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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition: Tie-in GSF and WZ


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Devs please consider tie-in Space GSF and WZ with mutual objectives on real time, this will really help later additions like Guild Capital Ships.


My mental image is something like Kuat Yards GSF you have to do some objectives, but in the same time if anyone is running Kuat Yards Flashpoint or a linked WZ hopefully boosts people fighting in space, also viceversa Space should help people doing the flashpoint by maybe adding objectives and animations to people in the flashpoint, explosions and bosses only possible in that scenario.


Guild Capital Ships later, I imagine them as sturdy ships but slow they could be "beacons" and "reboosting" for smaller ships and should be difficult to destroy possibly firing as very slow rate too those turbo laser cannons with the ability to hyperspace out if things get ugly, and Guild vs Guld should have some smaller fighter action too.


Thats all, what do u guys think?

Edited by ZahirS
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I like the idea of these benefits and tie-ins, but I think it would be super complicated? Given the number of instances running for both KDY and SF, I'm not sure how it would work?


SF gives bonuses to KDY: So is it a number of Imp/Pub victories that will give one side or the other bonuses? If so when is this determined? Early each morning - IF - there have been enough SF matches? And whichever side has the better SF average will get the bonuses?

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It's definitely an idea worth noting, I think that one of the biggest complaints from players is the lack of content on a consistent basis. I think that the devs should look into ways to combine different things.


For example:

-Maybe to cater to the PVE and PVP crowd there could be a warzone-esque map with Mobs led by players trying to destroy the other base in pvp/pve combat.


-And for your idea, it could be plausible to have two capital ships, with fighters going at each other, and you can get your fighter to dock inside the enemies capital ship (Battlefront 2 style) and complete objectives (like destroying its shield generator so your team's fighters/bombers can destroy it easier).


But as some may argue, SWTOR's engine wasn't designed for massive open engagements, so we'll have to see what Bioware intends to do with capital guild ships.

Edited by Gorillazy
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But as some may argue, SWTOR's engine wasn't designed for massive open engagements, so we'll have to see what Bioware intends to do with capital guild ships.

SWTOR's engine can't even do hood toggle so the probability of a tie-in is 0. Unless an increase in profit is involved then the probability is 1. Also, EA has said that guild capital ships are PvE only.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I had an idea about this not long ago; a 4x8 player warzone, with two regions; the space and land game.


During the space game, there are two teams; offense and defense. The offending team has to land shuttles in a docking bay on a space station; the defending team has to hold them off as long as possible.


Once a shuttle has landed, the attacking team gets 8 spawns on the land game. The first set of spawns starts the land match proper; every next shuttle adds another 8 respawns to their counter.


The round lasts 20-25 minutes, or until the attacking team has captured the reactor core of the space station. Once the round ends, the positions flip.

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Yes I forgot space stations, think the game can handle atleast OP size maps in space, for warzone and interior of capital ships can be done instanced.


Think fighting capability is a must for Guild Ships, maybe even have players inside do something that affects the targetting, firing rate and so on.


Spacestations could be to boost the Guildships in someway or as control points.


The tie in is also a must because it makes you feel your interacting with land or space in a meaningful way, think devs might consider it.

Edited by ZahirS
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