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Longspur Sportster still not unlocked.


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a day later and I still cant claim my Longspur Sportster and its level 10 speeder unlock. That does mean I have restarted the game but I am not buying anything from the cartel market till you fix it. I have this package that includes the Longspur Sportster and its level 10 speeder 1 unlock, unlocked account wide. So why cant I claim it?


I have asked for in-game help just to be told to restart my game which I have done. It also said I might want to try and buy a second item of which I wont do if you cant even deliver the first one.


So please (choke) fix this.

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So if you open your inventory and click the Collections, then scroll down on the left side till you see all speeders, does it light up like it's unlocked for ANY of your characters?


Same for the Speeder Piloting 1 unlock, but you have to check that in your Legacy window instead of in Collections.


I don't know about the new pilot pack, but typically I buy speeders from the market and then have to USE them on one character, then log in a second character and pay cartel coins from the Collections interface to unlock it account wide, and then it's lit up and I can claim it. Never had an issue with speeders. When you claim a speeder you don't get an item, you just get the speeder listed in your Abilities list, under Mounts.


As far as speeder piloting, that only appears as a per-character unlock in my Legacy. Maybe it can be account-wide, don't know. It's very cheap in terms of credits; I wouldn't even pay coins for it.

Edited by Merouk
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If you read the item description for the Longspur Sportster, you will see that the Speeder Piloting Perk is NOT included when reclaiming from collections. That applies to all of the Cartel speeders that come with Speeder Piloting I, such as the Aratech Rose. Therefore, you will not be able to claim the speeder on a lvl 10 until you purchase the Speeder Piloting perk on that character. This is not a bug, this is the way it has always been and the way that the system was designed.


It also specifically says that the Speeder Piloting perk included with the original Longspur Sportster is Character, not Account/Legacy. There is no way to get Speeder Piloting unlocked for your Legacy or your Account. If you would like to double check for yourself, the Speedster is on Page 4 of Cosmetic items in the Cartel Market.

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