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Tattoine....why live there?


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I have spent too much time thinking about this, but I have to ask....


Tattoine...why would anyone want to live there? I'm not up on SW lore, but there has to be a reason. Is there anything there that makes settlement look like a good idea? They have people that farm moisture for pete's sake. I can understand its use as a research base for Czerka or whoever, but why does anyone else live there? Do they even want to live there?


The only thing I can wrap my mind around for it is some people simply like it for the adventure....like living in the frozen parts of Alaska or something. This isn't knocking Tattoine, I'm just curious, and as I said I don't know a lot of SW lore that may explain it.

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No Republic jurisdiction, legal slavery etc. You name it.


Yeah, I can see that. Admittedly in a science fiction/ fantasy setting its pretty cool. Its just that I think about the citizens living there and think if I were one of them I'd be like "I'm moving! This place sucks! My realtor lied to me! Its hot as the devil's ***hole, theres crazy sand monster guys running around, little midget thief dudes and space Nazis! Plus I'm thirsty as h***!".

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Take a look at the type of people we do see choosing to be on Tatooine:


Career criminals or other disreputable characters like Han Solo or Doctor "I have the death sentence on twelve systems" Evazan: Tatooine provides a place they can lay low and avoid or bribe their way out of trouble with the law, and also opportunities for work with employers who don't pry into their background (or even consider a shady past an asset).


Moisture Farmers like the Lars family: On Tatooine at least they can own their own piece of land and make an honest living for themselves and their families. I doubt Cliegg or Owen Lars would have been able to afford renting a one-room flat on Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, and they'd probably be stuck taking whatever jobs they could, no matter how harsh or disreputable, to just make it by there. It's a hard life on Tatooine, but at least it can be an honest one, and one that leaves you with something to call your own and pass on when you're gone.


Merchants like Waato: Similar to the Lars example, he'd just be out of his depth anywhere else. Move him to Nar Shaddaa and he'd get eaten alive inside a week by the competition. On a fringe world like Tatooine, at least he can own his own shop (until he managed to lose even that) and even manage to roll with the local "big boys" from time to time.


Natives like the Jawas and Sandpeople: It's their home, and the home of their entire society.


Slaves like Shmi and "Ani" Skywalker: Who have no choice where they end up, and are likely to wind up on places like Tatooine where their bondage is legal.


Crime Lords like Jabba: Who are able to set up their own private empires in places like Tatooine and become a "big fish in a small pond" (granted Jabba's own influence has definitely grown over the development of the EU to where he's a very big fish even by Galactic standards, but that's more a conceit of keeping everything tied to things fans recognize from the movies). After all, "better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven."

Edited by DarthDymond
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Take a look at the type of people we do see choosing to be on Tatooine:


Career criminals or other disreputable characters like Han Solo or Doctor "I have the death sentence on twelve systems" Evazan: Tatooine provides a place they can lay low and avoid or bribe their way out of trouble with the law, and also opportunities for work with employers who don't pry into their background (or even consider a shady past an asset).


Moisture Farmers like the Lars family: On Tatooine at least they can own their own piece of land and make an honest living for themselves and their families. I doubt Cliegg or Owen Lars would have been able to afford a one-room flat on Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, and they'd probably be stuck taking whatever jobs they could, no matter how harsh or disreputable, to just make it by there.


Merchants like Waato: Similar to the Lars example, he'd just be out of his depth anywhere else. Move him to Nar Shaddaa and he'd get eaten alive inside a week by the competition. On a fringe world like Tatooine, at least he can own his own shop (until he managed to lose even that) and even manage to roll with the local "big boys" from time to time.


Natives like the Jawas and Sandpeople: It's their home, and the home of their entire society.


Slaves like Shmi and "Ani" Skywalker: Who have no choice where they end up, and are likely to wind up on places like Tatooine where their bondage is legal.


Crime Lords like Jabba: Who are able to set up their own private empires in places like Tatooine and become a "big fish in a small pond" (granted Jabba's own influence has definitely grown over the development of the EU to where he's a very big fish even by Galactic standards, but that's more a conceit of keeping everything tied to things fans recognize from the movies). After all, "better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven."


Good points. I guess it makes Obi-Wan's statement of a hive of scum and villainy come into focus.

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