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Need to go shower, because that was disgusting.


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I thought you said bombers were OP? This is pretty much how it is for bombers unless they have about a minute to get fully entrenched on an unchallenged node. Except for some UI issues and bugs, I think they're doing ok balance-wise.


The skill-to-reward ratio is all out of whack for bombers of both types, because it takes almost no effort to drop their payloads efficiently but reaps rewards comparable to skilled piloting of any other ship. Through that lens, they're OP. I also have problems with players relying on the AI to fight for them in PvP. In short, they're not properly balanced.


You're right that the bomber I killed was an easy kill because he didn't have time to set up (though he was clearly outclassed in the piloting department, and his build was also questionable -- I mean, seriously, protorps?), but that doesn't justify the problems bombers present when they do have time to set up.

Edited by Armonddd
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Bioware cannot play the game for bad players, and shouldn't try.


You know, I've been saying the exact same thing about the capital turret nerf? Bioware shouldn't try playing the game for bad players.


But they did. And this is the result.

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You know, I've been saying the exact same thing about the capital turret nerf? Bioware shouldn't try playing the game for bad players.


But they did. And this is the result.


I think there's a difference between playing the game for them, and properly presenting the information required. It's not like there's a useful tutorial that talks about choosing your spawn or anything, and that's a pretty important mechanic. (Hell, it doesn't even mention pitch and yaw speeds, which are absolutely critical for competent flying.)

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I still think that Capital Ships should be turned into exhaustion zones. It will fix the camping on the ships and keep the lasers blasting the spawn campers away.




I've been supporting this idea for a while, and I'm pretty sure the OP has endorsed it in the past as well.



Making the area currently guarded by the turrets an exhaustion zone, and give each spawning ship a 10-15 second buff that makes them immune to said exhaustion zone, would prevent spawn camping while simultaneously eliminate the "run back to capship" strategy that resulted in so much stupidity prior to this patch.

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I still think that Capital Ships should be turned into exhaustion zones. It will fix the camping on the ships and keep the lasers blasting the spawn campers away.


I think this is the real answer. It gets the in-coming people moving and prevents spawn camping, all at once.


I don't think it's as bad as the OP suggests (someone tried that to a group I was with recently and people spawned in different locations as well as at that spawn and we blew up each of the idiots that thought it was a good idea). People will learn to respond and things will improve, as things have somewhat with bombers. but at least an exhaustion zone would prevent the real egregious stuff when there is a very weak team.


Of course bad teams and players will still get trounced everywhere else on the map, but they won't be able to blame it on spawn camping, which is better overall.

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I still think that Capital Ships should be turned into exhaustion zones. It will fix the camping on the ships and keep the lasers blasting the spawn campers away.




I've been supporting this idea for a while, and I'm pretty sure the OP has endorsed it in the past as well.


Yes, pretty much. I've been thinking this was a good idea since early access. It just doesn't make sense to me that there's no punishment for essentially desertion in a military scenario. Yeah, yeah, sith are above the law, and smugglers aren't technically military, and all that... but if this is really being run by Admiral Ranken, I don't think she'd take kindly to people turning away from the fight, and while everyone else may not be part of the republic military, they're still working with it, and I'd think the gunners would conveniently forget their jurisdiction.

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