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HM DP - Inferno second boss bugged?

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Inferno on second boss in DP HM is bugged? seemed like it today, it dropped inferno seeing it all on the buff bar and suddenly inferno all over the place and at times not really showing up on the debuff bar.


I am starting to get annoyed by the developers weak attemps to fix stuff, because it is really not fun the way it go right now, seperate all your damn scripts instead of having one big script where you add something and then everything messes up, at least do it for endgame content so one script for each boss each mode or something, that way you are not going to mess up everytime you guys do a patch to the game or whichever.


Anyhow maybe this is just a one timer freak accident going on, but I don't know, please investigate it or fix it... I mean come on you guys spend 7 hours maintaining this game today.

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They've been bugged for awhile. Always fun getting ghost infernos.


On the flipside, if you keep moving (doesn't need to be much) right before the dot expires, sometimes there's simply no Inferno at all, once had everyone do it and skip a round of inferno all together...

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