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Targeting GSF reset/default key binds "R" Key


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According to this, I should be able to use my "R" key to target last person fired at me.

It does not seem to work at all.AM looking for any suggestions on why, and how to fix, correct.


IE: is there a Key Bind Issue at play here? Is there a reset to default for GSF?


I really need to use this as I get the crap shot out of me and cannot respond.




Targeting is fairly basic. Use Tab to cycle through nearby enemies to see who is near you and how far away they are from you. If you spot someone in your HUD, you can manually target them by pressing E. This will cause a targeting reticle to show up on top of them, allowing you to aim at them. If you want to know who just attacked you, press R and their name and targeting reticle will show up.

Tab Cycle through nearby enemy players and target them. Their ship and name will be displayed in a small window at bottom right corner of your screen

E Manually target someone near your mouse cursor, a reticle will show up, allowing you to aim at them

R Press this button to target the enemy player that just hit you



Appreciate any assist on this.


Why does the "R" key not function.



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It does work, but if you're targeted by more than one person then the interface will get confused. A combination of tab and R can narrow it down.


Also you may find it easier to re-map the keybingings for targeting to your mouse scroll button to: forward/up to target under rectical and down/back to last person targeting you. I also map barrel role, retro thrusters, etc. to scroll button push down.


I hope that helps ya!

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I have some theories on what might be happening.


The most likely is that you lose sensor data on that person that just hit you. If a gs at max range hits you and you barrel roll away you can lose him on your sensors. Pressing 'R' to target something your sensors can't see doesn't work.


I have also noticed that sometimes if I press 'R' multiple times it targets different things. Maybe it creates a stack of enemies who have hit you and cycles through them (I'll have to double check this to make sure it's 'R' I'm pressing when this happens).


If pressing 'R' never does anything it could be you have lost the keybind and need to rebind it.

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