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To the 20 pubs left playing late night


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I play from around 8pm Apac time till after 1-2am

Have recently had a few friends transfer to the harb as at this time of night they have

2fleet instances with over 150player in each so if you're one of the 20players on pub playing at this time of night you might consider transfering the population is good and it's instant pops

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It's pve my friend but I don't think server type matters at this stage

We still play bastion but have transfered 1 toon each to harb

This is just a friendly suggestion to those frustrated with the low pop late night Apac time.

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Pubs lose all the time now. They are no good


Im not sure about pvp arenas. But in GSF, the reason why pubs loose most of the time is because we dont use mumble. The imperials do. We start winning when imperial aces get bored of winning and play as republic, still using mumble. The other times we win, is when the imperial aces who use mumble are not playing.


It's all about communication. SWTOR employees on twitch said they have no plans to work on that feature. We really should start asking for it, so they can start thinking about it.


In the mean time, we could use these forums and create zello channels (mobile app that works like a walkie talkie) for different types of pvp events. Since its a big server, we would need a channel for each type of event. In a week, I'll be free to start one for GSF. But we would have to find a way to make it available 24/7 even if the creator isnt on line.


I'll start a thread in a few days about this. I'm in the middle of moving and procrastinating. Ok, back to work!

Edited by HiddenPalm
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