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Operation need tuning

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In the beginning, I want to state clearly that I do NOT want operations to be anyhow easier by tactics or anything.


What bothers me recently, is the random and lag factor in the operations overall. There are tactics in the bosses where the engine itself cannot handle them properly, reliant on server lag. My examples:


Xenoanalyst - reappearance at start - some people in the raid could not see him he reappeared invisible and appeared many seconds after (wiping 8m HM where there is no time)


Calphyus transitions between phases - when a phase end and you are teleported back, he chooses random target - the question is how tanks can taunt in time when both have loading screen yet ?


Brontes - laser "hearts" and Corruptor gravity field - your computer draws you several meters away ... but you are teleported back and killed (or stunned) by server lag.


General late appearance of objects (Operator spheres, tentacle at Brontes, etc. etc.)


And I think all of us could continue ...


Anyway, why is server lag 60 ms, when my typical online latency is 15 - 20. I do not have a calculator, my computer and network performs well.


Do you also have such annoyance factor in the game ?


The operation HM difficulty seems fine to me at least (I am no hardcore), guild recently made good progress in HMs, but this annoying stuff I believe should be corrected.

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Step 1. Don't play in Australia or anywhere with lag over 300ms


Step 2. In case step one failed. Use http://www.Wtfast.com or other useful service. [They actually work pretty damn well.]


Step 3. ?!!!!??!?!?!?


Step 4 Profit.


Extra: You play at 60ms lag. Dude if you can't get out of ****, you're either slow or your computer is. That ain't much lag at all for an MMO game.


Also Corrupter zero isn't random. He has a melee phase and a ranged phase based on that, you can guess pretty accurately when he will be using a gravity field.

Edited by mastirkal
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While I agree that some bosses could use a little more rng factor (like Cartel Warlords for example) and be completely dependant on players sklll, what you posted has little do to with it. Sounds to me like personal hardware/software issue, or poor understanding of game mechanics
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Step 1. Don't play in Australia or anywhere with lag over 300ms


Step 2. In case step one failed. Use http://www.Wtfast.com or other useful service. [They actually work pretty damn well.]


Step 3. ?!!!!??!?!?!?


Step 4 Profit.


Extra: You play at 60ms lag. Dude if you can't get out of ****, you're either slow or your computer is. That ain't much lag at all for an MMO game.


Also Corrupter zero isn't random. He has a melee phase and a ranged phase based on that, you can guess pretty accurately when he will be using a gravity field.


If you do not want to say something reasonable, just do not post to forums please. I see no reason why you flame and it seems you havent even read my post and my point.

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While I agree that some bosses could use a little more rng factor (like Cartel Warlords for example) and be completely dependant on players sklll, what you posted has little do to with it. Sounds to me like personal hardware/software issue, or poor understanding of game mechanics


Sorry but I think you misunderstood me. RNG factor is completely fine. But Loading screen in Calphaus for tank when half of people is already taking damage has nothing to do with RNG or tactcis misunderstanding.


I have quad-core with 8 GB RAM, Radeon 6750, I have no internet problems whatsover and I do not speak about any tactics - I speak about lags and engine slowness.


I see no reason why I am being flamed on this thread and accused for tactics misunderstaning for simply wishing the engine of the game to be tuned to provide good gameplay for people who meet hardware recommendations to play.

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I play with 100ms + ping because of my location, and I never noticed any trouble with mechanics. One of our guildies has 160ms+ ping and is able to taunt Caliphayus on time when she tanks. I don't think your issues are correlated with ping, because personally I'd kill to have 60 ms. :D


Loading screens and loading of textures is client side probably. :<

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Calphyus transitions between phases - when a phase end and you are teleported back, he chooses random target - the question is how tanks can taunt in time when both have loading screen yet ?


Brontes - laser "hearts" and Corruptor gravity field - your computer draws you several meters away ... but you are teleported back and killed (or stunned) by server lag.


General late appearance of objects (Operator spheres, tentacle at Brontes, etc. etc.)

1a) Calphias will attack whoever has aggro on him after you return to the present. Tanks can only generate aggro on him during the present phase; healers generate aggro on him during both the present and past/future phases. That's it. If he's going after 'random' raid members you have a threat problem.

1b) have your tanks disable their loading splash screen



2) I just haven't heard anyone else assert that they died to server lag. Corruptor gravity field comes at 1 minute, 1 minute 30, 3 minutes, and 3 minutes 30 after the boss hits the ground.


I've definitely had problems seeing some graphical effects and add spawns; it's been a problem since Soa's lightning pools and has included Op IX spheres and Corrupted Clone spawns. But in the case of Op IX spheres I know where to AOE. In the case of Corrupted Clone spawns I know who to Target of Target.


So while some of these things are real issues that could be addressed, there are presently workarounds for every single real problem. By all means accuse me of flaming. By refusing to acknowledge that I am providing you with solutions to these problems, you will simply be hindering yourself further.

Edited by MGNMTTRN
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Anyway, why is server lag 60 ms, when my typical online latency is 15 - 20. I do not have a calculator, my computer and network performs well.

Perhaps they are measured in a different way? If you measure your "typical online latency" with the ping command, note that it's a very low level operation. The response packet is generated by the operating system kernel, if not by network hardware itself. By contrast, SW:TOR's latency meter is likely in the game engine, and has to go through several additional levels of protocols and abstraction, which cause additional delays.

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1a) Calphias will attack whoever has aggro on him after you return to the present. Tanks can only generate aggro on him during the present phase; healers generate aggro on him during both the present and past/future phases. That's it. If he's going after 'random' raid members you have a threat problem.

1b) have your tanks disable their loading splash screen



2) I just haven't heard anyone else assert that they died to server lag. Corruptor gravity field comes at 1 minute, 1 minute 30, 3 minutes, and 3 minutes 30 after the boss hits the ground.


I've definitely had problems seeing some graphical effects and add spawns; it's been a problem since Soa's lightning pools and has included Op IX spheres and Corrupted Clone spawns. But in the case of Op IX spheres I know where to AOE. In the case of Corrupted Clone spawns I know who to Target of Target.


So while some of these things are real issues that could be addressed, there are presently workarounds for every single real problem. By all means accuse me of flaming. By refusing to acknowledge that I am providing you with solutions to these problems, you will simply be hindering yourself further.


I cannot accuse you of flaming of course, you are not. Thanks for info about loading screen, I had no idea about it. Thank you for constructive response :-)

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If you do not want to say something reasonable, just do not post to forums please. I see no reason why you flame and it seems you havent even read my post and my point.


If you think that's flame, I can't imagine what real level flaming would be like, hellfire? Magma~?. Most of your concerns are not server side issues and are not related to lag. Popups are client side, and with 60 ping you're not likely to see any problem with mechanics. What I can conclude from that is either YOU as a person are slow to react, or YOUR COMPUTER is slow to render.

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If you think that's flame, I can't imagine what real level flaming would be like, hellfire? Magma~?. Most of your concerns are not server side issues and are not related to lag. Popups are client side, and with 60 ping you're not likely to see any problem with mechanics. What I can conclude from that is either YOU as a person are slow to react, or YOUR COMPUTER is slow to render.


Ok, no offence intended. I take your point.


However, the fact that SWTOR is only game ever here which shows these problems. And as I said, maybe I do not have the top computer but is far from low end.

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I used to play on Core Two Duo processor - all those issues were present in SV and TFB fights for me.


Once i have upgraded to new mobo (AsRock) and new cpu (I5) i have no issues. I still play on old trusty GTX460 and no textures are loading slow.


When i was trying to find out why do i have issues on my old CPU i came to conclusion that the way it works is that your PC loads whatever is present in given room at the start of the fight and users your available resources to hold that in your memory/cpu.

When new adds spawn, or you teleport to new location - your PC needs to load additional textures/objects from game files on your HDD. Now depending on how fast/slow your computer is this process takes from split second (new i5 -i7 type computers with 8gb memory) to 15-30 seconds on computers that have less ram or processing power.

This was confirmed by few people from my guild that has similar experience and some of them once upgraded computers to newer spec would have no issues.



Now there are few client/server side issues that you mentioned and i will talk about two:

1. Corputor Zero gravity field. Player in question has 120mb broadband connection and play with <50ms latency. On this video he is clearly outside of the field but gets pulled back. What is happening here is that client refreshes your position every so often plus when specific events happens like crouch/jump/pull/leap etc. If you client will not refresh your position in time server thinks you are in the field and "pulls you magically back" as seen below. In order for us to not have this issue we just jump up while running away to make sure client will refresh your position with the server.


2. Raptus - last phase - we alwys get our tanks/melee do jump just to make sure they are out of the purple circle so the client updates the server about new location



In general - adds not showing or showing late, boss not showing when its spawns (think about it - you only have a problem like this when something new enters the combat. New adds of the same kind will display no problem as its already in your system memory/cpu) is your PC issue.


In order to find out what is the bottleneck of your system run some tests. If you do windows 7 test, and your PC is top end you should have all top marks in all tests.


1. Maybe your hard drive is running really slow (if you can afford its nice to have SSD dysk for a games or OS to run from - helps a bit).

2. Maybe your CPU is not correctly or is using only one core (did hear about people only using one core within windows environment not even sure how this is possible).

3. SWTOR cache file. This file sometimes gets corrupted and its wise to delete it. You would need to find a thread somewhere which file it is (usually 1gb in size)

4. Latest drivers for your VGA are a must. Other hardware like sata controllers, chipset can help as well

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