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RP in Jung Ma


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Hello Fellow Jedi and Sith Scum I am thinking of a server transfer because I am planning to start an RP Guild and I figure the guild will have more to do on a PVP server then in PVE but I'm wondering what is the RP like on Jung ma is it widespread or has Jung ma been taken over by the ever growing group of people that wish to find Respectable mature players


any input will be appreciated

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Just my opinion, but random RP out in the world is more difficult to find than RP which is organized in guilds. Since you are forming a guild then I suppose that solves that problem. There are also many RP events and RP-PvP events organized between guilds (look to Penumbral's march RP-PvP event this saturday for example). The quality and style varies based on who you interact with and what your preferances are.


Also with this being a PvP server there is a high possibility of running into those of the opposite faction. This can result in either pure PvP or pure RP, or even a mixure of both... as I said, it depends on who you run into.


If you want, there is a thread that lists many of the guilds on the server with contacts as well. If you want to work with one of those guilds to set something up as your guild gets started then I'm sure they will be more than happy to help. The community on this server is overall very freindly, and willing to help each other.


Any more spefecific questions, just ask. :)

Best of luck!


Guild List: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=588084

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Thanks that was very informative but im also wondering if I make a guild there are there a lot of RPers that would be willing to join or is the server mostly just people who wish to play the game with a more mature crowd without having any interest in RPing
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Thanks that was very informative but im also wondering if I make a guild there are there a lot of RPers that would be willing to join or is the server mostly just people who wish to play the game with a more mature crowd without having any interest in RPing


I'm not sure I understand you reason behind separating mature from RP. The vast majority of the RPers I run into are quite mature in my opinion.


But to answer your question as best I may, I can't predict how your guild will grow and I don't know your experience as a guild leader or if you are bringing a core group of dedicated guild officers with you. All of these factor into how your guild will develop, what kind of people it attracts. So to be honest, it really all depends on you. There are always people looking for a warm and welcoming guild to join and help grow.

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Let me clarify. from my experience there are two types of people that tend to play RP realms, Rpers and people that are fed up with immaturity in other Servers not saying RPers are not mature the opposite actually what im trying to avoid is an RP realm where the majority of people put no thought into there character like giving them names like Ikillyourface or superjedi and things of that nature I could think of other examples of these people but im not exactly in the state to think clearly srry
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Well just like any server, you have your trolls, and decent people. So you will run into an "IpwnzU" or something along those lines. There are people who may not RP on this server as well, which is fine. But there is a large RP community here and a strong effort from guild leaders and officers to see it last and improved upon.
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Just because our characters might be Imperial, does not mean that we are necessarily Sith scum.


At any rate. I think you will find that there is a great deal of insulated RP (guild structured RP) more than you will find random RP. That is not to say the random does not exist, it is just not as widely found as one would hope. Alpha Company, I know does quite a bit of RP. Knights of Sokan can be found RPing on Tython. Penumbral, while we do host events every other Saturday night, the event is Imperial only. Clan Epsis also hosts a server-wide event. Along with several other guilds.


It does come down to a couple things. What's the quality of RP/Player you are looking for and what your style of RP?

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That's right. There's actually an entire guild of hipsters called Penumbral!


Yup! We have those 8-bit sunglasses that we wear at nightime. Play SWTOR and write our RPs in Starbucks as we sip our soy chai tea lattes; no foam. The best part? Our members are hella happy about it. <3

Edited by Luniara
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