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The Problem with GSF


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Stupid username, I know. But hear me out.


Since the Bomber's release. It seems to be a quite effective tactic in Team Deathmatch to fill up your entire team with Bombers, Gunships, and Scouts, Create a massive defense line with the Gunships, filling the space around them with anything from healing probes to concussion mines. And letting the Scouts do the spotting. Leaving the other team to fight for a lost cause and die only to lose. While it isn't cheating or anything. It's done over, and over, and over again. GSF isn't even fun anymore when I can tell we're going to lose before the game even begins. If this can somehow be stopped, I'm sure many more people would appreciate it rather than hate it.

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Stupid username, I know. But hear me out.


Since the Bomber's release. It seems to be a quite effective tactic in Team Deathmatch to fill up your entire team with Bombers, Gunships, and Scouts, Create a massive defense line with the Gunships, filling the space around them with anything from healing probes to concussion mines. And letting the Scouts do the spotting. Leaving the other team to fight for a lost cause and die only to lose. While it isn't cheating or anything. It's done over, and over, and over again. GSF isn't even fun anymore when I can tell we're going to lose before the game even begins. If this can somehow be stopped, I'm sure many more people would appreciate it rather than hate it.


Ion weapons.


EMP weapons.

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Ion weapons.


EMP weapons.


Both are horribly ineffective in TDM, because all those drones and mines are too much scattered around to actually hit more than 1-2 targets at a time. They're only effective in Domination, where everything is nicely packed together at the satellites.

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Wow. People use strategies and tactics in the game :o


You know, these things don't just happen, people have to temawork. If they teamwork, they are either a bunch of good fellas or a premade. If they are a premade, you have two choices:

1) get your own premade and develop a counter-tactic, or even do the same and see who wins.

2) jump on the anti-premade wagon and go cry to all threads around here.


It is well known truth, known for ages, said in the first Battlefield and even before: Teamwork is OP!

Edited by Slivovidze
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Stupid username, I know. But hear me out.


Since the Bomber's release. It seems to be a quite effective tactic in Team Deathmatch to fill up your entire team with Bombers, Gunships, and Scouts, Create a massive defense line with the Gunships, filling the space around them with anything from healing probes to concussion mines. And letting the Scouts do the spotting. Leaving the other team to fight for a lost cause and die only to lose. While it isn't cheating or anything. It's done over, and over, and over again. GSF isn't even fun anymore when I can tell we're going to lose before the game even begins. If this can somehow be stopped, I'm sure many more people would appreciate it rather than hate it.


Wait, you are suggesting that the optimal play involves a coordinated strategy between players in three of the four different ship types using their strengths to cover each others' weaknesses?

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Wait, you are suggesting that the optimal play involves a coordinated strategy between players in three of the four different ship types using their strengths to cover each others' weaknesses?


And that disorganized pugs have a hard time countering this strategy!

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Some of these responses are just the height of callousness.


The tactic described in the OP is only effective against uncoordinated pick up groups. Teams I've seen using this tactic tend to quit when they face other proper teams. Which is all fine and dandy in my book, it just shows how pathetic and worthless they really are at the game.


But it still makes playing solo for fun a rather frightening prospect because you never know when you'll end up facing these people.


On the flip side, watching them quit when they find that your side has a premade team who've all set up to hard counter them, is very entertaining.


It's even better when they actually try to put up a fight and make their stupid little "tactic" work.


In short,


People just want easy wins. They seldom have the stones to actually go and earn their wins.

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I encounter stuff like this from time to time when pugging, and honestly there is not much you can do about it if:


A) Your team refuses to listen / work together




B) you and your teammates ships are unmodded, or lightly modded and your facing a team of maxed players


Its a cheesy tactic for sure, especially when an organized team uses it against a pick up group, but its a valid tactic. The only real counter to it is another premade, or if a pug group manages a coordinated strike (taking the mines with GS and SF first) before moving in for the kill.


My advice when this happens, try to inform your team and get a plan going. If this fails, try to bait them out of their death field, you may at least get a few kills before they fully turtle.

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from what i've heard and seen with my own eyes is that people are taking advantage of a known glitch where a bombers payload tracks, locks, and fires through obstacles, add to that the EMP weapons radius is way to small to be effective, usually only hits one or two targets if you're lucky, and you have a recipe for major frustration...

the Obstacle Glitch needs to be fixed and the EMP radius needs to actually cover the area shown in the Blast Radius bubble that surrounds the EMP Explosion/Ship, not just 1/4 of it, i've watched teammates use EMP from a distance and noticed it affected a radius about 1/4 the size of the EMP Pulse Wave, most enemies and bomber payloads were not affected regardless of being in the Blast Radius unless they were directly in the middle of it, the Gunships Ion Slug has a bigger radius than the EMP weapons...


hmmm, i wonder why a large number of people only choose Gunships and Bombers now?.. :rolleyes:

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Stupid username, I know. But hear me out.


Since the Bomber's release. It seems to be a quite effective tactic in Team Deathmatch to fill up your entire team with Bombers, Gunships, and Scouts, Create a massive defense line with the Gunships, filling the space around them with anything from healing probes to concussion mines. And letting the Scouts do the spotting. Leaving the other team to fight for a lost cause and die only to lose. While it isn't cheating or anything. It's done over, and over, and over again. GSF isn't even fun anymore when I can tell we're going to lose before the game even begins. If this can somehow be stopped, I'm sure many more people would appreciate it rather than hate it.


I would say that you mostly see this in the lost shipyard TDM, Here's a simple fix they should try.


Right now there is a no mans land middle of the map and GS can fire support each other for targets anywhere alone the rime of this area. So put a Giant Asteroid right smack dab in the middle, this will transform the no mans land where any GS can support any other GS to distinct fire zones that either force GS to concentrate more to support each other allowing the opposing team to attack from multiple directions or simply they stay spread out and cannot support each other as well.


Then the EMP weapons can do their jobs and GS are pretty hopeless when strikes and scouts are in close range.


Should give it a try Bioware, it is a simple solution.

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