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NEW EXPANSION - The Wookie Wars


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I would like to suggest an idea for a future expansion. An expansion focusing on a war on the planet Kashyyyk. Republic supporting one warlord who wants peace, and the empire supporting a rebel warlord who wants to take over to exploit the planet for resources. This should be a proper story line based planet with different story lines for all classes to keep it intereting. One of the prizes should be the unlock of wookie as a playable species thats full customisable with all different colors and sizes. This should be a challenge to get though and not east to make it of high value.


Having just one planet like the makeb expansion wont be as interesting to players, so i suggest making small asteroids and moons that have large rebel presence on them this could really open up the story line. Also including another planet where the wookie rebels are getting their weapons from could be another option. I don't know which planet this could be, but it should be a new one.


Basically this needs to be done in order to not only keep interest in the game and the starwars franchise, but to attract old players back to the game. The main reason people play this game is the love of starwars, so lets give them what they want!


Also the new expansion should obviously include expansion of levels by 10 taking the level cap to 65.


I hope this idea is heard, I think it would be a great addition to to game.


If anyone else has any good ideas to add please feel free!




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Hey Noob do ur lore/canon Research to see this idea would kill the SWTOR MMO. Since all the hard core Stare War Lore/Canon Fans would leave which means everyone in game right now.


How about instead of doing research to try and find the little bit of information you're referencing (which I can't find myself) in response to his post, you just link it here?


Anyway, in response to the OP, they have said before that they won't do Wookiees as playable because unfortunately, they can't speak basic. Also, I can't really imagine there being a Wookiee who wants to exploit Kashyyyk for its resources.

Edited by orangefishboy
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How about instead of doing research to try and find the little bit of information you're referencing (which I can't find myself) in response to his post, you just link it here?


Anyway, in response to the OP, they have said before that they won't do Wookiees as playable because unfortunately, they can't speak basic. Also, I can't really imagine there being a Wookiee who wants to exploit Kashyyyk for its resources.


Then u can't call urself a star wars fan at all if u don't know this or want to spend the time learning about the Star Wars Universe noob

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Then u can't call urself a star wars fan at all if u don't know this or want to spend the time learning about the Star Wars Universe noob


Can I please get a source? All I found on the old republic era for Kashyyyk was that the Republic controls it. Also, "During the time of the Cold War, a proxy conflict between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, one of the oldest Wroshyr trees in Kashyyyk—reportedly millennial old—was dying, and eventually someone was sent to examine its rings and learn furthermore about the planet's history."

^ quoted from Wookieepedia (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kashyyyk).

I assume this quote is paraphrased off of a bioanalysis mission.

Edited by orangefishboy
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If there is a good story reason for adding Kashyyyk, Yes.


I'm still at a loss as to why you said people needed to do their research...


Cause this suggestion is just like asking for Naboo and then gugans so if u remove race for now and just ask for the planet then the noobs who don't know anything about the Star Wars Universe or anything else will spam this board with give us Wookies or Gungans in the case of Naboo thus ruining SWTOR cause ppl don't get the canon of Star Wars or even the Lore behind it.

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Cause this suggestion is just like asking for Naboo and then gugans so if u remove race for now and just ask for the planet then the noobs who don't know anything about the Star Wars Universe or anything else will spam this board with give us Wookies or Gungans in the case of Naboo thus ruining SWTOR cause ppl don't get the canon of Star Wars or even the Lore behind it.


This is nothing like Naboo and Gungans.


"Millennia before the rise of the Galactic Republic, Kashyyyk was a member world of the Rakatan Infinite Empire. Its surface was terraformed by the Rakata for agricultural purposes, but the collapse of their empire left their terraforming machines unattended, resulting in the planet's abnormally large foliage.


Czerka Corporation and slavery:

In 4,020 BBY, Kashyyyk was discovered by Czerka Corporation, which renamed the planet first G5-623 and then, after a poll of stockholders, Edean. They recognized the Wookiees' strength and began to enslave them. In 3,993 BBY during the Great Hunt, the Jedi Guun Han Saresh died on the planet fighting a terentatek.


During the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorians considered conquering Kashyyyk, although they eventually decided against it; their plans for assault included burning down huge sections of forest and glassing entire continents in order to actually create a place to fight. Sometime after the Mandalorian Wars began, self-exiled Jedi Jolee Bindo made his home on the forest floor of Kashyyyk. In 3,976 BBY, Zaalbar, a Wookiee who later aided Jedi Revan, had been banished from Kashyyyk and his brother, Chuundar, usurped the position of Chieftain from his father, Freyyr. Chuundar allowed the Czerka to take Wookiees as slaves in exchange for weapons. Freyyr went into self-exile to the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk. Czerka's control of "Edean" was disrupted when, in 3,956 BBY, the enslaved Wookiee populace, led by Freyyr and Revan, overthrew the local corporate headquarters and drove all outsiders off the planet, save for the Ebon Hawk crew."


This could totally fit into the current story of the game. You appear to be the one that knows little of the Star Wars canon.

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Cause this suggestion is just like asking for Naboo and then gugans so if u remove race for now and just ask for the planet then the noobs who don't know anything about the Star Wars Universe or anything else will spam this board with give us Wookies or Gungans in the case of Naboo thus ruining SWTOR cause ppl don't get the canon of Star Wars or even the Lore behind it.


Lore behind what? The Wookies species and their home planet Kashyyyk, exist in this timeline. Ill even include something spoiler tags if you want in game proof.



Bowdaar is a Wookie who is a Smuggler Companion.


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There is a serious flaw in the idea:


Why would any sentient being be interested in interfering with a fight between a couple primates, who are more ape than human?

The more reasonable story would be for Empire and Republic to work together with the Trandoshans in freeing the planet Kashyyyk of the wookiee investation and chop down all the trees to make exotic furniture inlays.

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There is a serious flaw in the idea:


Why would any sentient being be interested in interfering with a fight between a couple primates, who are more ape than human?

The more reasonable story would be for Empire and Republic to work together with the Trandoshans in freeing the planet Kashyyyk of the wookiee investation and chop down all the trees to make exotic furniture inlays.


It's more about planetary resources and slave labor in the middle of a war. War is not won without resources and soldiers.

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It's more about planetary resources and slave labor in the middle of a war. War is not won without resources and soldiers.


That's still a stretch. It'd be more believable if we were heading there because it was rumoured to have technology deep within the Shadowlands that's from the Infinite Empire's timeline.


The resources like slave labour for the Imperials could be more a side thing, not their main goal. This is also a stretch, but if they ever did do Kashyyyk, could it be considered the Wookiee starter planet? Obviously, I'm referencing Erickson when he stated if species like Wookiees, Trandoshans, and Jawas were ever playable species, they'd probably have their own story associated with it. The galaxy isn't just going to accept said Wookiee wandering around without asking "Woah! What's up with you?".


Just my thoughts.

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That's still a stretch. It'd be more believable if we were heading there because it was rumoured to have technology deep within the Shadowlands that's from the Infinite Empire's timeline.


The resources like slave labour for the Imperials could be more a side thing, not their main goal. This is also a stretch, but if they ever did do Kashyyyk, could it be considered the Wookiee starter planet? Obviously, I'm referencing Erickson when he stated if species like Wookiees, Trandoshans, and Jawas were ever playable species, they'd probably have their own story associated with it. The galaxy isn't just going to accept said Wookiee wandering around without asking "Woah! What's up with you?".


Just my thoughts.


Yes, totally. That could work well too. I was just offering one of many ways the story could be presented in a fashion that would fit the games current story line.

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Yes, totally. That could work well too. I was just offering one of many ways the story could be presented in a fashion that would fit the games current story line.


I can understand where you were coming from. That's what most would think of. I just thought that with current lore from Bioware that has been established. If Kashyyyk were to be released as a high-level planet, it's the best I could think of. :)

Edited by Slicka
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It's more about planetary resources and slave labor in the middle of a war. War is not won without resources and soldiers.


The thing is though, Kashyyyk's resources are mostly wood, due to the large trees (Because of Rakata terraforming). There isn't much use in controlling it during a war.


Also, funny thing about Naboo, it was just recently discovered by humans about 200 years before the game's story takes place, so around when Revan was running around. (5 years before Revan was on Kashyyyk, to be exact). Fifty years after this (150 years ago), humans started to actually colonize the planet. Nothing significant is supposed to have happened between this time and 900 years later, which means that something might have that just hasn't been written about yet (hint hint).

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Whoa...so much hate in this thread! I was raising the idea! I wasn't saying it had to be exactly this story! Throw around ideas! It doesn't even have to be a Wookie expansion, just an interesting expansion because the makeb one sucked!


Then do ur Lore/Canon research next time since after KOTOR 1 the first outsider to ever get back to that planet was Han Solo with CHewie.

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different planet, the planet's name is said on the Jedi Knight 1 game on Steam


Umm...no, Yoda WAS on Kashyyk with an entire force of clone troopers. Not to mention Kashyyk joined the Galactic Alliance before that and had members in the Senate before Han even met Chewbacca.

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Which planet are you talking about?


Play a Star Wars game called Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and it will be in the second cut scene into the game where Luke Skywalker say the planet's name and it's not the Wookie's howm world I am sure of it

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Umm...no, Yoda WAS on Kashyyk with an entire force of clone troopers. Not to mention Kashyyk joined the Galactic Alliance before that and had members in the Senate before Han even met Chewbacca.


ur just making that up since u want Kash in game to get ur wookie character and that is still 3000 or sso years a away from happening go back to KOTOR 1 to see.

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