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Anyone else EXCITED about Player Housing?


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I love the idea of player housing and would rather not see it like Ultima Online where individual shops are set up. Having the fleets or capitol worlds as central gathering places is fine for now, the population of the "galaxy" isn't big enough for everyone to have their own shop yet. And it would begin to separate everything a bit too much right now. You'd end up having the same access as we have now in the GTN for crafted goods.



I must admit that the indiuvidual shop keepers is the ONLY aspect of UO/SWG housing I miss


Player cities in SWG were cool (at first when they were cities and you still had huge land mass to adventure and play in) but once planets basically became one huge city with no playable landmass the game stopped being fun or interesting in any way.


We could have an adapted version of the GTN that has the qualities that we like the best. Personal Stronghold Vendors could have their for-sale items listed through the GTN, and when you purchase an item that was on a personal vendor, you get a choice of whether to have the item mailed to you (for a small additional fee) or to go pick up the item in-person at the seller's Stronghold, in which case you'd get a quick-travel item in your Mission Items to go to the Stronghold. This could give a natural traffic level to Strongholds that would add a lot to the game, as buyers could avoid extra GTN fees and sellers could show off their decorations and trophies.


And for an urban sprawl system, what could work best is if a planet were designed to have an extensible land mass whenever it becomes too crowded. Also, clever things could be done with any particular terrain, such as houses with entrances in the sides of mountains, houses that are underground and take up only virtual space, and houses that are vertical and can have more than one floor. There's no reason they can't do something very clever with all 3 of these possibilities, I don't see it as particularly complicated. I very much doubt SWToR would ever get any region of open-wilderness for house placement... but if somehow it did happen I'd expect something extremely clever and varied along these lines.


Well, I hope they can do something interesting with a Stronghold Vendor... there are a lot of varied possibilities.

Edited by anonnn
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Do you really belive what this housing system will hase something else? Legacy bank with steets for billions and billions credits for each will be only functional stuff in it, and maybe few wariants of GROUNT FIXED furniture items (of course the best items in cartel market only). Lets talk true - this "housing" will never be like in SWG or EQ2 (bouth of this 2 games hase one core). There is no trophy or any same system - EA just making anther way to drain credits and real money from players. All what you can do - choose variant of main table or lamps in your home, but their locations in your home will be fixed.
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Do you really belive what this housing system will hase something else? Legacy bank with steets for billions and billions credits for each will be only functional stuff in it, and maybe few wariants of GROUNT FIXED furniture items (of course the best items in cartel market only). Lets talk true - this "housing" will never be like in SWG or EQ2 (bouth of this 2 games hase one core). There is no trophy or any same system - EA just making anther way to drain credits and real money from players. All what you can do - choose variant of main table or lamps in your home, but their locations in your home will be fixed.


Take a look at

, it clearly shows various deco items at random locations and at odd angles. My guess is that we can place all of our furniture at any (yaw) angle we choose anywhere in the room. And the deco items include statues, plants, lamps, tables, chairs, couches, banners, and Ops trophies such as Karagga and Soa statues. They say HUNDREDS of unique decorations will exist (see KEY FEATURES-->Customize Your Strongholds), so it's not just a small tiny set of possible deco. It also matters to note that in the intro videos, all the Stronghold floors are perfectly flat (no stairs or ramps), except for a small rise in-between the doorways which will probably be the only place deco items can't be placed. As well as a certain distance from the walls, since the Nar Shaddaa Stronghold walls have a small ramped corner where the wall meets the floor.




Also, they've specifically mentioned where we'll be able to get furniture and other deco items. Though it seems there won't be any craftable furniture items, only crafted furniture components that are required to purchase some of the furniture items found on vendors.

  • a set of starter decorations
  • vendors (such as Reputation vendors) ...some of which will required crafted components
  • loot drops from Flashpoints and Operations
  • for Cartel Coins on the Cartel Market


The FAQ text is as follows (in Q6):


You will earn a set of starter decorations when you purchase your first Stronghold. Many decorations will be available on existing vendors throughout the game as new rewards for Reputations, PvP, Crew Skills, and more. While some of these decorations will be available for credits and other currencies, many will require components created by crafters. Decorations can also be obtained as loot drops from Flashpoints and Operations. Finally, a variety of unique decorations can be purchased with Cartel Coins on the Cartel Market.

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Ony thig I expected - placing furniture in special furniture nods, like in LOTRO: 20 nods for small objects, 10 for medium and 3 for large object (with different numbers of course), they will never give us opportunity to placing any item in any place, because game core, only core for free placing in SWG and EQ2 (with chairs on the wall and gobelens on floor and stairs created from 300 oak beds because you can rotate it in any dimention).

I relly want this free placement, but I know EA and bioware well enough. We will never place our floor carpet on the wall only on marked place on the floor.

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Ony thig I expected - placing furniture in special furniture nods, like in LOTRO: 20 nods for small objects, 10 for medium and 3 for large object (with different numbers of course), they will never give us opportunity to placing any item in any place, because game core, only core for free placing in SWG and EQ2 (with chairs on the wall and gobelens on floor and stairs created from 300 oak beds because you can rotate it in any dimention).

I relly want this free placement, but I know EA and bioware well enough. We will never place our floor carpet on the wall only on marked place on the floor.


Did you take a look at

? . . In that video chairs and couches can be seen facing each other at strange angles, which makes me sincerely doubt that the furniture is locked to preset node locations. It's possible these are all on a preset 8-possible-angles or 16-possible-angles of rotation (16 angles would almost be enough), but what I think is seen in that part of the video is free-rotation furniture which can be set at probably 128+ different angles. And I can't think of any reason they would have free rotation and not also have arbitrary placement anywhere on the floor, other than possibly preventing 2 pieces of furniture to be placed such that they overlap each other and look strange. However, the furniture items at 0:53 look like they're close enough together that if you spun the couch around to the right angle, it would intersect the chair, so I think that's not the case.


I doubt they'll allow 2 pieces of furniture to intersect, so I think they probably added some kind of clipping algorithm to prevent placement or rotation of a deco item such that it intersects another item. And possibly their algorithm for this might not be exact which would often prevent 2 items from being placed exactly adjacent to each other. I suspect they would want to do a maximally simplistic clipping region utilizing a single rectangular volume or cylindrical volume for each deco object, which for any odd-shaped objects would result in unnecessary restriction when in even slight proximity to other deco objects. Which would be highly annoying, so I hope they decide on a more complex clipping algorithm that uses several volumetric regions that closely hugs the shape of the deco object.


All in all, I don't see even a single indicator that there are any restrictions at all on either floor placement or rotation (other than objects clipping other objects) - it really does look like a free-floor-placement system (with only Yaw rotation, not Pitch or Roll like in SWG).

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Dont suggest about housing system by this preview pre-alpha or even "pre-nothing" video. Just cross your fingers and wait good stuff, but be ready for money-draining fail to not be dissapointed).


I entirely expect to be disappointed with the Legacy Stronghold Storage, for the purpose of Legacy crafting from that storage. And I don't think they'll have enough variants of deco for my taste. None of the features they've rolled out since launch have ever had the extra-special-something that I look for, the extra little kick that makes it amazing and wonderful. However, I still hope for something unexpected that will impress me. My standards are high - I played SWG up until it shut down when SWToR launched.

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Not wanting to rain in anyone's parade...


But BIOWARE has given absolutely no real descriptoin of what things actually are, instead we get totally vague one liners and leave it up to us to make things up, and then when we get whatever BIOWARE winds-up giving us, we find ourselves greatly disappointed because we allowed our expectations to go rampant..


As I had been asking over and over, I want to see detail, detail, detail. So as far as I am concerned, the housing is going to have the minimum possible features, I expect a lot of teasers, and mostly left to a lot of promise that someday in a galaxy far far away may be realized. Think of this, think of the all the "how great the space fighter" was supposed to be, and at the end the tremendous let down it became, because we were lead ot bleieve it was going to be fantastic, and then we got mediocre...


Do ourselves a favor, and with regards to housing, expect mediocrity, and when we receive it we will not be disappointed.



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The way I see it, the Strongholds feature is still several months off, and they're probably not done implementing many of the details of it. If glorious ideas for it can be put into the Suggestion Box here, and the devs read the ideas, they may actually use a suggestion or two even before the initial roll-out of the feature. Or they might tweak a feature in favor of something they see here, and change the Strongholds feature from mediocre to "Ok that's kind of cool".


You never know. Expect ideas to flow freely, in the direction of an absurd level of awesomeness . . .

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


. . . . . New video reveal (June 3, 2014): . .





Small observations:



  • curved seating (looks like connected chairs)
  • vehicle showroom (with an energy door that leads to outdoors Coruscant)
  • minipets as decorations, and some kind of deactivated droid deco


  • shelf units
  • a glowing table
  • a large staircase with paintings decorating the walls
  • a new goddess statue
  • digital library wall decoration
  • round rugs, rectangular rugs



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Small observations:


minipets as decorations


I'm going to be very sad if its "Cartel Market Only" minipets.


The Gannifari and Heartglow Mewvorr are my favorites, neither which show up in my collections even though I have both of them.


So they are the minipets I own that I would actually want in my houses that I probably won't be able to... :( :(

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Lots of bells and whistles, and shiny beads without real detail, just marketing hot air, as Clinton said long ago :The devil is in the deatail"


My suggestion to the reader, do not go day dreaming grand things about this, expect the bare minimum with a huge lot of promise for what it could be. Manage your expectations, and you will be both satisfied and happy with what they actually give you, even if its of mediocre value.


It is unfortunate, that players such as I have experienced many MMORPGs that had offered housing, and thus we do have real experience to benchmark against what SWTOR is proposing to give us in August. Frankly, I much rather they took their time and offer us something competitive to what the other MMORPGs offers to their customer base.



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Lots of bells and whistles, and shiny beads without real detail, just marketing hot air ...


My suggestion to the reader, do not go day dreaming grand things about this, expect the bare minimum with a huge lot of promise for what it could be. Manage your expectations, and you will be both satisfied and happy with what they actually give you, even if its of mediocre value.



. . . because Lowered Expectations is a good thing right?!


Hey, man, we get to sit on couches ! . Just go review the features again, and pretend like there's going to be some unexpected awesomeness in some of the features that isn't obvious from the reveal videos. . . <3

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. . . because Lowered Expectations is a good thing right?!


Hey, man, we get to sit on couches ! . Just go review the features again, and pretend like there's going to be some unexpected awesomeness in some of the features that isn't obvious from the reveal videos. . . <3


Oh my, that is one of my favorite funny SNL skits, sadly there is a lot of truth in that...


Videos can be decitful, you see things in a certain fashion, and think of abilities there may not be...



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Oh my, that is one of my favorite funny SNL skits, sadly there is a lot of truth in that...


Videos can be decitful, you see things in a certain fashion, and think of abilities there may not be...




There are a few things though that are all but guaranteed to be fun & useful:


  • decorating our own stronghold and bringing friends to visit (with sittable couches!). I just hope that a 2nd person can't walk up and sit on top of you!
  • Legacy Stronghold Storage! We'll get at least 1 pane of storage space for our entire Legacy to share, which almost certainly will be usable by all characters for crafting!
  • Ops trophies that will function as deco objects


All the other possible features that have been hinted at, such as having a huge number of travel options directly from our Stronghold, or whether our Stronghold will function as a convenient craft-and-sell center, will have to be seen on launch day! . . :)

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No. Not at all. It's garbage.


I don't want to Play Barbie Dress Up House. I do that quite well on my Barbie Dress Up House game.


I want to play group content woth my characters. I don't want to dress them up, I don't want to decorate their house. I just want enough decent content that me and my friends can play. This does not include the worst thing to ever come to an MMO, tacticals. Can whatever comes next please not be brainless tacticals?


If you're getting excited about player housing, you're probably a carebear.

Edited by Maldorans
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I'm not excited at all about player housing. My ship works fine. If I wanted to play interior decorator, I'd play some variation of the Sims. Only thing I'm interested in is the Legacy Storage Vault to help me with crafting.


I'd rather they focused those resources on new storyline content. New planets and new companions. I'm a little tired of running the Oricon dailies...

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