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Need an Imp Guild


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Can anyone recommend a good Imperial guild on this server? I'm not much of a PvP'er but I do like to run Ops and World Boss hunts and such. If you know of a guild that supports that I would like to join them. Level 55 Deception Assassin. Edited by DonMeridius
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Well, if we didn't give a shout out for our own Imperial guilds, we'd be doing it wrong =)


Depends on what level Ops you want to run, my guild is decent for a nice low stress, run whatever feel. But if you are looking for something more than clearing SM every week, and the occasional cluster of HM FPs or WB hunts, then you might find it boring.


If you are interested in checking out Black Watch, you can send an in-game mail to me at any of the names in red in my sig, or to Citlalmina (he has some other alts, but he's been playing her most recently). We're kind of quiet right now, but that is because our sister guild got very active and a chunk of our members migrated there (and rl claimed many of the others). We run Ops most Saturdays (even if the members that are on end up joining someone else's run because rl claimed the wrong people at the wrong time), and every other Friday. The other days are dependent on whoever is available.


We have Mumble, an enjin site, and a Facebook page. We also have the 10/10 bonuses (so people are logging in, even if it seems quiet).

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