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Republic's efforts on Taris


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Kind of a random observation/opinion. As I'm playing through Taris, I find myself highly questioning the judgment of Republic leaders choosing to rebuild a planet in the galactic political climate that exists in the setting of the game. So you've just fought ANOTHER massive war, lost many men and women, spent ongodly amounts of resources. Many of your core worlds are suffering from a weakened economy and infrastructure. And the peace is extremely tenuous and likely to end at any moment. What do you do? Spend massive amounts of resources and devote personnel trying to reclamate a planet that was essentially bombed into non-existence hundreds of years ago. Seems like an incredibly bad misappropriation of resources.


The storyline on Coruscant made sense. Because of the war and the Sith raid on the planet, there were serious infrastructure problems, war refugees pouring in, rising crime and political machinations on how to deal with the problems. But Taris? I don't understand why the Republic would ever want to spend the manpower and resources needed to accomplish the stated goal of the reclamation project. There seem to be no shortage of habitable worlds. Why is Taris so important? We aren't told of any important natural resource. It was a city/planet, and now the city is gone. What possible reason would the Republic have for a rebuilding project of that size especially given the rakghouls and other problems?

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That's exactly my point. Not only is there no stated strategic importance or benefit of any kind to rebuilding Taris. It's also extremely dangerous given that it's overrun with plague beasts that turn anyone who is bitten even once into a flesh-starved monster. If the planet had some resource like kolto on Manaan, I could understand it. But it's only function was as a giant city-planet. Seems you could build one of those somewhere not overrun by zombie monsters. And given the political climate, shouldn't the priority be to strengthen and stabilize core worlds and strategically important systems? It just makes me question why the hell is making the decisions in the Senate. Is Jar Jar's great great grandfather the chancellor right now?
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Yeah I agree. Rebuilding Taris seems like a giant waste of money and resources especially since they still need to rebuild a great deal of Coruscant. I understand that the objective was to bring hopes that the Republic can indeed survive the war and rebuild but it just doesn't feel like a smart move. s
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Its a landmark, a major marker in republic history, Rebuilding it makes them look good to others in the republic. If they just abandoned the planet it would stand to say everyone there died in vain, Or something to that effect, But I think it also has something to do with Salvaging the Endar Spire (God knows why they waited 300sum years), Atleast thats what i gathered from my Jedi Knights storyline. But Logicly with a disease that changes the populace into flash eating monsters, the planet should of been quarantined. Would of made a bit more sense instead of sending in countless waves of workers to add to the infected population. Thats my two cents on Taris atleast.
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like some other posted, they are rebuilding taris to prove a point to the empire that being we can rebuilt what you once destroyed we are a force to be reconed with (no pun intended) and also to rally people, it's showing the strength of the republic and I believe they think they can get more followers and such. Logically though the credits they are spending on rebuilding taris should be used on other planets. Then we have the developers and gamers view it's nice to be able to visit a place that you have been to before, you get some of the loose ends tied up and people like to go to familliar places =)
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Well there was that whole situation of Coruscant being overrun with war refugees, and now that it's been about 40 years since the war started, a lot of the refugees have grown up, and started having families of their own, so even if they're not adding to their number from the outside, they're multiplying within as well, so the most ideal solution would be to send them back home... but their home is occupied by the Empire, so the second most ideal option is to send them to a largely uninhabited planet that no one but the Republican Senate has any major claim over.... > Taris.


The real question here is why did it take them 300 years to start the Taris Project? While Carth Onasi's home planet (I think it was called Telos?) was decimated even WORSE by Revan (the environment was deemed uninhabitable, while Malak just flattened Taris's city landscape) and the Republic started repairing it like within a decade.

Edited by Deejon_Loy
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