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Consolidated Ability Animation Customization Thread

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I have seen a great many threads in the CM Suggestions, Suggestion Box and General Discussion forums bringing up a desire for BW to add "Ability/Animation Customization" items to the game. I think this is a great idea and would be a solid money-maker for the game, while keeping strictly to the "CM is for cosmetics" rule that I think is very important.


So in the interest of bringing these suggestions "under one roof" as it were, I'm going to quote in the ones I was able to find with a quick search of recent posts. Hopefully we can get some momentum behind this suggestion by bringing them together.


Please feel free to quote in any I missed or add your opinion for the first time!


Starting with my own:

Just an idea for a new class of item that could be added to the CM: Cosmetic changes to abilites.


They would probably work best as "mood" type items, that when you use them, for example:

Change an Inquisitor's Force Lightning from purple to red, light blue, or another color

Change the color of a Smuggler's portable cover shield

Change the design of the Medical Probes a Trooper deploys

Change the color of the flames from a Bounty Hunter's Flame Sweep

Change the animation of a Knight's saber attacks (this last one may not be feasible, I'm not sure how much work it would actually take to change animations).


If PVPers were to raise valid concerns about competitive play-balance from not having abilities as easily recognizable (not saying these concerns are necessarily valid, but they might be) then it could be set up so these appearance changes don't display in Warzones or small-group PVP areas like Outlaw's Den or the PVP area on Ilum.

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From: Different colored Lighting

I saw a vid on youtube about the different colors of Lighting. One that caught my eye was green. So I was wondering if we could add something that lets you change the color of any Lighting move. Like Blue, Purple, Green, Red, and Black. Thank you for your time and keep up the good work Bioware.


Then I want differently coloured rocks for my Sage, too !
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From: We gonna see cool new animations and moves soon?

Not in the context of a CM request, but still expresses an interest in seeing new animations:

it's the sort of thing i expect to see during an expansion, but rarely do, espeically considering people see their characters more than they do any new environment..


was looking at the new clone wars, and seeing some really cool movment acrobatics.. one of the things i loved about this game when i satarted playing were hte cool acrobatics.. yet i nsee no improvments to things like that.




.. it could easily include new animations for exisitng moves or a whiole new animation style.. can you imaigne Juyo form or ataru form or soresu form over time gaining completley differnet aniamtion styles? or even buying a new animaiton pack on the cartel market?


i mean are these companies just not capable of really using their assets to the maximum.. cos i'll be frank.. hthis ifs far more attractive than yet another string of useless items available... but maybe it's just me.


One of the coolest things aobut star wars is the really cool choreography..of any action game actually especially one tha tuses melee combat.

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From: Bioware: How to Print Money

Cartel Market: 1000 Cartel Coins

Alternate Ability Effects:

A Light Side Sith Warrior can unlock the Jedi Guardian Graphics for certain skills.

A Dark Side Shadow, can unlock the Sith Assassin animation for certain skills.


Cartel Market: 500 Coins

Alternate Ability Color:

Change the color of Force lightning to <purple/yellow/whatever>




I love this idea to bits, and would definitely fork over CC for it. :)


I think I'd like it most for the out of combat regen abilities. Grey to dark leaning Consular? Change the regen color to purple. Light side Warrior? Use the Knight's regen. Could be tricky for the non Force user mirror classes, though I'm sure that judicious use of hammerspace could make it possible. :p


Some aspects of this idea might not be acceptable for PvP, though I don't actually PvP so what do I know? xD


Having to cope with the all purple Dark Ward Effect on my Assassins, I love the idea of being able to re-color Skills too.


i would pay up to like....5000 cartel coins to change the animation of sage's pebble attacking(telekinetic throw)


this idea is frigen brilliant, just have it be disabled during PvP so people dont complain about it there.


/signed X 10 billion


While I'm sure things are different between the two on the coding side, this is pretty-much the exact same thing as the cosmetic options in Galactic Starfighter.


I like the way that system works for GS, and if it were reasonably possible to pull off for the rest of the game, I would love it the same there too. I do hope they'll be adding more blaster fire/engine trail colors to GS eventually, though. But they probably will considering that it's not even fully released yet.



I think we shouldn't have to worry about how much time it takes to code / design, leave that to BW. If things like this caught enough attention, they would find a way of doing it ;)


This should of been in from the beggining imo, to give sense to a DS aligned jedi or LS aligned sith etc.. ability animation/looks swapping on alignment. But, having a choice without effecting your alignment would be even better

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From: Lightsaber Knockback Ability

Dear BW will we ever see that lightsaber knockback ability for Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior that we saw in early combat and class trailers. This is the ability that looks like a sort of baseball swing which knocks players up in the air and knocks them back (we see sith and jedi npcs use it on us). I know mechanics-wise this ability is hard to implement but I was wondering if I could get a yes or no on whether we will get to use this ability in the future. I really like the ability and think it looks amazing so I hope you do include it in the future.


While the existing Force Push isn't exactly what you're describing, it's so close mechanically that adding a whole new ability that does basically the exact same thing doesn't make a lot of sense. The main difference would be how far up into the air they fly, and honestly pop-up abilities like that can be pathing nightmares in MMOs.


I think the best we can hope for is if they start releasing "Ability Customizations" that change the look of existing abilities (make different colors for Force Lightning for example) as a few people have been asking for in the Suggestion forum, that they'll release a "reskin" of Force Push that makes it visually into a Lightsaber "home run swing".

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From: New Animations

It would be cool to be able to buy new animations for different abilities.

For example: Create a new kata animation for Master Strike, it would still function precisely the same, but it would look different. This could be done for loads of other abilities and would keep the gameplay fresh and fun.


Not to mention; new animations would actually sell quite a lot.


And if you really wanted to be awesome about it, have places set up for players to go to learn their new moves, like the Jedi Temple on Tython for Republic force sensitive characters, the Sith Academy for Imperial force sensitive characters, etc.


Give the ability to interchange same moves from mirror class as well, in return for cartel coins.


I want stasis gone and replaced with choke, also the stupid Impale on Jugg needs to be replaced with Overhead Slash.


Totally agree with the animations. I find Master Strike to be a bit dull compared to Ravage. Ravage looks a lot cooler than Master Strike Imo. :D


Adding my voice to this thread as well, i totally agree. It would be nice for us to be able to choose an animation, and form a unique fighting style that suits our gameplay and character.


For example, i love Blade Storm, but i hate Force Scream. I would love to be able to see my Sith waving the lightsaber instead of screaming like a mad dog. [...]



That's realy nice idea!

I'll but it. :cool::cool:


^^^ This!! My cartel coins can finally have a new use besides buying the warzone medpack and adrenal pack.:rak_04:


..........& suddenly every sage stopped throwing rocks & started throwing lightning.



but seriously, I would buy the hell out of this.

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From: Bioware, You have the Sotfware/coding why not give consular/inq ability cosmetics?

The Kick the huttball ability. its a buff a player activates to change the entire animation of throwing the huttball.


This alone shows you can override players abilities/animations based on X factor. Why not offer:





Rage Lightning: All force lightning based attacked shoot red Lightning.

Peaceful Storm: All force lightning based attacked shoot light blue to show your connection to the lightside of the force.



Darkside empowerment: All project and pebble based attacks are now force lightning from the Darkside

Jedi Wave: All project and pebble based attacked are attacks though the force like disturbance.



Then you can expand on this for other classes.

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From: ***PETITION*** Imperial/Republic Mirror Class Ability Animation Swaps

Let me start off by saying I'm doing a second thread of this because I figured that the title on my first one wasn't fitting. This Could be a legacy or cartel unlock. The idea is that if a player levels 2 classes, one on the Imp side and one on the Pup side, they should be able to swap ability animations. For example say that I have a level 55 marauder, if I decide to level a Sentinel I should be able to swap out the marauders ability animations depending on what level I am. If the sentinel is 35 I get all of the marauders abilities till 35. If I'm 55 on both I get the all of the animations on both. This wouldn't affect gameplay as class mirrors have all of the same abilities just different animations. Nothing would change in the skill trees either. The devs would literally just have to copy and paste the animations so that people that have mirrors on both sides get both animation sets. Any pebble sages out there could use lightning instead if they have a equally or higher leveled sorc! Master strike Jedi could have Ravage. Etc Etc Etc. :cool::cool::cool:

Please Bioware! This isn't even that extreme or that hard and solves so many of your problems!


Sign if you agree and add on any ideas if you would like!


While this could be cool as I prefer the dual saber throw animation of the Sentinel to the Marauder's, I can just imagine the coding nightmare this would represent. They also have to add something to the interface to toggle the animations. And I know for me that I wouldn't want all the animations swapped. Force Scream is better than blade storm, sweeping slash looks terrible, and I'm some what undecided on Master Strike vs. Ravage. And either or type thing would probably have to be in place for that rather than a selection of all animations to swap between. And I hate the Guardian run animations with their sabers out. It's terrible.


Personally I'd prefer something that would either allow for different stances, cylinders or whatever to change how we stand and maybe some of the animations. A reverse Shien grip on the lightsabers for Marauders would be nice.


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This is the biggest of the threads I could find, focused on the Consular animations in particular.

First post by Dyvim snipped for length but definitely worth a read using the link.

From: WTB, w/ coins, alternate ani's for Consular project and throw - no more junkyard jedi

This proposal is for alternate animations, purchasable with Cartel Coins, for two consular skills, project and telekinetic throw. The underlying functions and stats for these skills would remain UNCHANGED. With the mirror design paradigm of this game in mind, where identical or like powers simply had new animations slapped on top of them in order to mirror classes, the concept of alternate animations seems entrenched into this game already. Project and Throw currently have snicker-worthy junk, rocks and pebbles animations that strike many as thoroughly un-jedi like and unpowerful. Moreover, in contrast with the lightning on the sith side, the coolness factor gap is huge. There have been complaints and dissatisfaction with these junk animations and the theme it creates for jedi consular's since the earliest days of beta.


With all the alternate animations for things like out-of combat rejuvenation, the cartel market is the perfect place to allow players to customize the look and feel of their jedi AWAY from a junk tossing, pebble throwing fred flintsone, WoW-ish earth shaman reject. Also, people that are happy with the current animations could keep them. [...snip for length...]


Please make this happen and take my money. Now.


I have always hated the Project and Telekinetic Throw animations. They make me want to play Imp.


Heck, I would even re-roll, just so I could have a Shadow and a Sage that never had to throw from the junk pile...lol.


This might be an answer to one thing various people have been asking for since release- option for dark side Jedi (or, inversely, light side sith) to use the opposing faction animations. Allow- amongst other animations, "shock" and "force lightning" available to Jedi characters by cartel purchase - with the restriction "Only usable by Jedi Consular, only usable at Dark IV and above". Conversely, allow Sinquisitors of light IV and above to access Project and Summon Gravel.


You have my support, my good sir.






And while we're at it, change the default saber strike for a 30m free left-hand, right-hand, left-hand force push style attack at the same damage




When I started playing this game, I rolled a consular. It was disappointing. I can't stand the gravel and rocks, especially on spaceships. The sith side has much better looking powers. I would buy something that looked more powerful and jedi-ish in a heartbeat.


This is a very good idea, in my opinion. Pure win on all accounts:

- Purely optional, allowing for more choice for those who want it

- Purely visual, thus causing no balancing issues

- Possibilities of further customization based on dark/light alignment


Make it so! Oops, wrong canon. Sorry. :p


I'm new to this game but I agree and would happily pay for the alternative animations.


*waves money* me! me! I would totally spend my money for this idea.


I think the alternate skill idea, all with the same stats and CD so that people can't buy 3 skills and use all 3 of them would work great. I've been complaining about the rocks since beta. I still hate them. I don't even play my sage except as a healer every once in awhile. If I could throw something other than rocks, something as cool as lightning, I might actually play her. And even if I didn't I'd spend my money on it. EAware are you listening? People want to spend money. :)


If I understood what a previous poster was getting at, I think using saber strike as a "saber throw" once you choose sage and get that 30m would be great. All I can guess is that sages use their glow bat for balance so they don't fall over while throwing rocks at things. Not exactly cool.


Where's the "Shut up and take my money" button?!


This would be an auto-purchase from most if not ALL Jedi Counselors. If BioWare was in the business to make money why don't they do something as simple as this?


Also a suggestion:

The Telekinetic Throw replacement you suggested looks like Healing Trance, it would need to be spiced up a bit. I say a good replacement for Telekinetic Throw would be a mini-Force Quake that targets a single enemy, Channeled damage and a more bad*** animation. I'm all in on the project replacement.


Would Spend some serious CC for this Upgrade alone.


Continuing in next post since this thread was so long...

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Continuing from last post on Dvyim's thread


Please please make this happen!!! If they really need to they can put them in cartel packs instead Of direct purchase of the cartel market. I hate playing my shadow cause of the animations and its the last class I need to do, I've ended up rolling a sith juggernaut again just because it looks better :p


I would pay to change the rock throwing to some thing more awesome. It's the only part of the animation that doesn't match with my white color gear.



That's good idea.

I want new animation for Jedi Knight ability :c


I feel like the animation proposed for Telekinetic Throw should be "strengthened" a bit.

A stream only as large as one hand/arm is... Not so impressive.

I see it being larger, torso-large like actual Telekinetic Throw, and thicker white streams.


There's also Force Breach, or the egg cracking as some have called it, that I'd like to change, because I find it a bit too hard to "read" in the heat of the battle.


Force Quake could be replaced by "gravity pulses", shown by white arcs (like Thunder Blast purple arc, but less curved) going down from the ceiling to the ground.


To that, there's also the melee moves which are horrible... Double Strike, or Piñata Smash as I call it... Clairvoyant Strike which is an impossible move considering the Shadow's hands position...


I'd like to support, but there's so much ugly/lame things that in fact, I believe the Consular need a total revamp of his appearance.


Absolutely. I strongly support this: *Signed


I'd pay for it. Whilst I will be rolling a sage for more variation (as opposed to the Inquisitors "Look at me! I have 15 attacks that all look the same! Here is some channeled lightning, eat some instant cast lightning, have some more... channeled lightning... And another instant cast, uh, lightning... Oh! Try the delayed cast... Lightn- oh come on!!), I would at least like to seem somewhat imposing, instead of channeling some dust at my enemies.


The Ashara and Raina "burst" animation is probably the best option I have heard. I am nearing 50 with my Warrior and my Consular's up next for leveling; I'd be more than happy to have this happen before I begin playing. I will use the normal Project and Throw animations without fuss, but this would be beyond awesome if they did it. So...




I realize this could be a good bit of work to develop, and I'd not really be upset by it not being added to the game, I think it'd be pretty swell. It seems like it should be worth the amount of time it would probably take. I certainly would pay a lot to have this.


I love the idea of alternate animations like Ashara's and Raina's, good find OP. :) Just looking at them makes me jealous for my Consulars! I'm not terribly bothered by the current ones (and prefer them to various flavors of purple lightning), though I am not at all fond of Project and TK Throw seems a bit random.


I also noticed a nice Force animation doing the Macrobinocular quests (the instanced puzzle-y parts), when your character sends bursts of Force energy at specific things to disable/destroy them. Probably not good enough for ability animations, but it struck me as odd that my character was doing something that looked better suited to a Jedi than most of my Consular's damage abilities. >.<


However, I do think that alternate animations should be handled carefully. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that the junk and pebbles were a poor choice, but I'm sure many players of all classes would say that about other animations. So while I think a few alternate-but-still-Consular-looking animations for the Consular is an awesome idea, I also think it would need to extend to all the classes. ^^


Although I do like project and tk throw I fully support this idea of cartel market abilities alternative animations.


EDIT: Problem is with pvp though as the visual of an ability is sometimes an indicator for whether to interrupt or not. Even worse would be with names, I think the name would have to remain the same... So you can have three animations of TkT, not the traditional TkT and an alternative animation called Force Burst... it would cause too much confusion as long as pvp is regarded.


excellent post OP

BW I want to give you my money. make this happen


I am not letting this die. Im willing to pay money for the changed presented in this thread
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No this sucks, animations are awesome in this game.

That's the nice thing about having them as CM options that can be applied to your characters - if you like the existing animations, you can simply leave them be.


But if they come up with an alternative that you like even better, ("Wow, the purple lightning my sorc already had was awesome, but now that I've seen this red lightning option - that's even awesomer!") you can use that instead.

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Oh nice. I'd like Impale to get the animation which Jaesa / Kira has. They can use either dualsaber or a single saber to do this and it was a player animation in beta / alpha, too.



Perfect example. Our companions do that. We don't.

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I have been wanting this for a long time. My take on this would be purchasable cosmetic replacements that would go in your abilities tab and be identical to its matching base ability in damage,cast-times, cooldown etc. you could only activate the abilities pertaining to your class and advanced spec.

examples for a bounty hunter:

(CC) Cryo-grenade -shares cooldown with electro dart.

(CC) Sticky grenade -shares cooldown with explosive dart.

(CC) Cable Bind -shares cooldown with concussion missile (Merc)

- visualizes grapple's shot and appearance on target (tied up) but incapacitates instead of pull.

(Regen) Vent tech -visualizes multiple series of venting heat at different intervals with a kolto cloud (visual).

(Offense) Wrist Scattershot Shares damage and CD of Rocket Punch

- visualizes arm reach like rail shot and the blast and sound is of scoundrel back blast.


I am sure there are many others that can be imagined for every class and spec, I already appreciate the cartel market regen items like bacta tank, camp-fire, push-ups, carbonite ..but I really think they need to expand on personality of our individual characters and new/rare visual options could improve general Happiness since your using these evertime you battle.

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Updating to include another new request thread that popped up on this: Carbon Copy Skills Addition

Can we make it possible to buy the opposite class animations? Or to even make it where we can buy a package that changes the color of our skills to a certain extent?

What I'm saying is, is that as a person who has played Sith Juggernaut all the way up to 51 and who is now doing a Jedi Guardian, I'd like the Juggernaut skill animations and aesthetics much more than the guardian and for them to be able to be put on the Guardian. So why not make it possible to be able to buy the Sith Warrior skill animations/effects and put it on that Jedi Guardian.

There should also be the option to be able to change the color. The Sith Warrior animations are dominantly red in color, so it should be fairly easy to change the base color to blue or green. As a Jedi Guardian, I'd actually want to be able to force scream my enemies :rolleyes:


The idea as a whole should be (or sounds to be) low budget, and shouldn't be time consuming at all. Simply make it where you take all of the skills and recolor them, or take the skills and turn it into an equippable package (for valid classes) in the Cartel Market


The same things can be fone for classes like the sith inquisitor, where we can be able to change the lightning to red or white if you wanted to.


This would also help make the aesthetics of classes who use firearms look better too. For instance, if you have a purple color crystal in the blaster rifle of an operative, the power shot skill still makes a red projectile. Being able to change the skill color according to the crystal color makes the game look that much better as a whole.


For me personally, I would actually pay money for this.


It also wouldn't hurt for Bioware to make skill packages, where they change the animations of the character. So there could be things such as the Marauder or Sentinel holding the lightsaber in different ways. Or the skills and aesthetics to look completely different, but are the same.


2500CC - Complete Skill Animation/Effect Change Kit

1500CC - Get Skills from Carbon Copy class

1000CC - Color Variation from Skills



What do you guys think? :)


And a couple posts of support from a thread in General: Things you would actually pay for on the CM

Cool cosmetic stuff like changing the colour of my sith lighting......


Power appearances (I'm sick of throwing rocks)[...snip...]
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  • 2 weeks later...

Another brand new thread requesting this feature: I Like Lightening (sic)

Well, I must say. I have played this game since launch. My first character was a Consular. Now my 15th character to make it to 55 (a Sorcerer) I have come to learn I really love lightening. Way better than my rock throwing Sage/Shadow. I thought it may be just the newness of it. But I am addicted. And there is instances where Jedi used Lightening in Cannon of SW Lore. If this is at all possible, I would buy it.


Make a Cartel unlock that would give my Sage/Shadow Lightening instead of the rock thing. Maybe a different color than blue. Make is white. I would buy it.


Given that I know many Empire players have started to roll Republic Characters because they want that story line, I am sure they will feel the same, they would spend the CC as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another new thread requesting this: Fighting styles for Jedi and Sith.

I for one am fed up with the standard animations for fighting with a lightsaber, it is so repetitive. Can we please have some new fighting styles that you can train/ search for/ purchase from the cartel market. Some new animations that show fencing and defensive and offensive lightsaber stances.


I asked this question almost a year ago, I myself would be willing to pay CC for more animations and even different animations on how the character unsheathes their lightsaber...
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  • 1 month later...


As far as offering alternate animations and visual effects via the Cartel Market is concerned, only time will tell. Your message has been passed onto the team responsible for Cartel Market updates, and if it is possible, then you might see those options appear in the future.


Cool, the request made it to the devs via the Class Representatives for the Sage. Here's hoping something comes of it.

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  • 1 month later...

Here is something I suggested.


I was thinking of two powers that would be great for a knight and a warrior.


However, instead of adding new powers...why not add new "animation skins" to existing powers.


These "animation skins"...if you choose to use them...would change the animation only of said powers:


Knight: Force Burst (would change the animation (and icon preferably) of Blade Storm)



Warrior: Shock (would change the animation (and icon preferably) of Force Scream)


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  • 1 year later...

I submitted a thread about Animation Customization but it never showed up for some reason... Weird. But I'll copy Paste it here:


Animation Customization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If we could customize the animations for each of our abilities the game would sky rocket into amazingness! Each Class would have their own animations to choose from. A new panel would be available to you at the top of the screen and as you would level up, certain animations would become available to you to change as you see fit. Some animations would only be available once you've reach a certain point in the story; as well as reaching different tiers of light or dark side points. Also, it would be another way Bio Ware could get even more money from us by making some animations only be available in the Cartel Market. There would be animation packs separate from any of the other packs so that you get exactly what you need for the class you play. Each animation pack would be specific to one class or to an advanced class.


You could choose how your character stands with their weapon out and what it looks like while they run with it unsheathed. You could choose what it looks like to sheathe and unsheathe your weapon, all according to your class and light or dark side disposition. No class would have the same animations, so the Jedi Knight would not share animations with the Juggernaut. For example, the Counselor could use the force like Yoda and bring the Lightsaber straight to his hand. Attacks with the Lightsaber could be much more extravagant with Yoda like flips, or perhaps something more reserved and precise like Mace Windu. The possibilities are endless and each person would truly be unique unto themselves with how they wield their weapons. Of course each animation would have to last just as long as the original and not change too dramatically. Each ability would still do the same thing just look and feel a little or a lot different; and ability names would not alter.


Maybe if your on the Light Side as a Sorcerer and you have reached lv 5 Light Side then you would have the option where all of your abilities would no longer resemble Force lighting or dark side powers but more oriented towards the light side of the force. Of course it would not be a copy paste of what the counselor's abilities look like but all its own unique. There would be for every class several different light and dark side animations to choose from as you progressed through the game or purchased in the Cartel Market.


I don't know how difficult it would be for the developers to implement this idea into the game or if the game engine could even handle that kind of customization. One would think it to be possible. The real question to ask: Is BioWare willing to add all these new animations to the game. Would it be worth it to them and do we the players want it?


Well My fellow SWTOR gamers... Do we want this? My answer is YES! YES! YES! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


What do you think? What are some of the animations you would like to see in your play through with your character?:eek:

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