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Ion Railgun Analysis With Video


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Drones need their autohit because unlike other ships they are :

  • not controlled by an actual player
  • entirely passive damage, requiring zero skill or effort on the part of the pilot beyond deploying in a favorable position


I'd be fine with them doing more damage per hit if I could dodge the shots the way I dodge the shots of literally every other railgun in the game (notably, why am I being hit during barrel roll?).

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Drones need their autohit because unlike other ships they are :


  • stationary
  • deal less damage per laser
  • have less shield


If you remove their autohit and thus reduce their damage even more by make them occasionally miss, their value as support will greatly diminish and they will just become cannon fodder.


If the Bomber did not have him-self the same fire-power as any other ship, then I'd agree. But they can use a primary and a secondary like any other ship, so no, drones do not deserve to me more than a slight bonus.

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