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Maybe, just maybe, could cross-faction queue... help?


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I mean, yeah, it is out of the window idea in Star Wars universe.


But it works in, like, every similar-ish game... Take World of Tanks. German tanks fight along Russian ones, against another German and Russian...

Same in all the other World of's (Warplanes, Warships).

It works in Star Conflict.

League of Legends also has sworn enemies fight together in regular matches.


What I am about, maybe it would help to have a queue pops anytime 16 (24) players of any faction queue up. Devide in teams depending on gsf's /played, or total req gained.

A veteran 4-men premade queuing? Okay, but they get 4 (8) first timers to fight by their side, against a pug of 8(12) semi-experienced people.

Of course, that would far from solve all problems. But what we have now is serious faction imbalance (on most servers, I hear). Progenitor's (my server) Imps seem to have given up. Much as I hate to say, I'd really love to give these guys a reason to play, to lighten their frustration, to have equal matches, to be friggin killed more than once per fight!


Of course, I understand that in Star Wars universe thing like that is hardly possible. Logic goes out of the window and lore cries. But we have already been told that these skirmishes are fictional.

Once queues are strong enough to create at least seemingly equal teams of 8(12) on both sides, the priority could swap to have actual faction battles. But honestly, I don't think we can afford that on most servers now.

Queuing together could give the Imperial players some incentive to queue, they could upgrade their ships, they could gain experience by other ways than being slaughtered. I understand that most people don't main Empire in GSF because Imp ships are, honestly, hideous. Why don't the brave ones who want to fight for their side get a fair chance, instead they are thrown against teams of Reps in their *woo nicey* ships, mostly made of experienced fighters? I say they should have a chance to attend in these crazy, out of the window, but mechanically fair battles.


Opinions? Do you think something like that might, or might not happen? Why? Why not? Any suggestions to make it more bearable?

Thanks for your time ;)

Edited by Slivovidze
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Opinions? Do you think something like that might, or might not happen? Why? Why not? Any suggestions to make it more bearable?

Thanks for your time ;)


Cross-server should have been in at launch, but was not. It should have been kept in mind when designing/selecting the engine. If you remember the Patch 1.2 blog (yes, back then) they promised Cross-server que's were on the way. In fact, "season 1" of PVP was set to start with the introduction of cross-server.



Cross-server is coming Soon. At least, that was said back then. At some point, perhaps sometime before they announced working on cross-server PVP, perhaps sometime after they announced working on it, the decision was made not to work on cross-server. We were not told off this decision, nor will we ever be. Only subscribers can post, so the idea is that by the time people realize how badly they've been treated, they will un-sub so they won't poison the forums. At least, I think that's the idea. Don't discuss unsubbing btw. Violates' the rules.

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Cross-server should have been in at launch, but was not. It should have been kept in mind when designing/selecting the engine. If you remember the Patch 1.2 blog (yes, back then) they promised Cross-server que's were on the way. In fact, "season 1" of PVP was set to start with the introduction of cross-server.



Cross-server is coming Soon. At least, that was said back then. At some point, perhaps sometime before they announced working on cross-server PVP, perhaps sometime after they announced working on it, the decision was made not to work on cross-server. We were not told off this decision, nor will we ever be. Only subscribers can post, so the idea is that by the time people realize how badly they've been treated, they will un-sub so they won't poison the forums. At least, I think that's the idea. Don't discuss unsubbing btw. Violates' the rules.

They're asking about cross faction not cross server.

Edited by Lendul
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I'd like as much as possible avoid any kind of cross-faction things.


That's the kind of "solution" that you use as a last resort to keep a game playable... by throwing out logic.



Whatever, what kind of situation it would help anyway ? Faction A has 12 players and Faction B has 4. Or anything else where a faction has 7 or less players, while the other has an exceedent. That's all.

Pretty limited conditions. At this point, they could as well think of more efficient solutions, because it would mean that GSF is on verge of death on that server, and that this "solution" would only be effective for few weeks at most.

Edited by Altheran
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Whatever, what kind of situation it would help anyway ? Faction A has 12 players and Faction B has 4. Or anything else where a faction has 7 or less players, while the other has an exceedent. That's all.

Pretty limited conditions. At this point, they could as well think of more efficient solutions, because it would mean that GSF is on verge of death on that server, and that this "solution" would only be effective for few weeks at most.


Well, if a faction has 7 and other one has 9 in queue, currently nothing happens. Then a 4-men premade queues and either still nothing happens (if they are on the 9's side) or queue pops (if they are on the 7's side), leaving 3 + 1 players out. In battle, the 4-men premade will most likely make the tides go strong for their side, especially if they get some semi-experienced pugs and the enemy is totally inexperienced.

If however the cross-faction thingy worked, there could either be an 8v8 pop before the premade joins, or (if there'd be some timer for 8v8 launch when not enough people for 12v12 queue), 12v12 pop with the premade on one side, accompanied by 8 newbies, against 12 mediocre pugs.

That means that 1) pops would happen more often, and 2) games would be a bit more balanced.


I am not that much about the pops, as even on Progenitor (one of the weaker servers) I get mostly 5 min queue time, but usually the game is huge Republic dominance. As much as I hate Empire and love it when they lose, this isn't fun anymore. I'd rather have 5 close, exciting games and win 1 of them than winning all 5 by huge margin.


And I sure wouldn't mind playing against some Reps and support my team's Imps. I mean, we get the simulation now, where one group spawns from Imperial ships, even when they are Reps. This could just be another step.


But, well, yeah. I understand that we are in Star Wars and lore-wise it is beyond impossible. I was just thinking about how to make the games more balanced. Imps really seem to have the lower hand here, and by too big margin.

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Cross-server should have been in at launch, but was not. It should have been kept in mind when designing/selecting the engine. If you remember the Patch 1.2 blog (yes, back then) they promised Cross-server que's were on the way. In fact, "season 1" of PVP was set to start with the introduction of cross-server.



Cross-server is coming Soon. At least, that was said back then. At some point, perhaps sometime before they announced working on cross-server PVP, perhaps sometime after they announced working on it, the decision was made not to work on cross-server. We were not told off this decision, nor will we ever be. Only subscribers can post, so the idea is that by the time people realize how badly they've been treated, they will un-sub so they won't poison the forums. At least, I think that's the idea. Don't discuss unsubbing btw. Violates' the rules.


Honey.....don't you realize...server transfers and merges where their answer to lazy programming. Instead of putting in the man hours neccessary to make cross server ques work..they combined the servers and offered server transfers. If you remember, it wasn't long after that promise the first server merges happened due to at peak times less than 30 players on the fleet on some servers.


Not sure they will ever realise that merging servers won't make people play pvp or gsf. And did not realize that talking bout unsubbing was against the rules...must be like fight club. Granted...when you have a massive amount of people actually do it in a short amount of time...it kind of becomes teh white elephant in the room.

Edited by Malox
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Well, if a faction has 7 and other one has 9 in queue, currently nothing happens. Then a 4-men premade queues and either still nothing happens (if they are on the 9's side) or queue pops (if they are on the 7's side), leaving 3 + 1 players out. In battle, the 4-men premade will most likely make the tides go strong for their side, especially if they get some semi-experienced pugs and the enemy is totally inexperienced.

If however the cross-faction thingy worked, there could either be an 8v8 pop before the premade joins, or (if there'd be some timer for 8v8 launch when not enough people for 12v12 queue), 12v12 pop with the premade on one side, accompanied by 8 newbies, against 12 mediocre pugs.

That means that 1) pops would happen more often, and 2) games would be a bit more balanced.


I am not that much about the pops, as even on Progenitor (one of the weaker servers) I get mostly 5 min queue time, but usually the game is huge Republic dominance. As much as I hate Empire and love it when they lose, this isn't fun anymore. I'd rather have 5 close, exciting games and win 1 of them than winning all 5 by huge margin.


And I sure wouldn't mind playing against some Reps and support my team's Imps. I mean, we get the simulation now, where one group spawns from Imperial ships, even when they are Reps. This could just be another step.


But, well, yeah. I understand that we are in Star Wars and lore-wise it is beyond impossible. I was just thinking about how to make the games more balanced. Imps really seem to have the lower hand here, and by too big margin.


Right now we have the problem on bastion where if you are IMP side you do not play during the daylight hours if you are in NA time zones. Only play at night as you run into two 8 man premade groups that continously stomp new players during the day. Seen a lot of raging on fleet due to that. At night it is the reverse. Poor game design and planning if you ask me.

Edited by Malox
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Right now we have the problem on bastion where if you are IMP side you do not play during the daylight hours if you are in NA time zones. Only play at night as you run into two 8 man premade groups that continously stomp new players during the day. Seen a lot of raging on fleet due to that. At night it is the reverse. Poor game design and planning if you ask me.


8-men premades are not possible in GSF. They are two 4-men queuing at the same time, often put together. The madness I am talking about here would actually split this 8-men premade into two 4-men groups and put them against eash other, filling the rest of the teams by who they would be against.

It is however not caused by poor design or planning. This goes on in every strictly two-sided game. I used to play this casual shooter, Battlefield Heroes. In there it is also Nationals vs. Royals. No way to switch sides during battle. And the situation was similar. Nationals, who had "cooler" customization choices, usually won, and when one side gained a powerful premade, they literally steamrolled the other side. What we have in GSf is exactly the same. Republic has nice ships and thus wider playerbase (also more premades) and thus tends to win, and if any side gets strong premade, steamroll begins. I don't do ground PvP, but I hear it is pretty much the same.

This doesn't happen in games where teams are assembled randomly. I have never played two subsequent one-sided slaughter games in Team Fortress, or Quake, or above mentioned WoT or Star Conflict.


Of course, I again repeat that I fully understand the craziness of the idea, as we are in Star Wars universe, where there is a long tradition of the Empire versus the Republic and it is unthinkable for most to play as mixed teams.

But hell, so were unthinkable Jedi who fully turn dark side yet still gain title of Master. Or a good-shoes Darth. Many more (K I'm out but I'm sure there are more). So why couldn't we just get another voiceover for the GSf launch and have another kind of "simulation"?

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