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Not enough pilots on EU servers


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After checking the "aces" list I noticed that there are loads on the US servers...but when I check out EU servers, there aren't many.

Perhaps its server merge time again on EU servers- if you dont want to give us cross server battles- then perhaps merge the servers again so we have decent populations again.


Last night I sat from 12 pm UK time till 4am in the morning and only ONE gsf queue came up for me!!!

I work night shift so my playing habits adapt to the times I work.


Though only to have 1 single match in 4 hours is very sad indeed considering I love the gsf.

They suggested I move to a US server...but I spent so much time on my chars- and while waiting for gsf to pop you want to be doing other things!

So moving to a US server from scratch is a pain...

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In Europe, there are 3 languages, and 3 server types.


You can't merge PvP, PvE or RP servers together in any way.


Why do Frenchies and Germans get their own servers is beyond me. I want Czech servers, too. Why don't Russians have their servers? (joking, I'd actually agree with removing these separate language servers and merging them into English one)

Anyways, as it is now, you can't really merge three different language servers into one without huge outrage.


Long story short, EU sevrers are already merged as much as possible.

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Most servers will be barren soon I think. GSF is unbalanced and not fun for the outmatched side. They can't even fight back most of the time.


What I am seeing now is people farmed at the spawn in TDM, and entire teams huddling near 1 captured sat in Domination. It's pathetic.

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Most servers will be barren soon I think. GSF is unbalanced and not fun for the outmatched side. They can't even fight back most of the time.


What I am seeing now is people farmed at the spawn in TDM, and entire teams huddling near 1 captured sat in Domination. It's pathetic.


Indeed as I discovered today playing quite a few matches.......I am on imperial side and today on red eclipse we lost 8 games in a row and not by just but by huge margins- like the deathmatches - it would be like 30 odd points to us versus there 900.


This was happening in all the games I was playing..... I shot at ppl ,,,hit loads but never killed anyone- as soon as I got near someone and started chasing them- something else would one shot me - like empire is using decoys for all the ion cannon pilots- a deliberate tactic.


Not fun for people trying to start in gsf.....it really seemed a cool idea...until spending a few days playing it.

To think this is why I re-subbed.....guess there's no point again next month...might as well go play ESO then :)

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Indeed as I discovered today playing quite a few matches.......I am on imperial side and today on red eclipse we lost 8 games in a row and not by just but by huge margins- like the deathmatches - it would be like 30 odd points to us versus there 900.


This was happening in all the games I was playing..... I shot at ppl ,,,hit loads but never killed anyone- as soon as I got near someone and started chasing them- something else would one shot me - like empire is using decoys for all the ion cannon pilots- a deliberate tactic.


Not fun for people trying to start in gsf.....it really seemed a cool idea...until spending a few days playing it.

To think this is why I re-subbed.....guess there's no point again next month...might as well go play ESO then :)


Whats your main gsf char name?


i was on last night and it was mixed bag really for win/loss ratio.


all my chars on both rep and empire side have in the range of 48-52 ratio range for win/loss,


Empire side is my main same as you.


I suggest you get to know some of the top pilots, even on games that are a disastor youll always see me in the thick of it giving it my all. Start teaming up with some of the good pugs and there are some so dont say there isnt please.

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After checking the "aces" list I noticed that there are loads on the US servers...but when I check out EU servers, there aren't many.


It is no surprise that it does look like if there are only a few "aces" on the EU server, or they only do exist on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, The Progenitor and The Red Eclipse.


That three server are the English ones, and the thread is an English one, because of that it is no surprise that nearly no information about the aces on Darth Nihilus, Battle Meditation, Mantle of the Force [French] and Vanjervalis Chain, T3-M4, Jar'Kai Sword [German] server do exist in the thread. It will stay like that until the OP of the list will post a similar thread in the native languages in the France and German forum to gather the information about aces from there; until that is done the list will never be accurate on the status quo on France and German server.

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