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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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Again one is a game and one is a car. They are not the same and comparing them is pointless.


Remember in school when they taught you comparisons? You should go back and re-learn. I just gave you a compare and contrast to BOTH two cars and two games to show analogously how they are the same, to describe a point. I am beginning to think you lack comprehension skills.

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Remember in school when they taught you comparisons? You should go back and re-learn. I just gave you a compare and contrast to BOTH two cars and two games to show analogously how they are the same, to describe a point. I am beginning to think you lack comprehension skills.


First you have to compare two similar things. You are comparing apples to oranges they teach you that also in school. Just because they are both fruit doesnt mean they are the same.

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sharding is not going to be accepted by the mmo community. get rid of it or watch the subs fall like it did in every mmo that tried to get away with it


You don't speak for the MMO community. I've been playing MMOs for over 11 years now, and I honestly much prefer the sharding system. I'd rather have that than have n times the number of players all trying to camp the same things.

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First you have to compare two similar things. You are comparing apples to oranges they teach you that also in school. Just because they are both fruit doesnt mean they are the same.


Holy God, you are either a troll or just that stupid. I did compare two like items. I compared Wow to Tor and then showed how your argument was flawed by comparing a car vs a car that was created the same way.

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Holy God, you are either a troll or just that stupid. I did compare two like items. I compared Wow to Tor and then showed how your argument was flawed by comparing a car vs a car that was created the same way.


WoW and ToR are also two different games. You want ToR to be WoW. It is not WoW will never be WoW. It doesnt play like WoW. There are not 100s of people in one spot like WoW. The game is heavily instanced unlike WoW. These are design decisions to make the game different from WoW. If you love WoW and want to play a game like WoW you are in the wrong game.

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So being level 39 i think i'm in a good position to say this.


So this game has story and at the expense of story, we have lost the MMO.


I remember making a post about 2-3 years ago being worried that this game was going to be a single player game with a multiplayer aspect.


It turns out i'm right.


Not only does every single planet have instances, but republic and empire are also instanced apart, except for specific areas.


World PvP lakes are instanced also.


Feels more and more like a polished version of Age of Conan.


Really quite sad now.



Instances are everywhere, a big planet like Tatooine will gain another instance around every 100th player. My argument here is if WoW can allow everyone to be in the same zone at once, why can't ToR?


Guilds are incredibly basic, its just a chat room.


Crafting i quite like personally.


The combat feels clunky and the interface for combat (Action bars) is horrible, laggy, buggy and just awful. Apparently a friend who is playing a commando said:


look at commandos mortar.. it takes 1.5seconds from the casting bar starting for the first mortar to fire, the casting bar has long gone before the 3rd and final mortar hits the floor


I was hoping that the graphics would improve, but they are really poor, even for stylised realism. I think they made the art for the game back in 2008 - 2009 and haven't really updated it since. The graphics in conversations is great, its just a shame that doesn't reflect in the game world.


The story is great, but the animations are starting to annoy me. They seem to have made around 10 different animations for conversations and just reused them.


There is no diversity in armour, top tier armour is just recoloured and given a different name.


They have completely removed the MMO for story. Its so sad that they are so close to probably the best MMO to date, but they fall short right at the end....


Following this game for 4 years, bought the collectors edition, eagerly waiting all the updates and news i could get my hands on. And in the end, its made me realise that no matter the developer, the budget and the IP, No game is worth waiting for any more.

Edited by SaltZ
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OP is absolutely right, it's been a big concern of mine since launch. Where are the people? I play on a heavy to full population PVP server. Level 29 and I've seen 5 enemy players since I got into EGA on 12/15. And that's an exact number.


I like the game but it's going to bore me to tears eventually. I play MMO's to be part of a world. Life After People isn't much of a world.


Keep switching insatnces till you find a full one then duh

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I agree 100% with the OP. We play on a pvp server to pvp against the other faction.

Warzones rock,open world pvp gets a D-:D


I did manage to find a few sith players around. however....


turns out we dont get any valor points for open world kills. no tracking of kills, nothing. so even if you can find another player you get zero reward for it.


I had 4 kills and one fight where I ran off. I'd like to see 4 kills in my character screen even if I cant get valor pts.


Ive noticed that on every world I explored beyond Tatooine, the layout is always the same. the republic bases and quests are all up north. the sith are all down south. and with miles of jagged terrain that you really cant explore in a straight line, its not easy to get to the opponents area


poor design layout + sharding = little chance for open world pvp

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bioware made this game to be single player... its not hard to understand... im not even going to get into how bad they messed up the worlds... instanced zones r a game killer...


They aren't a game killer for everyone. For some people, like myself, non-instanced zones are a game killer.

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You want to be social? Get a girl friend and go on a date...other wise stop spewing there are no players when you can see all the heavy to full servers prove you absolutely wrong. My guild is rocking in PVP and the flashpoints.....we have fun sorry you need your hand held in a game.
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WoW and ToR are also two different games. You want ToR to be WoW. It is not WoW will never be WoW. It doesnt play like WoW. There are not 100s of people in one spot like WoW. The game is heavily instanced unlike WoW. These are design decisions to make the game different from WoW. If you love WoW and want to play a game like WoW you are in the wrong game.


I want to play an MMO, where everyone is in a non-shard/phase setting so I can PVP freely. Currently I cannot, so why does bioware even have PVP servers?

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I want to play an MMO, where everyone is in a non-shard/phase setting so I can PVP freely. Currently I cannot, so why does bioware even have PVP servers?



Translation: I wish to gank unsuspecting victims and cackle gleely of my PvP prowness

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I honestly saw more people grouped up for the last day of galaxies than i see of anyone else in this game. There was like 20 people on flurry when galaxies /wrist and bled out. I feel like this should be another guild wars. I pay you one time for a single play game with multi-player aspects. You take the money and wait till they release the next ACTUAL Star Wars MMO. BW stick at what your good at. You have made games that have intrigued me and kept me sastified for days and even weeks on end. I'm a level 25 commando and already im so bored im posting on the forums. I mean come on. Im going to rant literally for an hour about this. You should have just made kotor 3 and left it at that. This game is boring and im ONLY level 25. It feels like i have to go fetch stuff for someone every five seconds not to mention you really pissed me off when you made Cybord a fricking race.... i mean come on.... ITS A HUMAN WITH VISIBLE IMPLANTS!!!! Not to menton your racials suck. At least on wow my racial was useful you know? On this you didnt even give us a bonus to a certain crew skill...... you just straight up gave us a skill that makes everyone dance and clap..... *** man..... and i try to cal custome support about subscription problems and i end up having to call 19 times in a row to get a automated system...... NOT to mention you dont even have server forums... there was literally probably 50 people left active in galaxys when it went down but it had forums up till literally the last day. I cant wait to see you fail and become F2P. It WILL happen and when it does.... ill say you should have taken the Blue pill, because honestly the red pill is to much for you to handle.

That will be all you may continue living your miserable lives Bioware!

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