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Mevarek's offer


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Form a team?


DoA, Ascension, and DWBI are the only ones I've seen that have any real drive and capability to down the boss. Your guild just likes to get mad at me for reminding them of their skill, maybe you can motivate them into getting serious about clearing it instead of taking my bait like Vango and Night do on a daily basis lol.


Or they can just stick to their HMs, and never clear real content. Either way, I'm down for an imp team clear of the HE, and I can do all three roles as a Carnage Marauder (best spec for that boss IMO), DPS/tank sin, Pyro Merc (have to gear her more), or Op healer (needs a little gear too).

Edited by ZooMzy
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Just a side note, Imp side Quorum is looking to start progressing on Hateful :) if you want to get in on it, i would whisper Lastplace or Ashes about possibly joining the progression.


Kk, I'll shoot LP a message then.


Ty for the info!

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Form a team?


DoA, Ascension, and DWBI are the only ones I've seen that have any real drive and capability to down the boss. Your guild just likes to get mad at me for reminding them of their skill, maybe you can motivate them into getting serious about clearing it instead of taking my bait like Vango and Night do on a daily basis lol.


Or they can just stick to their HMs, and never clear real content. Either way, I'm down for an imp team clear of the HE, and I can do all three roles as a Carnage Marauder (best spec for that boss IMO), DPS/tank sin, Pyro Merc (have to gear her more), or Op healer (needs a little gear too).

I would say something along the lines of you sticking to your hard modes as well, but quite frankly, I don't want to associate myself with people who do want to stick to their HMs, or take your bait. Good luck on NM DF, zu ,and on hateful. I suppose I already owe you a drink, Mr. Hard mode superstar.

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I would say something along the lines of you sticking to your hard modes as well, but quite frankly, I don't want to associate myself with people who do want to stick to their HMs, or take your bait. Good luck on NM DF, zu ,and on hateful. I suppose I already owe you a drink, Mr. Hard mode superstar.


NOOOOOOO you don't owe him a drink he didn;'t down hateful on BC server:p

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