from day 1. If you'd miss a day, you'd have to start from day 1 the next day. These rewards would end when they'd reach a total amount of req required to master one ship (dunno what number that is exactly). I think that's a lot of req coming slow enough to motivate new guys. Of course, that's offtopic for this thread, so back to the topic.


I'd vote for different kind of rewards, like, reputation. Or, to avoid adding reputation (I bet ground PvPers would cry that pilots have reputation to build and they don't), just tokens like PvPers get, which we could spend on vanity vendor. Ground game ship models, maybe mounts or armor, GSF paint jobs, color modules, gas canisters, exhaust colors...

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I'd vote for different kind of rewards, like, reputation. Or, to avoid adding reputation (I bet ground PvPers would cry that pilots have reputation to build and they don't), just tokens like PvPers get, which we could spend on vanity vendor. Ground game ship models, maybe mounts or armor, GSF paint jobs, color modules, gas canisters, exhaust colors...


I have thought for a while about what could be added to GSF to tie it in with the rest of the game, no easy task. Something meaningful like credits would be nice, but the balance between any useful reward and whats already in the game will be delicate. Something like salvage for new high end craft-ables could be cool. Glamour items are nice, but ultimately useless (unless they are popular and you can sell them)


With presumably new craft-ables coming for housing, and other new items there could be ample chance to add some sort of a tie in. Even a repuation for (faction) fleet that sells various glamour / craft-able recipes or mats would be nice.


As to the increased dalies at this point im about sure "most" people think this is a bad idea. On the upside additional daily missions (since they don't really hurt anyone but offer an alternative) show promise. A "cadet" bonus for x amount of games isn't a bad idea, neither is the token. Both seem to indicate that a little love could go a long way to people trying to decide whether to play or not.


its interesting to note, GSF experiences and queue times vary more than I had expected from server to server. We enjoy a higher than usual population most days due to being a pvp server, among other things. If your waiting 30-60 mins for a queue pop 4 games would be horrendous . Here it would be a PITA but no biggie.

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Here are some things I would like to see:


1.) Factional GSF Vendor (Earn reputation / tokens from completing matches, can be used to buy items from factional vendor)


Factional ship mounts (we already have the flashfire - this could be tied to mastering or purely for req/rep)

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Materials

Special ship cosmetics (paint jobs especially)

Specialty Armor

Unique Ship Skins?


Well they already added a reputation vendor for the Kuat FP, I think it would be good to tie that vendor into doing GSF and add some additional goodies to make it worthwhile. I think adding a 2nd vendor would just confuse things.


Perhaps though they could do something like with the CM reputation vendors where you need cartel contracts as well as the credits and reputation to get certain items. Make them something like "dogfighter trophies" (basically wreckage scraps from your "kills") which can only be earned doing GSF.


[Another Issue I see is that GSF daily goes very quickly. While increasing the match count would be disliked, how about an additional GSF daily?


Another daily could work. Alternately they could rework the daily bonus req reward that each ship gets (currently 500 extra req I think). Rather than it being a flat req reward that can be consumed in 1-2 matches make it a multiplier that lasts X matches. How much the multiplier is worth could be set by the devs but what it would free them to do is set the multiplier to last for 3-5 matches. That way even after the daily is done you might have motive to keep flying to use up the multiplier on each ship. Since it wouldn't be something that could be completely used up in one match you'll have a motive to keep queuing.


2.) Second GSF Daily - Quest automatically generates after initial daily is complete. (2 matches - similar rewards - maybe additional reputation)


That would be good, although I think it might be better to have it as a 2nd mission you pick up. That way newbies won't stop queuing after the first daily is done unaware that they just got a 2nd GSF daily added to their log.

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