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No knockout for Sentinel/Marauder?


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No it shouldn't because Ravage specifically says that it is immune to interrupts :) The only thing it's useful for is to interrupt casted abilities and lock them for a few seconds.


Ravage/Master Strike hurts, but it's Precision Slash granting Precision that is the killer. CC has to be done when Precisions is active because someone will be eating attacks with 100% penetration.

Edited by Ramtar
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Ravage/Master Strike hurts, but it's Precision Slash granting Precision that is the killer. CC has to be done when Precisions is active because someone will be eating attacks with 100% penetration.


Oh yeah I know, I mean a Carnage Marauder in PvP don't worry xD but if they gave Marauders a stun, then the other person will HAVE to eat Gore+Ravage if they don't have their stun breaker off cooldown.

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Oh yeah I know, I mean a Carnage Marauder in PvP don't worry xD but if they gave Marauders a stun, then the other person will HAVE to eat Gore+Ravage if they don't have their stun breaker off cooldown.


And I'd say that's what he's angling for, except given the "Why don't Marauders have Force Push?" thread over in the Marauder forum, I don't even think it's about the synergy of the mechanics at this point; I think he just wants a class that literally has everything.

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And I'd say that's what he's angling for, except given the "Why don't Marauders have Force Push?" thread over in the Marauder forum, I don't even think it's about the synergy of the mechanics at this point; I think he just wants a class that literally has everything.


Well, good thing Bioware doesn't plan on giving us anything like that...they too busy buffing ranged LOL

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Well, good thing Bioware doesn't plan on giving us anything like that...they too busy buffing ranged LOL


Jep, Turret wars, played the new pvp map as a Sentinel or Marauder? Never bring a Knife to a Gunfight if you don´t have stealth.


Now we know Devs hate or classes, still i will play in my stupid thought up watchman/combat hybrid. Wait a moment there is a stupid healer who can´t despell or stun over there.......oh wait a nerf incoming because it was a dev:cool:

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Oh yeah I know, I mean a Carnage Marauder in PvP don't worry xD but if they gave Marauders a stun, then the other person will HAVE to eat Gore+Ravage if they don't have their stun breaker off cooldown.


Look what Shadows got in 2.7:




Spinning Kick is now a stun rather than a knockdown against players and stronger enemies.

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Burst damage is why classes get nerfed. Crying and whining begin when: People see the big damage numbers in the combat logs and listed at the end of the War Zone.


I'm saying using CCs to allow the DOTs to maximize: DOT them, CC them, Watch them burn.


You can do that right now with force stasis. Stack your DoT's with Zen active and pop force stasis. It's pretty effective, especially when you hit merciless slash and dispatch as they come out of it. It's the most effective burst Watchman has. In any case additional CC for any class much less sents is a bad idea. Watchman and Focus could use buffs, just not in the form of CC. Watchman needs more rapid damage ramp up and Focus needs slightly improved single target sustained damage.

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Look what Shadows got in 2.7:




Spinning Kick is now a stun rather than a knockdown against players and stronger enemies.


Shadows burst is not nearly as reliable as what a mara/sent can bring in those gore/PS windows. Don't compare it. Mara/sent has better defensive cooldowns and more reliable burst.

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Shadows burst is not nearly as reliable as what a mara/sent can bring in those gore/PS windows. Don't compare it. Mara/sent has better defensive cooldowns and more reliable burst.


who's comparing anything. Plan and simple Shadows got a STUN in 2.7 and Sentinel/Marauder got a nerf.


Someone put Sentinel/Marauder and other classes defensive CDs on a spread sheet and the results didn't show in our favor.

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Stun is a nerf compared to knockdown. A major one. A stun you can break out of, you can mitigate it. A knockdown leaves you screwed and open to assault. The same thing happened to Scrapper Scoundrels/Concealment Operatives, in which they lost a Knockdown and replaced it with a stun, and every single one considers that a major nerf because it leaves a squishy class without their Alpha Strike. Whoever they attack will just either eat or break the Stun and then murder their attacker. A Sentinel is actually one of the best equipped to do this.


A Sentinel does not need CC. This game does not need more CC. The Sentinel does not rely on things like that: your defenses are designed to prolong your offense. Pacify, Saber Ward, Guarded By The Force (at least if you're Focus Spec), Rebuke, these are your tools for staying alive, and the longer you stay alive, the more damage you should be doing. That's your job, not to CC.


We are, essentially, the biggest, baddest damage dealer on the block, so much so that people who main anything other than Sentinels/Marauders cheer when we get nerfed because we are considered that OP. Respect your class and its role, and before you ask for something, consider how much that something will change the Class overall. It may seem minor to you, something to "put us on even field", but adding a strong CC option to the Sentinel would be very impactful to the class overall.

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who's comparing anything. Plan and simple Shadows got a STUN in 2.7 and Sentinel/Marauder got a nerf.


I hate people who don't play other classes and don't know what they're talking about. So let me clear this up for you because I play both a sin and a OP. the knock down for sins got changed to a stun bc players complained about being knocked on their face then dying. Before 2.7 it was a 2 second knock down which ment for 2 seconds you can not fight back unless you blow your cc breaker. Now it is a 2 second stun so you no longer get knocked on your face when they blow you up but you're now standing as they do it. It's not a buff or nerf it's just a small change so that people won't complain about getting killed on their faces. From all your posts on this thread you don't even know the class you're advocating for which is honestly sad.

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