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BC Dueling


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True. I guess it depends on the player, and how you play your opponent. Most times I enter a duel I try to see things from my enemies perspective, and how I would try to kill myself if I were him with that class, as well as what I would expect. If I have time I may try to make it to one of these dueling events, I'm way out of practice.


sure. the more the better. got a good turnout from grim tonight. thanks to everyone who had the time! it was alot of fun. gonna make another night doing this.. to be posted soon :)

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sure. the more the better. got a good turnout from grim tonight. thanks to everyone who had the time! it was alot of fun. gonna make another night doing this.. to be posted soon :)


Cool, looking forward to it. I'd love to see how this spec I'm using handles other classes in pure 1v1s. Hopefully I can catch an event that will line up with my time off. Works brutal these days. :/

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It was a good time last night. Mallo, thanks for putting it on.


Regarding specs, I mainly ran lethality last night. As is the case with most classes, some specs can be strong vs one class/spec and weak against the other. That being said, I would like to thank Hamis (sp?) for the humbling experience ;)

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From my experience dueling a sniper as smash generally works if they are dirty fighting. Marksman just has too much reduction against smash, I'd honestly rather go watchman for marksman, simply due to the fact that the kinetic dots rip medium armor apart, but dueling a good sniper as any melee will be tough. I miss krronn now ffs
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys just wanted to update this thread and say that tommorrow after my raid with guildies I want to do another dueling event. anyone is welcome to attend and I will update tommorrow with times and such.

See you nerds there! :D

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Arriight homies. Planning on making another dueling night in these upcoming days. if your interested leave your name and a preferred time to play. ill try to see how many people we can get and ill do it on a day where most people can attend and ill get some fleet chat spam goin round.
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ok guys. so dueling night is gonna be on tatooine again and its gonna be on tuesday. thatll be my next day that im not busy. The time will prolly be around 8-9 pst... ill keep yall updated. hope to cya there! :D

Edit: Totally forgot I raid tuesdays... so we better make it monday. Same time as above.

Edited by SnowmanSD
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  • 5 months later...

Hello everyone. Im not really sure if anyone uses the forums anymore or if anyone cares or not but I wanted to ask and see if there was any interest in holding dueling events again. With strongholds I feel that we could make some really fun places to hang out at. I already made my arena and hope to invite people to it.


If anyone holds any interest in having a chill place to hone your skills just lemme know. im usually on late at night on any of my pub characters edgyboi, saltyboi, lallo, nallo, and a couple of others with similar names...:p

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