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PVP Flashpoints


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I'm sure there is a similar thread here somewhere but id like to revive it since its not up anymore, Ive been talking about pvp flashpoints for a while and wanted to share some of my ideas, and hopes for future content.

As you all know, pvp has been a dull grind since release, but we all want the gear because killing other players, or at least holding your own against other players trumps pretty much everything. With that said getting the gear is a lot like work and not much fun at all when the pvp que is random, repetitive, and unfriendly.

PVP content has been slow and painful, It seems like instead of releasing new pvp maps and events were just getting new armor that's only slightly better that we have to grind all over for and that's just disgusting. What most of us pvpers want is more maps, a better way to que, like choosing the maps you want to que for, and more interaction with cross factions. I know its been mentioned before but a lot of people wanted class qued war zones and we never really heard anything back so im suggesting there should be more pvp maps and some of them should be more like flashpoits. Im not saying we need to change the same 5 pvp maps around, but i would like to see a place we can go to and jump into pvp like the flashpoint gates, and operation gates, and if there were pvp gates we could choose to group up and enter maps like hutball with a team that actually wants to play. With that said id also love to see story driven pvp flashpoints where say 4-8 players could que up and fight actual wars in story mode, this would be wonderful for RP servers, not just some hold the node crap we've all done a thousand times.

Edited by DexmRaven
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That is what most of the people who plays this game always wanted, the most boring part of the game is when you reach the level 55, not for the finished story, for have to do all the times dailies and Wz, the best to solution this problem would be things like Raven said before.

I want to add another important like the World PVP, should have an additional map on each planet which it was all PVP (something like Ilum but with level restrictions for avoid the ganking and rewards for motivate the players to play it, Ilum nowadays is dead because the lack of these) or at least quests in a same map for imps and pubs which would benefit the World PVP, which would make a better and more real experience. The Star Wars PVP was my motive to play this game but when I entered and only could play a good PVP when I'm in Wz I was very dissapointed.

Edited by MiguelGx
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