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WPVP focus Dantooine (?)


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Much like a lot of other PVPers I want a WPVP focus planet, I want open PVP where I don't have to work with 8 or less people and forced down a corridor and do specific objectives. I liked the idea of Ilum but it was done poorly and was a lag fest. But what caused Ilum to fail to the lag state it was? Two reasons I can come up with is the environment. There was so much on the screen at any given time, that the engine forced the computers to strain them self's to run. And two, the major PVP part was compacted into a small linear area where the hordes of people had to meet each other.


So a good planet to avoided those two issues is Dantooine, an iconic planet from both the KOTOR games and a planet a lot of people wanted on launch. I can see why Bioware didn't use it story wise for questing because there's not much on the planet. It's a farming world with a Jedi academy in ruins. So for a PVP reason the Sith could send a strike force to destroy the planet. It's a farming planet so if they could harm the recourses of the republic food wise and the Jedi academy housed many of the old republics most known Hero's. So by burning the planet they can destroy any symbol of hope that planet gives to the republic.


So what would make Dantooine any different from Ilum to avoid lag? One thing is that Dantooine is a very simple planet, mostly planes field and a few mountain rocks. So the environment doesn't need too much in it, and rather than throwing destruction and all sorts of things around it adding to the planet, allow the fact that as players we're charging and killing each other. Let the actions of the players set the tone and feel of the planet, that death is everywhere on this lively planet simply from all the PVP.


Also, use the whole planet for PVP this time, so people can avoid the big groups of people and dodge the major lag spots during times. By having such a massive size planet use this can allow players to go where and fight where they choice and allowing to do PVP dailies in the order they choice.


Speaking of PVP daily's this is a good way to add onto the planet allowing players to earn PVP commendations with out having to do WZ only. Allow us more than one way to earn our gear. And with that also throw side objectives that help the planet scale war. Like say if the Empire controls certain spots (I.E flags raised or something) than the whole faction on that side will get a minor buff. So that it encourages more PVP even when you're done with your dailies, to help your faction win the way.


And maybe throw in instant kill mobs at your base faction. To avoid Ilum where the empire over ran the republic and just destroyed their base.


I do want to see more WPVP, and I know a lot of other PVPers do as well and have WPVP mean something to where we can gear up.


Also no boost would be nice for it. You go there with the stats you go there on. Hopefully Bioware reads this and I do hope we get a good PVP dedicated planet. And Thank you reader for your time.

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