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Aces, Vets and Blooded Pilots...What do you do on THOSE days?


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We all have them, whether we cop to it or not.


We're recognized as good pilots...maybe even invincible. Those who know our names tremble a little at the sight of us. Our fighters scream out of the sun with the fire of the righteous fury of angels. We are the best at what we do, and we get the biggest kick outta doing it.


Aaaaand then there are the days when we SUCK.


When NO missile will lock on. When NO Scout will stand still long enough for that last Rail Shot. Where EVERYONE knows you're deadly and goes out of their way to put you out of commission.


We were titans...and yet we all have days when we, even we, are brought low.


So, my question then, GSF aces, what do you do on those days? Any anecdotes of bad days you've had? Anything you want to get off your chest? Tell it here!

I'm considering to stop playing in "prime time".


On my server, there's an Imperial 8-man team (sometimes 12-man) on prime time that call-out to focus "the annoying ones" (I heard it from them).

And everytime I'm PuG-ed against them, I have the Sting squad after my tail (2-3 Stings plus one optional Gunship to finish me from distance when I'm too annoying for not dying) as soon as I show myself.


Anecdotes :

- One time there was only one Sting after me who "baited" to other side of the map (Death-match) so that I have a chance to fight back. When I started to be more offensive and joust, I realized he did not even try to shoot, just waiting that the gunship that arrived on the back ground shot me down.

- When our PuG happen to be a full group of people of same caliber than me (looks like a pre-made vs pre-made, but we have no pre-made Republic side it's PuG), they can't focus me as we're all equally threatening. When it happens, (happened two times for now), they get utterly destroyed, and I top leaderboards (or close second). Vengence !

Edited by Altheran
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True OP even the best of the best can have bad days and anyone says that aint true aint no pro lol


Other week had a night like this, recently started focusing other faction to get some achievements done and this one game, at least 9 out 12 on the empire side i recognised and knew me and spent whole match after me, normally not an issue ive been hunted b4 but this night i was having a serious bad night, every time my scout was bout to finish someone either a gunship got me, i caught barrel roll etc lol each **** i got out, gunship, fighter anytihng i couldnt get a damn result they always evaded that last little 1% hit needed to finish them, and felt like none of there stuff missed me lol


Kept going never quit still enjoyed it but most important them guys that ive killed time after time loved it.


Still finished top for my team though lol

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If I am in an instance solo, I shout out my battlecry "Let's get dangerous!" (Thanks Darkwing Duck!) and get experimental, noob off in unfinished ships, try completely different style and tactics, etc. For example, only sabo probes, etc. Sometimes it breaks some mental block and shows me a solution. Other times it gets me killed in spectacular fashion. Either way, focus on fun when nothing can be done, and the next match may have a different result anyway.


With wingmen around, I bodypull for my squad.

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