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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

TotalHalibut Interviews Stephen Reid


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It alleviates some of my fear about new content. While I certainly don't expect it in a few weeks/moths after launch, its very good to know that its been in development for some time and they had the foresight to know that it was going to be needed eventually. It remains to be seen what they are actually going to do with the legacy system and new class quests and such, but it sounds like they already have a plan and have been putting it together so we won't be stuck for a year or so waiting on voice actors to get things done.

Excellent interview as well. 25 minutes and I wished it was longer, thats very rare for me.

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I quite enjoyed it as well, that is why I hope it helped some people get over their fears of new content taking much more time to release due to heavy VO and quality. Bioware planned for this and they have been one step ahead of it already.


I forsee a great future with this game, especially when they iron out some things like adjustable ui, macros ect. Going to be subscribed for a long long time, thanks Bioware and EA.

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Sorry, I found that whole topic of having limited copies hilarious. Anyone who wanted a copy got one. There's no way they were going to turn away customers to stay within what they could handle. Give me a break.


You're pretty smart. You literally may be the next Einstein.

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After watching this is anyone else excited about new future content?


I didn't hear anything that made me dance with joy. They will continue to add new things. I guess I liked the part about guilds, but it was one sentence mixed with other things. I'll dance when the actually allow guilds to build cities.

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