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I could honestly see Raxus Prime as a great starter planet for a droid class. I know it'll never happen, but I wanted to share that thought. I would really like to see Felucia, though. Great chance for some Acklay and other wild life. Another great opportunity would be a flashpoint (or operation) in the Shadowlands of Kashyyk.
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Naboo and Kashyyyk would most definitely be interesting places to visit. However acklays can already be found on several planets as well as many other unique creatures so I don't think that's a good reason to add Felucia. Personally I'd really like to go to Ziost as it's a very important planet to the Sith Empire and it just sounds dang cool. Dagobah would be cool too, although I'm not sure what reason Empire or Republic would have for going there but I'm sure an interesting plot could be constructed.
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