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The Empire's Elite Fighters


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We are a new guild playing on Empire side who want to increase the ranks. We are focused on PVP/PVE content - will be doing WZs, FPs, OPS regularly. We want to make a guild of ppl who will feel good in it and play together mainly the End game content. We are looking for experienced players ( or newcomers who are willing to learn), mature without kid-like behaving, also active. We do not care what class you play or what level you are.

We dont tolerate bad language in guild chat, no insults towards other guild members or players on general. We dont have age restrictions (everyone deserves a chance) but as i mentioned before we dont like kid-like behaving. One of the bad things about a new guild is lack of members and not doing events currently so if you dont have a little bit of patience until we settle everything as i described above this guild is not for you. If interested to join the guild contact:





Edited by KingShree
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