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GSF Cosmetic Account wide unlocks

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GSF Cosmetic Account wide unlocks


Please, We need some account unlock items for cosmetic features on GSF


I have zero interest in GSF. During the first week of release I loved it and was ready to buy up every customization... then I read on the forums all the customizations were for one character with no account wide unlocks.


That pretty much turned me completely off GSF and I haven't queued since.


I agree, there needs to be some option to unlock it account wide.

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They need to make your GSF ships and stuff account wide. I leveled up a Scout on my main bit when I'm on my alt I have zero interest in re leveling another ship so I don't even do the dailies or weeklies. It can't possible be that hard. Why should have to level 5 scouts for 5 toons?
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