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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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whats funny about the 4 people that keep on insisting this game will fail is... THEY ARE STILL HERE!!!


they are clearly SWG fanboys.



This game is not for everyone and if you`re one of those people then cancell your sub and good BYE!!!


Let the people who actually enjoy the game be. :)!! sounds fair? ok BYE!

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Let me break it down thus far for you:


Korriban: Over 150

Dromund Kaas: Over 150

Balmorra: Over 150

Nar Shaddaa: Over 150

Tatooine: Over 150

Alderaan: ~120


Haven't gotten further than that yet, but there are loads of players everywhere I've been. Also note the tracker says 150 where it's probably a lot more.


Must be depending on server, but I see lots of people everywhere. Also keep in mind lots of people are probably in their 20's/30's. Not everybody goes powerleveling like a maniac.

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I really wish people would do some maths and learn some facts before arguing about this:


You can switch instances to the other instance if player population is an issue.

Player populations in busy instances is already in the 120 mark.

If a bunch of people leave an instance, what the heck is the game supposed to do, pop up a message and say 'this instance is low population, please prepare for a merge?' - that really wouldn't cause a load of flaming threads, at all.

Has anyone sat down and done the maths on population?


Here's my breakdown:


Over 1 million players (according to news today)

Over 200 servers.

Average population per server therefore in the 5-6 thousand total.

Two factions (lots of people forget this little detail)

20 planets.

Skew towards starter planets.

24h cycle & life means that not all players will be on at the same time.

Likely spread therefore around 400-600 total on a given starter planet, around 150-200 on the subsequent planets, thinning out to around 30-40 on the higher level planets until more people catch up.

Instances can hold up to around 130 people before they start making new ones.


So a lot of what people are whining about has nothing to do with instancing per se. It has to do with low populations to begin with, the skew to starter planets because the game just launched, and in a few cases, busy instances emptying.


Asking for thousands of players on one planet isn't going to happen. The total population just isn't that big to begin with. It can't be. At least know what the heck you're complaining about before complaining.

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Asking for thousands of players on one planet isn't going to happen. The total population just isn't that big to begin with. It can't be. At least know what the heck you're complaining about before complaining.


I'm playing on a FULL server with long queue entry times.


It feels like a ghost town in EVERY location.

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I'm playing on a FULL server with long queue entry times.


It feels like a ghost town in EVERY location.

I'm not going to debate subjective semantics. If 20-30 people running past you at any one time is a ghost town, then clearly we must agree to disagree, because that's what I'm seeing.

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I'm not going to debate subjective semantics. If 20-30 people running past you at any one time is a ghost town, then clearly we must agree to disagree, because that's what I'm seeing.


I dont see 20-30 people running past me at any one time.


FULL server.

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Likely spread therefore around 400-600


Asking for thousands of players on one planet isn't going to happen. The total population just isn't that big to begin with. It can't be. At least know what the heck you're complaining about before complaining.




There is no way that 600 people in the training area could possibly be tolerable to anyone right? Perhaps a better compromise would be to increase the amount of people per shard. But to get rid of shards altogether would be madness.

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