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Possible Races to RP as in TOR :D


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Hello friends! So, knowing that there are some races that are very similar to humans I developed a curiosity as to what species OTHER than options in TOR could a person create and customize a character in such a way that they could pass as a member. I scoured the internet for a list of options, and got a lot more results than I realized! I was surprise to find that not only are there species that closely resemble humans, but also chiss, mirialans, rattataki and other races as well. As I constructed my list of possibilities I was happy to discover that many of the species were easily possible to create, however I often came across two dilemna's for some that seemed near possible. The first was wondering if with good use of gear or a stretch of the imagination an avatar could pass as species even if the naked form of the avatar does not perfectly match the species. The other dilemna was not being able to find proof that the species was or wasn't around for the old republic era. So, after a lot of wondering if I should or should not omit certain options I have decided to create 3 lists. "POSSIBLE" contains the group I feel a player could customize an avatar using TOR's character creation options to create the exact physical representation of the species and I have found no reason to doubt their presence in our current SWTOR time period. "PLAUSIBLE" was the group I felt that either through clever use of gear, stretch of the imagination or approaching as a halfling (half-human) then the species could be passable in RP if the player felt comfortable with it. The last group "NOT CERTAIN" are the species I couldn't find proof if they were or were not available in this time period.


I also have a brief physical description of each race included in the lists. Some races have exceptionally rich histories, culture, and more -- while others have very little information about them. I feel they all could make for fun RP and encourage everyone interested in creating a unique species for their character to check out the options in this list!


Lastly, this post is considered a draft and I would appreciate tips, corrections and advice. Well, I hope this is helpful. :)







Arhan: link

~Very similar to humans, but smaller and more fragile


Arkanian: link

~Very similar to humans, but with pale skin, white hair and white eyes


Arkanian Offshoot: link

~Very similar to humans, but with pale skin, white hair and most commonly white eyes.


Berchestian: link

~Very similar to humans, but bald with face tattoos


Brosin: link

~Exceptionally similar to humans.


Chev: link

~Very similar to humans, but with pale skin, heavy brows, no facial hair, and short blond or white hair (that is typically dyed a vibrant color).


Dantari: link

~Very similar to humans, but very muscular bodies (type 3), ape like faces, tan skin and black hair.


Dargas: link

~Very similar to chiss very little visual differences, however this species is much more well suited to live in deserts.


Echani: link

~Very similar to humans, but with light skin, white hair and silver eyes.


Epichanthix: link

~Very similar to humans, but tall, muscular and dark haired. Every member of the species has a rare genetic immunity to force-assisted mental tricks, influence, domination and mind reading.


Fondorian: link

~Very similar to humans, but without any hair.


Geran: link

~Exceptionally similar to chiss(almost identical), but required hydron-three containers to survive off home planet.


Hapan: link

~Exceptionally similar to humans (almost identical), but considered far more attractive and possess poor night vision.


Keshiri: link

~Very similar to Chiss, but with purple skin and black, red or violet eyes. A deep blue/purple chiss could be one option, or covering up eyes with gear is another option.


Kiffar: link

~Similar to humans with brown skin, black hair and tattoos that indicate clan -- though some have been seen without.


Morellian: link

~Exceptionally similar to humans (visually identical), but with extra-long lifespans (do not even begin to show signs of aging until about 160 years old).


Null: link

~Very similar to humans, but very tall (type 3) and men tend to have facial hair (often braided)


Nyriaanan: link

~Very similar to humans, but stocky and with eyes that could adjust to dim light.


Ropagu: link

~Exceptionally similar to humans (Visually identical), but facial hair tend to resemble the Fu manchu style.


Sarkhai: link

~Very similar to humans, but with face tattoos.


Shorak: link

~Very similar to humans, but more muscular and members often dye hair deep colors and decorated arms with tattoos.


Sorrusian: link

~Exceptionally similar to humans (visually identical), but skeletal system can compress -- allowing them to squeeze through tight places.


Teevan: link

~Similar to humans, but bodies are highly flexible and skin is silver-hued.


Tholothian: link

~Very similar to humans, but were dark-skinned with blue or indigo eyes.


Ubese: link

~Very similar to humans, but more frail and graceful. Tend to have fair skin and dark hair with eye colors of brilliant green or blue, but both dark skinned individuals or cyborgs of this species have been seen.


Umbaran: link

~Very similar to tattoo free rattaki or bald pale humans.


Vahla: link

~Very similar to to humans but tended to be tall and thin. Their skeletons were mostly composed of thick cartilage, giving them more flexibility but at cost of being far more frail than the typical species.


Velabri: link

~Very similar to humans, but with white eyes and spiky silver hair (like a Mohawk).


Yaka: link

~Very similar to humans, but tall and more brutish appearing (type 3's).


Zelosian: link

~Exceptionally similar to humans (visually identical), but all have green eyes and a sort of chlorophyll sap as blood. Sugar also has effect to them that alcohol has on humans, and all members of the species are completely blind in the dark.








Bimm: link

~Very similar to humans, but far shorter (1.5 meters). Halflings most viable.


Borneck: link

~Very similar to mirialans, but with pale yellow to orange-brown skin. Could create a yellow mirialan and cover up face tattoos with headgear.


Etti: link

~Very similar to humans and chiss but with pale blue skin, delicate frames and human-like eyes. Halfing viable, or covering chiss eyes with gear viable.


Firrerreo: link

~Very similar to humans, but hair tended to be duo toned and all members had nictitating membranes. Halfing, shaved head or assuming hair is dyed are all very possible.


Gen'Dai: link

~Appearance is far different from other species, but most wear masks and suits all their lives. It would be easy to fully gear a type 3 to pass as this species.


Hamadryas: link

~Very similar to mirialans, except without face tatoos and more ape-like faces. Using gear or hairstyles to cover up tattoos on face could possible allow a user to pass as one.


Icarii: link

~Very similar to humans, but with more primitive facial features and fewer digits on hands and toes. Besides thumb and index finger, fingers appear to be combined into one. Besides big toe all toes appear to be combined into one. Halfling viable, or using cyborg hands.


Kalzarian: link

~Very similar to humans, but with grey leathey skin, black teeth and yellow eyes. Could use gear to cover eyes or use yellowish human eyes if user deems passable. For teeth could simply not emote expressions that show teeth, and RP that teeth are black any time their character would open their mouths.


Sephi: link

~Very similar to humans with exception to large elf like ears. User could use hairstyles that are bulky on either sides of head to hide ears, or cover head with hoods.


Mosciive: link

~Very similar to humans with exception to blood red eyes. User could cover eyes with gear or cybernetic implants to pass as member of this species.


Ocsinin: link

~Very similar to humans with exception to black pupil-less eyes, translucent skin and slender frame. User could create a character with pale skin that they would emote about how it was translucent, and cover the avatar's eyes with gear or cybernetic implants.


Omwati: link

~Simliar to chiss with human eyes, petite forms and feathers in place of hair. A halfling where eyes are covered is plausible, or covering head with hood and eyes with gear or implants also a possibility.


O'reenian: link

~Very similar to humans, but skin has an orange tint and eyes are very dark (black). Halfling viable, or simply RP'ing that skin glistens with an orange hue, or covering eyes with gear if dark eyes option isn't acceptable to user.


Sand People/Gorf: link

~Rarely seen without gear on (appeared like rats beneath), so it is plausible to use in game gear to RP as one -- though in lore they are rarely seen offworld.


Sernpidalian: link

~Similar to humans, but with white hair, pale skin and red eyes to appear like an albino. Haflings with colored irises are one option, or covering eyes with gear or implants are another option.


Skup: link

~Similar to humans in form, but in petite form. Also had close-set eyes, brittle hair and yellowish skin. Members also tended to be disproportionate in frame, such as having very short legs and long arms. A user could cover a type 1's entire body with gear to RP as a this species, or stretch the imagination.


Theelin: link

~All theelin's are progressivly more and more hybrids as their species developed a mutation that made it difficult for them to produce offspring, causing them to become extinct by 10 ABY. In appearance the Theelin are very diferse. Some have bright colored skin and hair, some have spots, some have horns, and so one. Most had vividly colored hair, pale skin (sometimes of a purple or reddish tone), and most were mottled with spots from their neck down. A user could pass as the species by covering up most of body with exception of face and creating a pale human character with bright colored hair -- or by covering the entire body with gear.


Vorzydiak: link

~Similar to mirialans, but with larger eyes and a pai rof antannae. Player could cover tattoos and head to pass as this species and simply emote that the characters eyes were quite large, or they could cover the entire body.


Vultan: link

~Similar to humans except for pale skin and a mass of fleshy cartilage folds, ridges and strands covering the top and backs of their heads (and pointed ears). Player could simply roll a human or tattoo free rattataki and cover their avatar's head with a hood to pass as this species.


Wroonian: link

~Similar to chiss except with yellow eyes. Player could cover chiss avatar's eyes with gear.


Xa Fel: link

~Were once exceptionally identical to humans (visually identical while also being nearly genetically identical), but due to the poisoning of their home world they are left disfigured and damaged at the genetic level. All individuals appear exceptionally ill, undernourished and deformed. Each individual struggles with adapting to a clean environment, often chocking or passing out due to the intense purity of the air. An android version of this species seems plausible, or using a balding human face with dark side corruption and terrible complexion.


Zeltron: link

~Simlar to humans except with red or pink hue skin, and pink, red, purple or black hair colors. This species is deemed exceptionally attractive, and is aple to produce a potent pheromone to enhance attractiveness and likeability. They also have limited telaphatic abilities to project emotions onto others as well as read or even feel the emotions of others. Some representations of the Zeltrons show skin colors simlar to pale humans with bright colored hair, so players could possibly pass as one if they did this. Another option would be to RP as a halfling by creating a human with pink, red, purple or black hair colors. The final option is the cover the avatar's entire body with gear.






Kage: link

~Similar to humans with pale skin and yellow or red eyes.


Ganathan: link

~Similar to humans, but with pale skin and hair. Used steampunk technology.


Galacian: link

~Similar to humans with pale skin (luminous and a hint of blue).


Ferroan: link

~Similar to chiss with pale-blue skin except with golden eyes instead of red. Player could cover avatar's eyes to pass as this species.


Farghul: link

~Similar to Cathar with tufts at end of ears. Possible to wear hood to cover up difference in ear from cathar.


Felacatian: link

~Very similar to cathar, except could change into feral form.


Enso: link

~Almost identical to humans except were acclimated to arctic conditions. If left without a full-body coolth suite in warmer climates they will experience instant heatstroke.


Meerian: link

~Similar to human, but very small and wiry (1.5 meters), pale skin, bright gold or pale silver hair and eyes lacking pupils. Player could cover eyes with gear.


Mugaari: link

~Similar to humans with heavy-brow ridges, long jaws and slate colored skin.


Myke: link

~Similar to sith or humans. Had fairly pale complexion, black hair, and fleshy "chin tufts". Eyes ranged from purple, to grey, to dark brown to dark gray. Player could create a sith character with chin tendrils, black hair and brown eyes - then show dark side corruption to create a pale complexion. The other option is to cover avatar with gear, or stretch the imagination for the existence of chin tufts on a human character, or RP a "halfling".


Nagai: link

~Similar to humans, but with pale skin, black hair, gray eyes and angular features.


Pantoran: link

~Similar to chiss, but with yellow eyes and some facial markings. Player can create a chiss character and cover eyes with gear.


Tof: link

~Similar to mirialans, but with large rotund bodies (type 3). Faces are often covered in headgear through depictions anyways, so using gear to cover tattoos seems viable.


Zygerrian: link

~Similar to cathar but with larger ears and lack of hair. Some representations depict this species with ears similar to the cathar. Colors range from brown, to gray, to red. Males tended to have straps of fur growing on their cheeks and boney spurs protruding from the chin. A player could roll a bald cathar to pass as this species, using a stretch of the imagination to emphasize the existence of the boney spurs -- or they could create a female cathar with head covered to hide ears that may be small -- or they could cover the avatar head to toe in gear.


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