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how much longer do I have to earn the season 1 pvp rewards?


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I was wondering how much longer I have to get my pvp rating up to get season 1 rewards. And I would also like advice on how to get my rating up. I have a tendency to be put on a crappy team. Is there anyway I can get my rating to 1500 when I am constantly on the losing team? I am usually one of the top DPS's in non-ranked warzones so I don't think its me that sucks.Thanks in advance. Edited by watermelonfan
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April 8th, 2014 is the Patch 2.7 Expected Release Date. So, you have a little under a month still.


Also, if you are a phenomenal player the only roadblock to getting to 1500 is simply odds. Play more games and you will get there. It took me around 150 matches personally. Remember to quit when you start getting stressed and walk around or do something else for a little.

Edited by PUMA
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