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Call out to all gsf pilots


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OK guys and gals this is a call out .


We are goings to try this again tonight at 8 pm est on the pts.

I'd like to formally invite anyone an everyone to come play with us tonight .

This is not about wining or loseing tonight or a whos better cmp.

Just a chance to actually test these things's out and check out the new map, which I hear is different game mode.


So please if you are intristed come out and help out .We as a community are the only ones that can hold ourselves back. Lets take this opperituneity to get a early look at whats to come for our beloved GSF.

So if you are a guild o a different server and you would like a chance to fly with some of the best pilots from across all of the servers and a chance to disscuss all things gsf tonight. Come n over and let's chck it out .

We cant do it alone and for some unknown reason thse die hard ground pvpers and oper's that cant fly refuse to que up for us to try it.

So I ask you GSF pilots alike to come out tonight and to tell all of your friends tonight is the night to come play, with like minded people.You willnot be shuned because you are imp or pub you will be accepted because you are Pilot

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